from sympy import * init_printing() # Note: This notebook requires and experimental branch of sympy available at: from sympy.physics.quantum import * theta = Symbol("theta", real=True) x = Symbol("x", real=True) dL, v, wp, wm = symbols("{\delta\!L}, v, omega_-, omega_+") # input field operators am = BosonOperator("a_-") ap = BosonOperator("a_+") # output field operators bm = BosonOperator("b_-") bp = BosonOperator("b_+") # relation between input field operators and output field operators bm_sub = -am - 1j * x * Dagger(ap) bp_sub = -ap - 1j * x * Dagger(am) bmd_sub = Dagger(bm_sub) bpd_sub = Dagger(bp_sub) f = exp(1j*theta) * bm + exp(-1j*theta) * Dagger(bm) + 1j * (exp(1j*theta) * bp - exp(-1j*theta) * Dagger(bp)) f fdf = Dagger(f) * f fdf.expand() fdf_normal = normal_order(fdf.expand()) fdf_normal fdf_1 = fdf_normal.expand().subs({bm: bm_sub, Dagger(bm): bmd_sub, bp: bp_sub, Dagger(bp): bpd_sub}).expand() fdf_1 fdf_2 = normal_ordered_form(fdf_1.expand(), independent=True) fdf_2 # assume thermal input: first remove nonthermal operator combinations fdf_3 = fdf_2.subs({am**2: 0, ap**2: 0, ap*am: 0, am*ap: 0, Dagger(ap) * am: 0, Dagger(am) * ap: 0, Dagger(ap) * Dagger(am): 0, Dagger(am) * Dagger(ap): 0, Dagger(ap)**2: 0, Dagger(am)**2: 0}) fdf_3 n_th_m, n_th_p = symbols("{n^-_{th}}, {n^+_{th}}", positive=True) # thermal operator combinations fdf_4 = fdf_3.subs({Dagger(am) * am: n_th_m, Dagger(ap) * ap: n_th_p}) fdf_4 fdf_5 = fdf_4.collect(x).replace(exp(2j*theta), cos(2*theta) + 1j * sin(2*theta)).\ replace(exp(-2j*theta), cos(2*theta) - 1j * sin(2*theta)) fdf_6 = fdf_5.simplify().collect(cos(2*theta)).collect(x).simplify() fdf_6 fdf_7 = fdf_6.subs(x**2, 0) fdf_7 fdf_8 = fdf_7.subs(x**2, 0).subs(x, dL/v * sqrt(wp * wm)) fdf_8 # switch back to using x as small paramter, and set theta = 0 fdf_9 = fdf_8.subs(dL/v * sqrt(wp*wm), x).subs(theta, 0) fdf_9 fdf_neg = solve(fdf_9, x)[0] fdf_neg #%install_ext %reload_ext version_information %version_information sympy