#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Reading and Writing Audio Files with the `soundfile` module # # [back to overview page](index.ipynb) # # There are many libraries for handling audio files with Python (see [overview page](index.ipynb)), but the best one is probably the [soundfile](http://github.com/bastibe/SoundFile) module. # # Full documentation including installation instructions is available at http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/. # # Advantages: # # * supports many file formats (thanks to libsndfile) # * WAV, OGG, FLAC and many more # * see [bottom of this notebook](#Available-Formats) for full list of supported formats # * supports 24-bit PCM and 32-bit floating point WAV files # * WAVEX support # * can read parts of audio files # * automatic type conversion and normalization # * works in CPython 2.x and 3.x and in PyPy as well # * provides audio data as NumPy arrays by default, but it can also work with plain Python buffer objects if NumPy is not available # # Disadvantages: # # * no MP3 support # # Installation: # # python3 -m pip install soundfile # ## Reading # # This is the quickest way to load a WAV file into a NumPy array (using [soundfile.read()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.read)): # In[1]: import soundfile as sf sig, samplerate = sf.read('data/test_wav_pcm16.wav') # That's all. Easy, isn't it? # # But let's have a closer look ... # # The test file is not a very typical file, because it only has 15 frames but it has 7 channels: # In[2]: sig.shape # In[3]: samplerate # Let's check the contents of the file by plotting thw audio waveform: # In[4]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[5]: plt.plot(sig); # Looking good! # # In most cases [soundfile.read()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.read) is all you need, but for some advanced use cases, you might want to use a [soundfile.SoundFile](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.SoundFile) object instead: # In[6]: f = sf.SoundFile('data/test_wav_pcm16.wav') # In[7]: len(f), f.channels, f.samplerate # In[8]: f.format, f.subtype, f.endian # In[9]: test = f.read() test.shape # In[10]: plt.plot(test); # In[11]: (test == sig).all() # As you can see, you get the same data as with `sf.read()`. # In[12]: # TODO: read mono file # mono data is by default returned as one-dimensional NumPy array, # this can be changed with always_2d=True # 24-bit files work: # In[13]: sig, samplerate = sf.read('data/test_wav_pcm24.wav') plt.plot(sig); # WAVEX is supported: # In[14]: sig, samplerate = sf.read('data/test_wavex_pcm16.wav') plt.plot(sig); # In[15]: sig, samplerate = sf.read('data/test_wavex_pcm24.wav') plt.plot(sig); # 32-bit float files work: # In[16]: sig, samplerate = sf.read('data/test_wav_float32.wav') plt.plot(sig); # In[17]: sig, samplerate = sf.read('data/test_wavex_float32.wav') plt.plot(sig); # ## Writing # # Writing audio data to a file (using [soundfile.write()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.write)) is as simple as reading from a file: # In[18]: sf.write('my_pcm16_file.wav', sig, samplerate) # Let's check if this file has really been written: # In[19]: get_ipython().system('sndfile-info my_pcm16_file.wav') # Note that by default, WAV files are written as 16-bit fixed point data (a.k.a. `'PCM_16'`). # You can find the default setting for each file format with [soundfile.default_subtype()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.default_subtype): # In[20]: sf.default_subtype('WAV') # If you want to save your file with a better quality setting (especially if you want to do further processing later), you can, for example, use the 32-bit floating point format: # In[21]: sf.write('my_float_file.wav', sig, samplerate, subtype='FLOAT') # Let's check if this worked: # In[22]: get_ipython().system('sndfile-info my_float_file.wav') # You can get all available subtypes for a given format with [soundfile.available_subtypes()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.available_subtypes): # In[23]: sf.available_subtypes('WAV') # ## Available Formats # # You can get all available formats with [soundfile.available_formats()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.available_formats): # In[24]: sf.available_formats() # ... and all available subtypes with [soundfile.available_subtypes()](http://pysoundfile.readthedocs.org/#soundfile.available_subtypes): # In[25]: sf.available_subtypes() # ## Version Info # In[26]: print("PySoundFile version:", sf.__version__) import sys print("Python version:", sys.version) #

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