import os from os.path import join as join_path help(os.getcwd) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(os.chdir) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(os.makedirs) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(os.listdir) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(os.remove) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(join_path) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(os.path.abspath) # Change the curent directory to the location of the "Special_topics_part_1" directory os.chdir("/Users/malastm/new_ACM_tutorials/ACM-Python-Tutorials-KAUST-2014/Special_topics_part_1/") print("The current directory was : " + os.getcwd()) tutorial_example_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "example") os.chdir(tutorial_example_dir) print("The current directory changed to: " + os.getcwd()) print("Files in this directory: ", os.listdir('.')) import glob help(glob.glob) import shutil help(shutil.rmtree) def ensure_dir(d): """ Create a directory and ignore the error if the directory already exist""" import os, errno try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise def clean_all(): """This function removes any generated previous result at this tutorial's example""" import glob, shutil, os for f in glob.glob('results/*.*'): os.remove(f) shutil.rmtree('results/patients', ignore_errors=True) clean_all() help(open) print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") print(dir(file)) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(file.close) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help( print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(file.write) print("----------------------------------------------------------") help(file.readline) def print_file(f_name): """Print the contents of a file. The same operation of 'cat', the shell command""" f = open(f_name, 'r') print( f.close() print_file(join_path("scripts", "") ) import subprocess python_script = join_path("scripts", "") command = "Python " + python_script arguments = " Ahmad 1.77 80 25" ensure_dir('results') print("We will run a process using this command: " + command + arguments) sts = subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) print ("The return status of the process: " + str(sts)) print(os.listdir('results')) print_file(join_path("results", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) os.remove(join_path("results", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) script_template_txt = """#!/usr/bin/env python import sys name = str(sys.argv[1]) height = float(sys.argv[2]) weight = float(sys.argv[3]) age = int(sys.argv[4]) val = $formula f = open('results/patients/patient_' + name + '_' + str(age) + '.txt', 'w') f.write( "patient's name: " + name + "\\n") f.write( "patient's age: " + str(age) + " Years\\n") f.write( "patient's Weight: " + str(weight) + " kgs\\n") f.write( "patient's height: " + str(height) + " Meters\\n") f.write( "patient's $name: %f \\n" % val) f.close() """ from string import Template script_template = Template(script_template_txt) formula = "weight/height**2" name = "BMI" script_txt = script_template.substitute(formula=formula, name=name) with open(join_path("results",""), 'w') as f: f.write(script_txt) print_file(join_path("results","")) ensure_dir(join_path("results", "patients")) python_script = join_path("results","") command = "Python " + python_script arguments = " Ahmad 1.77 80 25" print("Execute: " + command + arguments) subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) print_file(join_path("results", "patients", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) os.remove(join_path("results", "patients", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) patients = [('Williams',19,84,1.74), ('Johnson',23,82, 1.65), ('Jones', 25, 70, 1.8), ('Jones', 29, 85, 1.66), ('Smith', 30, 120, 1.9), ('ahmad', 35, 50.5, 1.5)] for n, a, w, h in patients: arguments = " %s %f %f %d" % (n, h, w, a) subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) os.listdir(join_path('results', 'patients')) from collections import OrderedDict def parse_bmi(fp): fields = [("patient's name", "name", str),("patient's age", "age", int), ("patient's Weight", "weight", float),("patient's height", "height", float),("patient's BMI", "bmi", float)] record = OrderedDict() for f in fields: record[f[1]] = 0 for ln in fp: for f in fields: if f[0] in ln: # Using naive string parsing: #val = ln.split(":")[1].strip().split(' ')[0] val = ln.split(":")[1] val = val.strip() val = val.split(' ')[0] val = map(f[2], [val])[0] record[f[1]] = val return record files_list = glob.glob(join_path('results', 'patients', '*.txt') ) print (files_list) entries =[] for rf in files_list: with open(rf, 'r') as fp: record = parse_bmi(fp) entries.append(record) for i in entries: print(i) # We will use the itemgetter function to specify our soring key from the dictionary from operator import itemgetter d0 = entries[0] print(d0) ig = itemgetter('age', 'name') print (ig(d0)) # This is equivalent to: print(d0['age'], d0['name']) from operator import itemgetter entries = sorted(entries, key=itemgetter('age', 'name')) for i in entries: print(i) from csv import DictWriter fields = entries[0].keys() with open( join_path('results', 'records.csv'), 'w' ) as output_file: r = DictWriter(output_file,fieldnames=fields) r.writeheader() for k in entries: r.writerow(k) print_file( join_path('results', 'records.csv') ) from csv import DictReader with open(join_path('results', 'records.csv'), 'rb') as output_file: data = DictReader(output_file) data = [k for k in data] print(data) points = [] for d in data: points.append((d['age'], d['bmi'])) print(points) import tarfile f_list = [join_path("results", "patients", "*.txt"), join_path("results", "*.py"), join_path("results", "patients", "*.csv"), join_path("..", "*.ipynb")] f_list = [glob.glob(n) for n in f_list] f_list = [n for nn in f_list for n in nn] f_name = join_path("results", "bmi.tar.gz") print "Writing project files to:" + f_name with, "w:gz") as tar: for n in f_list: print "Adding to the tar file: " + n tar.add(n) # Repeating some functions definitions if only the exercise is executed def ensure_dir(d): """ Create a directory and ignore the error if the directory already exist""" import os, errno try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise def print_file(f_name): """Print the contents of a file. The same operation of 'cat', the shell command""" f = open(f_name, 'r') print( f.close() import os from os.path import join as join_path from string import Template # Full path to the special topics part 1 directory os.chdir("/Users/malastm/new_ACM_tutorials/ACM-Python-Tutorials-KAUST-2014/Special_topics_part_1/") os.chdir(join_path(os.getcwd(), "exercise")) print("The current directory changed to: " + os.getcwd()) print("Files in this directory: ", os.listdir('.')) script_template_txt = """#!/usr/bin/env python import sys name = str(sys.argv[1]) height = float(sys.argv[2]) weight = float(sys.argv[3]) age = int(sys.argv[4]) path = str(sys.argv[5]) $comp f = open( path + 'patient_' + name + '_' + str(age) + '.txt', 'w') f.write( "patient's name: " + name + "\\n") f.write( "patient's age: " + str(age) + " Years\\n") f.write( "patient's Weight: " + str(weight) + " kgs\\n") f.write( "patient's height: " + str(height) + " Meters\\n") $file_write f.close() """ # First we generate the script for the BMI and test it script_template = Template(script_template_txt) comp = "val = weight/height**2" file_write = 'f.write( "patient\'s BMI: " + str(val) + "\\n")' script_txt = script_template.substitute(comp=comp, file_write=file_write) ensure_dir(join_path('results', 'bmi')) with open(join_path("results", "bmi",""), 'w') as f: f.write(script_txt) print_file(join_path("results", "bmi","")) # Test the BMI script import subprocess bmi_results_path = join_path(os.getcwd(), "results", 'bmi', 'patients', '') command = "Python " + join_path("results", "bmi","") arguments = " Ahmad 1.77 80 25 " + bmi_results_path ensure_dir(join_path("results", 'bmi', 'patients')) print("Execute: " + command + arguments) subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) print_file(join_path("results", "bmi", "patients", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) os.remove(join_path("results", "bmi", "patients", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) # Generate the script for the Cholesterol and test it comp = """cholesterol = float(sys.argv[6]) if cholesterol < 200: risk = 'Low risk' elif cholesterol < 240: risk = 'Borderline high risk' else: risk = 'High risk' """ file_write = 'f.write( "patient\'s Cholesterol: " + str(cholesterol) + " (" + risk + ")\\n")' script_txt = script_template.substitute(comp=comp, file_write=file_write) ensure_dir(join_path("results", 'cholesterol')) with open(join_path("results", "cholesterol",""), 'w') as f: f.write(script_txt) print_file(join_path("results", "cholesterol","")) # Test the Cholesterol script chol_results_path = join_path(os.getcwd(), "results", 'cholesterol', 'patients', '') command = "Python " + join_path("results", "cholesterol","") arguments = " Ahmad 1.77 80 25 " + chol_results_path + " 100" ensure_dir(join_path("results", 'cholesterol', 'patients')) print("Execute: " + command + arguments) subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) print_file(join_path("results", "cholesterol", "patients", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) os.remove(join_path("results", "cholesterol", "patients", "patient_Ahmad_25.txt")) # Generate the BMI results patients = [('Williams',19,84,1.74), ('Johnson',23,82, 1.65), ('Jones', 25, 70, 1.8), ('Jones', 29, 85, 1.66), ('Smith', 30, 120, 1.9), ('ahmad', 35, 50.5, 1.5)] command = "Python " + join_path("results", "bmi","") for n, a, w, h in patients: arguments = " %s %f %f %d " % (n, h, w, a) + bmi_results_path subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) os.listdir(bmi_results_path) # Generate the Cholesterol results patients = [('Williams',19,84,1.74, 150), ('Johnson',23,82, 1.65, 220), ('Jones', 25, 70, 1.8, 200), ('Jones', 29, 85, 1.66, 250), ('Smith', 30, 120, 1.9, 210), ('ahmad', 35, 50.5, 1.5, 260)] command = "Python " + join_path("results", "cholesterol","") for n, a, w, h, c in patients: arguments = " %s %f %f %d " % (n, h, w, a) + chol_results_path + " %f" % (c) subprocess.check_call(command + arguments, shell=True) os.listdir(chol_results_path) def write_to_csv(data, f_name): from csv import DictWriter fields = data[0].keys() with open( f_name, 'w' ) as output_file: r = DictWriter(output_file,fieldnames=fields) r.writeheader() for k in data: r.writerow(k) # Repeating this function from the example from collections import OrderedDict def parse_bmi(fp): fields = [("patient's name", "name", str),("patient's age", "age", int), ("patient's Weight", "weight", float),("patient's height", "height", float),("patient's BMI", "bmi", float)] record = OrderedDict() for f in fields: record[f[1]] = 0 for ln in fp: for f in fields: if f[0] in ln: # Using naive string parsing: #val = ln.split(":")[1].strip().split(' ')[0] val = ln.split(":")[1] val = val.strip() val = val.split(' ')[0] val = map(f[2], [val])[0] record[f[1]] = val return record # Parse the BMI results using the BMI parsing script then store to the CSV file import glob files_list = glob.glob(join_path("results", 'bmi', 'patients', '*.txt') ) print (files_list) entries =[] for rf in files_list: with open(rf, 'r') as fp: record = parse_bmi(fp) entries.append(record) for i in entries: print(i) write_to_csv(entries, join_path("results", 'bmi', 'patients', 'records.csv')) print_file(join_path("results", 'bmi', 'patients', 'records.csv')) # Create a parsing function for the cholesterol results from collections import OrderedDict def parse_cholesterol(fp): fields = [("patient's name", "name", str),("patient's age", "age", int), ("patient's Weight", "weight", float),("patient's height", "height", float),("patient's Cholesterol", "chol", float)] record = OrderedDict() for f in fields: record[f[1]] = 0 for ln in fp: for f in fields: if f[0] in ln: # Using naive string parsing: #val = ln.split(":")[1].strip().split(' ')[0] val = ln.split(":")[1] val = val.strip() val = val.split(' ')[0] val = map(f[2], [val])[0] record[f[1]] = val # Handle the special case that extract the risk string from the cholestrol line if "patient's Cholesterol" in ln: val = ln.split(":")[1] val = val.strip() val = val.split(' ',1)[1][1:-1] val = map(str, [val])[0] record['chol risk'] = val return record # Parse the Cholesterol results using the Cholesterol parsing script import glob files_list = glob.glob(join_path("results", 'cholesterol', 'patients', '*.txt') ) print (files_list) entries =[] for rf in files_list: with open(rf, 'r') as fp: record = parse_cholesterol(fp) entries.append(record) for i in entries: print(i) write_to_csv(entries, join_path("results", 'cholesterol', 'patients', 'records.csv')) print_file(join_path("results", 'cholesterol', 'patients', 'records.csv')) # Read both CSV files, merge the tables, and store all the data in a single CSV file from csv import DictReader from operator import itemgetter with open(join_path('results', 'bmi', 'patients', 'records.csv'), 'rb') as output_file: data = DictReader(output_file) bmi_data = [k for k in data] with open(join_path('results', 'cholesterol', 'patients', 'records.csv'), 'rb') as output_file: data = DictReader(output_file) chol_data = [k for k in data] d0 = entries[0] print(d0) commons = itemgetter('age', 'name' ,'weight' , 'height') # for each record in the cholesterol results add the BMI field to it from the bmi record of the same patient all_data = [] for dc in chol_data: for db in bmi_data: if commons(db) == commons(dc): dc['bmi'] = db['bmi'] all_data.append(dc) write_to_csv(all_data, join_path("results", 'records_all_data.csv')) print_file("results/records_all_data.csv")