sys.path.append('pysrc') import decision_trees as dt import networkx as nx import numpy as np inputs = np.zeros((16, 2)) outputs = [] row = 0 for x in range(4): for y in range(4): inputs[row][0] = x inputs[row][1] = y row += 1 for row in inputs: if (row[0] > 1 and row[1] < 2) or (row[0] < 2 and row[1] > 1):outputs.append(1) else: outputs.append(0) clazz = [0,1] meta = ['x','y'] tree = dt.build_tree(inputs, outputs, clazz, meta) dt.draw_tree(tree) data = np.zeros((16,4)) for r in range(16): data[r][0] = r data[r][1] = inputs[r][0] data[r][2] = inputs[r][1] data[r][3] = outputs[r] #print data sys.path.append('pysrc') import decision_trees as dt import numpy as np import networkx as nx from matplotlib import pyplot as plt p = 'data/' f = open(p,'r') all_lines = f.readlines() train_cnt = int(0.75 * len(all_lines)) lines = all_lines[0:train_cnt] col_cnt = len(lines[0].split(',')) row_cnt = len(lines) outputs = [int(line.split(',')[col_cnt-1][0]) for line in lines] inputs = np.zeros((row_cnt, col_cnt-1)) for row in range(row_cnt): line = lines[row].split(',')[0:col_cnt-1] inputs[row] = [float(v) for v in line] clazz = [0,1] tree = dt.build_tree(inputs, outputs, clazz, meta=['sbp','tob','ldl','adip','famhist','typea','obes','alc','age'], max_rm=5) #dt.draw_tree(tree) #compare the tree precition to training values, since we haven't pruned this should be very accurate diff = [] for row in range(train_cnt): p = dt.decide(tree, inputs[row]) if p == outputs[row]: diff.append(0) else: diff.append(1) misses = sum(diff) print "In the training data, there were {0} miss classifications for {1} inputs, a rate of {2}%".format(misses, train_cnt, 100*misses/float(train_cnt)) x = range(train_cnt) f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,1) f.subplots_adjust(right=1.5) f.subplots_adjust(top=1.5) #plot training comparison ax1 = axarr[0] ax1.scatter(x,diff) #compare the tree prediction to actual values not used in training set test_lines = all_lines[train_cnt+1:len(all_lines)-1] actual_out = [int(line.split(',')[col_cnt-1][0]) for line in test_lines] row_cnt = len(test_lines) test_in = np.zeros((row_cnt, col_cnt-1)) for row in range(row_cnt): line = test_lines[row].split(',')[0:col_cnt-1] test_in[row] = [float(v) for v in line] diff = [] for row in range(len(test_in)): p = dt.decide(tree, test_in[row]) if p == actual_out[row]: diff.append(0) else: diff.append(1) misses = sum(diff) print "In the hold out data, there were {0} miss classifications for {1} inputs, a rate of {2}%".format(misses, len(test_in), 100*misses/float(len(test_in))) x = range(len(diff)) ax2 = axarr[1] ax2.scatter(x,diff)