import numpy as np from scipy import stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.formula.api import logit, probit, poisson, ols print sm.datasets.fair.SOURCE print sm.datasets.fair.NOTE dta = sm.datasets.fair.load_pandas().data dta['affair'] = (dta['affairs'] > 0).astype(float) print dta.head(10) print dta.describe() affair_mod = logit("affair ~ occupation + educ + occupation_husb" "+ rate_marriage + age + yrs_married + children" " + religious", dta).fit() print affair_mod.summary() How well are we predicting? affair_mod.pred_table() The coefficients of the discrete choice model do not tell us much. What we're after is marginal effects. mfx = affair_mod.get_margeff() print mfx.summary() respondent1000 = dta.ix[1000] print respondent1000 resp = dict(zip(range(1,9), respondent1000[["occupation", "educ", "occupation_husb", "rate_marriage", "age", "yrs_married", "children", "religious"]].tolist())) resp.update({0 : 1}) print resp mfx = affair_mod.get_margeff(atexog=resp) print mfx.summary() affair_mod.predict(respondent1000) affair_mod.fittedvalues[1000] affair_mod.model.cdf(affair_mod.fittedvalues[1000]) The "correct" model here is likely the Tobit model. We have an work in progress branch "tobit-model" on github, if anyone is interested in censored regression models. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) support = np.linspace(-6, 6, 1000) ax.plot(support, stats.logistic.cdf(support), 'r-', label='Logistic') ax.plot(support, stats.norm.cdf(support), label='Probit') ax.legend(); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) support = np.linspace(-6, 6, 1000) ax.plot(support, stats.logistic.pdf(support), 'r-', label='Logistic') ax.plot(support, stats.norm.pdf(support), label='Probit') ax.legend(); Compare the estimates of the Logit Fair model above to a Probit model. Does the prediction table look better? Much difference in marginal effects? print sm.datasets.star98.SOURCE print sm.datasets.star98.DESCRLONG print sm.datasets.star98.NOTE dta = sm.datasets.star98.load_pandas().data print dta.columns print dta[['NABOVE', 'NBELOW', 'LOWINC', 'PERASIAN', 'PERBLACK', 'PERHISP', 'PERMINTE']].head(10) print dta[['AVYRSEXP', 'AVSALK', 'PERSPENK', 'PTRATIO', 'PCTAF', 'PCTCHRT', 'PCTYRRND']].head(10) formula = 'NABOVE + NBELOW ~ LOWINC + PERASIAN + PERBLACK + PERHISP + PCTCHRT ' formula += '+ PCTYRRND + PERMINTE*AVYRSEXP*AVSALK + PERSPENK*PTRATIO*PCTAF' Toss a six-sided die 5 times, what's the probability of exactly 2 fours? stats.binom(5, 1./6).pmf(2) from scipy.misc import comb comb(5,2) * (1/6.)**2 * (5/6.)**3 from statsmodels.formula.api import glm glm_mod = glm(formula, dta, family=sm.families.Binomial()).fit() print glm_mod.summary() The number of trials glm_mod.fittedvalues * First differences: We hold all explanatory variables constant at their means and manipulate the percentage of low income households to assess its impact on the response variables: exog = # get the dataframe means25 = exog.mean() print means25 means25['LOWINC'] = exog['LOWINC'].quantile(.25) print means25 means75 = exog.mean() means75['LOWINC'] = exog['LOWINC'].quantile(.75) print means75 resp25 = glm_mod.predict(means25) resp75 = glm_mod.predict(means75) diff = resp75 - resp25 The interquartile first difference for the percentage of low income households in a school district is: print "%2.4f%%" % (diff[0]*100) nobs = glm_mod.nobs y = glm_mod.model.endog yhat = from import abline_plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, ylabel='Observed Values', xlabel='Fitted Values') ax.scatter(yhat, y) y_vs_yhat = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(yhat, prepend=True)).fit() fig = abline_plot(model_results=y_vs_yhat, ax=ax) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Residual Dependence Plot', xlabel='Fitted Values', ylabel='Pearson Residuals') ax.scatter(yhat, stats.zscore(glm_mod.resid_pearson)) ax.axis('tight') ax.plot([0.0, 1.0],[0.0, 0.0], 'k-'); resid = glm_mod.resid_deviance resid_std = stats.zscore(resid) kde_resid = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(resid_std) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title="Standardized Deviance Residuals") ax.hist(resid_std, bins=25, normed=True); ax.plot(, kde_resid.density, 'r'); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig =, line='r', ax=ax)