import urllib # YOUR CODE HERE print len(html_str) from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # your code here widget_names = [] # your code here widget_names widgets = [] # your code here widgets widgets = [] # your code here widgets import pandas as pd widgets_df = pd.DataFrame(widgets) widgets_df example_html = """


A soft cheese made in the Camembert region of France.


A yellow cheese made in the Cheddar region of... France, probably, idk whatevs.

""" example_doc = BeautifulSoup(example_html) cheese_dict = {} for h2_tag in example_doc.find_all('h2'): cheese_name = h2_tag.string cheese_desc_tag = h2_tag.find_next_sibling('p') cheese_dict[cheese_name] = cheese_desc_tag.string cheese_dict category_counts = {} # your code here category_counts