#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Reading and Writing Audio Files with scipy.io # # [back to overview page](index.ipynb) # # The package `scipy.io` is part of [SciPy](http://www.scipy.org/), a library for scientific computing, which itself depends heavily on [NumPy](http://www.numpy.org/). # # Documentation: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/io.html # # Audio data is stored in NumPy arrays, which is convenient. # Audio channels are represented by the columns of the array. # # 16-bit files are stored with data type `int16`, normalization to the range (-1, 1) must be done manually. # # Advantages: # # * already installed if you have SciPy # * 32-bit float files supported (since version 0.13, see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/commit/ccbdff8) # * can read some WAVEX files (but a warning message may be generated) # * works with both Python 2 and 3 # # Disadvantages: # # * 24-bit PCM not supported # * 32-bit float WAVEX files don't work # * conversion from PCM data to floating point and normalization must be done manually # * always loads whole file, cannot read part of a file # * needs NumPy and SciPy (which is normally not a problem) # ## Reading # # Reading a 16-bit WAV file into a floating-point array is simple, here's the summary (you'll need [utility.py](utility.py)): # In[1]: from scipy.io import wavfile import utility fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wav_pcm16.wav') normalized = utility.pcm2float(sig, 'float32') # But let's do that step-by-step, shall we? First, let's switch to inline plotting and import matplotlib and NumPy: # In[2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # All relevant functions are in the `wavfile` module from the `scipy.io` package. That's all we have to import for reading and writing WAV files: # In[3]: from scipy.io import wavfile # Now let's open a WAV file, get some information about it, show its actual sample values and plot it: # In[4]: fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wav_pcm16.wav') print("sampling rate = {} Hz, length = {} samples, channels = {}".format(fs, *sig.shape)) print(sig) plt.plot(sig); # So far, so good. # # Before further processing, we normally want to convert the signals to floating point values and normalize them to a range from -1 to 1 by dividing all values by the largest possible value. # # To do that, I wrote a little helper function called `pcm2float()`, located in the file [utility.py](utility.py), let's load it: # # In[5]: import utility # As always, you can get help with `utility.pcm2float?` and show its source code with `utility.pcm2float??`. # In[6]: print("old dtype: {}".format(sig.dtype)) normalized = utility.pcm2float(sig, 'float32') print("new dtype: {}".format(normalized.dtype)) np.set_printoptions(precision=6) print(normalized) plt.plot(normalized); # That's it! Now we have a floating point signal with values ranging from -1 to 1 and we can start working with it. # If you prefer double precision numbers instead of single precision, use `'float64'` instead of `'float32'`. # # Let's check if WAVEX works (there might be a warning): # In[7]: fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wavex_pcm16.wav') plt.plot(sig); # 24-bit files may raise a `TypeError` ("data type not understood") or a `ValueError` ("total size of new array must be unchanged") or another `ValueError` ("string size must be a multiple of element size") or probably something else. # This depends on the version of SciPy (and maybe Python itself). # In[8]: import traceback try: fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wav_pcm24.wav') except: traceback.print_exc() else: print("Surprisingly, wav_pcm24 seems to work!") plt.plot(sig) try: fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wavex_pcm24.wav') except: traceback.print_exc() else: print("Surprisingly, wavex_pcm24 seems to work!") plt.plot(sig) # 32-bit float files can be used since version 0.13 (see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/commit/ccbdff8), # but there may be warnings. # In[9]: fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wav_float32.wav') plt.plot(sig); # 32-bit float files in WAVEX format also work in recent versions of SciPy. # In[10]: fs, sig = wavfile.read('data/test_wavex_float32.wav') plt.plot(sig); # ## Writing # # That's easy, you just need a NumPy array with an appropriate data type where each column represents a channel of audio data: # In[11]: data = np.array([[1.0, -1.0], [0.75, -0.75], [0.5, -0.5], [0.25, -0.25]], dtype='float32') wavfile.write('scipy_float32.wav', 44100, data) # If you want to save 16-bit PCM files, you have to provide the NumPy array with data type `'int16'`. You can use my function `float2pcm()` from [utility.py](utility.py) to do the conversion: # In[12]: import utility wavfile.write('scipy_pcm16.wav', 44100, utility.float2pcm(data, 'int16')) # That's it! If you want a 32-bit PCM file (which is very uncommon!), you can use `'int32'` instead of `'int16'`. # ## Epilogue # # Finally, let's see what versions we were using: # In[13]: import numpy import scipy import IPython print("Versions: SciPy = {}; NumPy = {}; IPython = {}".format(scipy.__version__, numpy.__version__, IPython.__version__)) import sys print("Python interpreter:") print(sys.version) #

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