print \ """ Author: log0 Date: 2014/11/30 Website: Script to validate visually the stability property of L1-norm and L2-norm loss function. Experiment Design: - Generate N basic points at with varying y = b * x + c + random_number. - Generate M datasets with an outlier point clearly outside this range. - Plot M graphs to see how different outlier points will cause the different model to behave. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random from sklearn.linear_model import * from sklearn.ensemble import * # Set inline plots in IPython Notebooks %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18, 12) # Set default figure size of plots def linear_point(x, b, c, random_scale = 1): return b * x + c + random.random() * random_scale * random.choice([-1, 1]) # Fixed y, because we want to see how an outlier point affects the model. def outlier_point(x, b, c, random_scale = 1): return 10 # Specifies to generate 3 x 3 subplots. n_plots_x = 3 n_plots_y = 3 # Generates data points from [0,n) with x_step_size = 3. n = 10 x_step_size = 3 # b and c are parameters of the linear function that generates the data points. b = 2 c = 5 # Adds noise to the generated data points. random_scale = 1 * b base_x = np.arange(0, n, x_step_size) base_y = [linear_point(x, b, c, random_scale) for x in base_x] # Generates the set of outlier points. outlier_x = np.linspace(-x_step_size, n + x_step_size, n_plots_x * n_plots_y) outlier_y = [outlier_point(x, b, c) for x in outlier_x] # Generates the subplots, and reshape it so we can iterate over with an index. figure, axes_list = plt.subplots(n_plots_x, n_plots_y) axes_list = axes_list.reshape((n_plots_x * n_plots_y)) # This is just for plotting purposes, so is not important. min_x = base_x[0] - x_step_size * 2 max_x = base_x[-1] + x_step_size * 2 # This for loop generates a single plot for each outlier point we have. Each outlier point # is concatenated with the non-outlier points (base_x, base_y), so effectively we will have # different datasets which includes one single outlier point. # # Then, we train the L1-norm and L2-norm models on both the set of points with outliers and # without outliers, just to see how the different models behave to outliers and without outliers. for index in xrange(outlier_x.shape[0]): # Get the right subplot. axes = axes_list[index] # mixed_x and mixed_y is a training dataset that includes also the outlier point. mixed_x = np.hstack(([outlier_x[index]], base_x)) # Sort and get indices so we plot correctly. mixed_x_indices = np.argsort(mixed_x) mixed_x = mixed_x[mixed_x_indices] mixed_x = mixed_x.reshape((mixed_x.shape[0], 1)) # Reshape to have N+1 examples mixed_y = np.hstack(([outlier_y[index]], base_y)) # Sort by the x indices so y values align with the x values. mixed_y = mixed_y[mixed_x_indices] base_x_points = base_x.reshape((base_x.shape[0], 1)) # Trains a L1-norm model without the outlier point. Act as control to see how the # L1-norm model shifts. base_l1_clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 5, loss = 'lad'), base_y) base_l1_fitted_x = np.array([min_x, max_x]) base_l1_fitted_y = [base_l1_clf.predict(x) for x in base_l1_fitted_x] # Trains a L2-norm model without the outlier point. Act as control to see how the # L2-norm model shifts. base_l2_clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 5, loss = 'ls'), base_y) base_l2_fitted_x = np.array([min_x, max_x]) base_l2_fitted_y = [base_l2_clf.predict(x) for x in base_l2_fitted_x] # Trains a L1-norm model with the outlier point. We will compare this with base_l1_clf # to see how much change it deviates. l1_clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 5, loss = 'lad'), mixed_y) l1_fitted_x = np.array([min_x, max_x]) l1_fitted_y = [l1_clf.predict(x) for x in l1_fitted_x] # Trains a L2-norm model with the outlier point. We will compare this with base_l2_clf # to see how much change it deviates. l2_clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 5, loss = 'ls'), mixed_y) l2_fitted_x = np.array([min_x, max_x]) l2_fitted_y = [l2_clf.predict(x) for x in l2_fitted_x] # Plots the base points which has noise but no outliers. axes.plot(mixed_x, mixed_y, marker = 'o', markersize = 10, linestyle = '', color = 'black') # Plots the outlier point, and annotate it. axes.plot(outlier_x[index], outlier_y[index], 'o', markersize = 10, markerfacecolor = 'orange', linestyle = '') axes.annotate('Outlier point', xy = (outlier_x[index], outlier_y[index]), xytext = (outlier_x[index] + 3, outlier_y[index]), arrowprops = dict(facecolor='orange', shrink=0.05)) # Plots the fitted lines. base_l1_line = axes.plot(base_l1_fitted_x, base_l1_fitted_y, marker = '', markersize = 10, linestyle = '-', color = 'green', label = 'L1 error norm (no outlier)') l1_line = axes.plot(l1_fitted_x, l1_fitted_y, marker = '', markersize = 10, linestyle = '--', color = 'green', label = 'L1 error norm') base_l2_line = axes.plot(base_l2_fitted_x, base_l2_fitted_y, marker = '', markersize = 10, linestyle = '-', color = 'red', label = 'L2 error norm (no outlier)') l2_line = axes.plot(l2_fitted_x, l2_fitted_y, marker = '', markersize = 10, linestyle = '--', color = 'red', label = 'L2 error norm') figure.legend((base_l1_line[0], l1_line[0], base_l2_line[0], l2_line[0]), ('L1 error norm (no outlier)', 'L1 error norm', 'L2 error norm (no outlier)', 'L2 error norm'), 'upper right')