#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Reshaping data

# # > *© 2016, Joris Van den Bossche and Stijn Van Hoey (, ). Licensed under [CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)* # # --- # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # # Pivoting data # ## Cfr. excel # People who know Excel, probably know the **Pivot** functionality: # ![](img/pivot_excel.png) # The data of the table: # In[ ]: excelample = pd.DataFrame({'Month': ["January", "January", "January", "January", "February", "February", "February", "February", "March", "March", "March", "March"], 'Category': ["Transportation", "Grocery", "Household", "Entertainment", "Transportation", "Grocery", "Household", "Entertainment", "Transportation", "Grocery", "Household", "Entertainment"], 'Amount': [74., 235., 175., 100., 115., 240., 225., 125., 90., 260., 200., 120.]}) # In[ ]: excelample # In[ ]: excelample_pivot = excelample.pivot(index="Category", columns="Month", values="Amount") excelample_pivot # Interested in *Grand totals*? # In[ ]: # sum columns excelample_pivot.sum(axis=1) # In[ ]: # sum rows excelample_pivot.sum(axis=0) # ## Pivot is just reordering your data # Small subsample of the titanic dataset: # In[ ]: df = pd.DataFrame({'Fare': [7.25, 71.2833, 51.8625, 30.0708, 7.8542, 13.0], 'Pclass': [3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2], 'Sex': ['male', 'female', 'male', 'female', 'female', 'male'], 'Survived': [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]}) # In[ ]: df # In[ ]: df.pivot(index='Pclass', columns='Sex', values='Fare') # In[ ]: df.pivot(index='Pclass', columns='Sex', values='Survived') # So far, so good... # Let's now use the full titanic dataset: # In[ ]: df = pd.read_csv("data/titanic.csv") # In[ ]: df.head() # And try the same pivot (*no worries about the try-except, this is here just used to catch a loooong error*): # In[ ]: try: df.pivot(index='Sex', columns='Pclass', values='Fare') except Exception as e: print("Exception!", e) # This does not work, because we would end up with multiple values for one cell of the resulting frame, as the error says: `duplicated` values for the columns in the selection. As an example, consider the following rows of our three columns of interest: # In[ ]: df.loc[[1, 3], ["Sex", 'Pclass', 'Fare']] # Since `pivot` is just restructuring data, where would both values of `Fare` for the same combination of `Sex` and `Pclass` need to go? # # Well, they need to be combined, according to an `aggregation` functionality, which is supported by the function`pivot_table` #
# # NOTE: # #
  • **Pivot** is purely restructuring: a single value for each index/column combination is required.
  • #
# # Pivot tables - aggregating while pivoting # In[ ]: df = pd.read_csv("data/titanic.csv") # In[ ]: df.pivot_table(index='Sex', columns='Pclass', values='Fare') #
# # REMEMBER: # #
  • By default, `pivot_table` takes the **mean** of all values that would end up into one cell. However, you can also specify other aggregation functions using the `aggfunc` keyword.
  • #
# In[ ]: df.pivot_table(index='Sex', columns='Pclass', values='Fare', aggfunc='max') # In[ ]: df.pivot_table(index='Sex', columns='Pclass', values='Fare', aggfunc='count') #
# # REMEMBER: # #
  • There is a shortcut function for a `pivot_table` with a `aggfunc=count` as aggregation: `crosstab`
  • #
# In[ ]: pd.crosstab(index=df['Sex'], columns=df['Pclass']) #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Make a pivot table with the survival rates (= number of persons survived / total number of persons) for Pclass vs Sex.
  • #
  • Plot the result as a bar plot.
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data20.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data21.py #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Make a table of the median Fare payed by aged/underaged vs Sex.
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data22.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data23.py # # Melt # The `melt` function performs the inverse operation of a `pivot`. This can be used to make your frame longer, i.e. to make a *tidy* version of your data. # In[ ]: pivoted = df.pivot_table(index='Sex', columns='Pclass', values='Fare').reset_index() pivoted.columns.name = None # In[ ]: pivoted # Assume we have a DataFrame like the above. The observations (the average Fare people payed) are spread over different columns. In a tidy dataset, each observation is stored in one row. To obtain this, we can use the `melt` function: # In[ ]: pd.melt(pivoted) # As you can see above, the `melt` function puts all column labels in one column, and all values in a second column. # # In this case, this is not fully what we want. We would like to keep the 'Sex' column separately: # In[ ]: pd.melt(pivoted, id_vars=['Sex']) #, var_name='Pclass', value_name='Fare') # # Reshaping with `stack` and `unstack` # The docs say: # # > Pivot a level of the (possibly hierarchical) column labels, returning a # DataFrame (or Series in the case of an object with a single level of # column labels) having a hierarchical index with a new inner-most level # of row labels. # # Indeed... # # # Before we speak about `hierarchical index`, first check it in practice on the following dummy example: # In[ ]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['one', 'one', 'two', 'two'], 'B':['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], 'C':range(4)}) df # To use `stack`/`unstack`, we need the values we want to shift from rows to columns or the other way around as the index: # In[ ]: df = df.set_index(['A', 'B']) # Indeed, you can combine two indices df # In[ ]: result = df['C'].unstack() result # In[ ]: df = result.stack().reset_index(name='C') df #
# # REMEMBER: # #
  • **stack**: make your data *longer* and *smaller*
  • #
  • **unstack**: make your data *shorter* and *wider*
  • #
# ## Mimick pivot table # To better understand and reason about pivot tables, we can express this method as a combination of more basic steps. In short, the pivot is a convenient way of expressing the combination of a `groupby` and `stack/unstack`. # In[ ]: df = pd.read_csv("data/titanic.csv") # In[ ]: df.head() # In[ ]: df.pivot_table(index='Pclass', columns='Sex', values='Survived', aggfunc='mean') #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Get the same result as above based on a combination of `groupby` and `unstack`
  • #
  • First use `groupby` to calculate the survival ratio for all groups
  • #
  • Then, use `unstack` to reshape the output of the groupby operation
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data37.py # ## Mimick melt # Like the pivot table above, we can now also obtain the result of `melt` with stack/unstack. # # Let's use the same `pivoted` frame as above, and look at the final melt result: # In[ ]: pivoted = df.pivot_table(index='Sex', columns='Pclass', values='Fare').reset_index() pivoted.columns.name = None pivoted # In[ ]: pd.melt(pivoted, id_vars=['Sex'], var_name='Pclass', value_name='Fare') #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Get the same result as above using `stack`/`unstack` (combined with `set_index` / `reset_index`)
  • #
  • Tip: set those columns as the index that you do not want to stack
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data40.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data41.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data42.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data43.py # # Exercises: use the reshaping methods with the movie data # These exercises are based on the [PyCon tutorial of Brandon Rhodes](https://github.com/brandon-rhodes/pycon-pandas-tutorial/) (so credit to him!) and the datasets he prepared for that. You can download these data from here: [`titles.csv`](https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3G70MlBnCgKajNMa1pfSzN6Q3M) and [`cast.csv`](https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3G70MlBnCgKal9UYTJSR2ZhSW8) and put them in the `/data` folder. # In[ ]: cast = pd.read_csv('data/cast.csv') cast.head() # In[ ]: titles = pd.read_csv('data/titles.csv') titles.head() #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Plot the number of actor roles each year and the number of actress roles each year over the whole period of available movie data.
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data46.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data47.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data48.py #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Plot the number of actor roles each year and the number of actress roles each year. Use kind='area' as plot type
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data49.py #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Plot the fraction of roles that have been 'actor' roles each year over the whole period of available movie data.
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data50.py #
# # EXERCISE: # #
  • Define a year as a "Superman year" when films of that year feature more Superman characters than Batman characters. How many years in film history have been Superman years?
  • #
# In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data51.py # In[ ]: # %load snippets/06 - Reshaping data52.py