#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # PGE383 - Advanced Geomechanics - Midterm Exam # # **Instructions:** This exam will be assigned at 11:50 AM Friday, 10/2 via [Canvas](https://utexas.instructure.com/courses/1150226) and is due at 11:00 AM Monday, 10/5. # # You are allowed any resource (e.g. books, notes, web) to complete the exam except consultation with another student or professor. You are reminded of the [UT Student Honor Code](http://www.utexas.edu/about-ut/mission-core-purpose-honor-code), violations of academic integrity with be [reported](http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sjs/acadint_reportingprocedures.php). # ## Problem 1 # # Valid constitutive models must obey the *Principle of Material Reference Frame Indifference*, i.e. they should be invarient to rigid rotations. Mathematically, for a Cauchy stress $\boldsymbold{\sigma}$ and a orthoganal time-dependent rotation tensor $\mathbf{R}$ we might say that the stress is invariant to a rotation if # # \begin{equation} # \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \mathbf{R} \boldsymbol{\sigma} \mathbf{R}^{\intercal}. # \label{eqn:1} # \end{equation} # # However, often in plasticity modeling, we use rate-forms of constitutive models. Is the rate-of-Cauchy stress material reference frame indifferent? Explain. # **Solution** # # Take the time derivative of both sides of the equation, i.e. # # \begin{align*} # \dot{\boldsymbol{\sigma}} = \dot{\mathbf{R}} \boldsymbol{\sigma} \mathbf{R}^\intercal + \mathbf{R} \dot{\boldsymbol{\sigma}} \mathbf{R}^\intercal + \mathbf{R} \boldsymbol{\sigma} \dot{\mathbf{R}}^\intercal # \end{align*} # # This clearly is not equivalent to $\ref{eqn:1}$, therefore the rate-of-Cauchy stress **is not** material reference frame indifferent. # ## Problem 2 # # If the Lagrangian strain components at a point are as shown # # $$ # \mathbf{E} = # \begin{bmatrix} # -1 & 0 & 0 \\ # 0 & 1.84 & -0.28 \\ # 0 & -0.28 & 1.84 # \end{bmatrix} # $$ # # Compute: # # 1. the principle strains # # 2. the maximum shear strain component # **Solution** # # 1. We need to simply solve an eigenvalue problem. # In[18]: import numpy as np import numpy.linalg w, v = np.linalg.eig(np.array([[-1., 0., 0.], [0., 1.84, -0.28], [0., -0.28, 1.84]])); w # The maximum shear strain is one-half the difference between the maximum and minumum principle strains (from Mohr's circles) # In[9]: Emax = 0.5 * (w[0] - w[2]); Emax # ## Problem 3 # # For the stress tensor # # $$ # \boldsymbol{\sigma} = # \begin{bmatrix} # 2 & 0 & 4 \\ # 0 & 3 & 6 \\ # 4 & 6 & 0 # \end{bmatrix} # $$ # # find a direction $\mathbf{\hat{n}}$, such that the traction vector on a plane normal to $\mathbf{\hat{n}}$ has components $t_1 = t_2 = 0$, and determine $t_3$ on that plane. # **Solution** # # First we will solve for the unknown normal vector using the Cauchy stress equation, i.e. $\vec{t} = \sigma^T \hat{n}$. Where $\vec{t}^T$ = [0 0 1], we can use 1 here in place of $t_3$ because any arbrary $t_3$ that appears in the solution, will cancel when dividing the solution by its norm to create the normal vector. # In[21]: sigma = np.array([[2., 0, 4],[0, 3, 6], [4, 6, 0]]) #First compute the solution n = np.linalg.solve(sigma.T, np.array([0,0,1])) #Now divide by the norm to get a normal vector n_hat = n / np.linalg.norm(n); n_hat # Now can use this normal vector to determine $t_3$. # In[22]: np.dot(sigma.T, n_hat) # So the final answers in rational form are # # $$\hat{n}^T = \left[ \frac{2}{3}, \frac{2}{3}, -\frac{1}{3} \right]$$ # # and # # $$t_3 = \frac{20}{3}$$ # ## Problem 4 # # Evaluate the second invariant of the *deviatoric* stress for the stress tensor # # $$ # \boldsymbol{\sigma} = # \begin{bmatrix} # 2 & -1 & 1 \\ # -1 & 0 & 1 \\ # 1 & 1 & 2 # \end{bmatrix} # $$ # **Solution** # # First we compute the deviatoric stress # In[25]: sigma = np.array([[2., -1., 1.], [-1., 0., 1], [1., 1., 2.]]) S = sigma - 1./3. * np.trace(sigma) * np.eye(3); S # Now we perform the summation # # $$ # J_2 = \frac{1}{2} S_{ij} S_{ij} # $$ # In[26]: J_2 = 0.0 for i in range(3): for j in range(3): J_2 += 0.5 * S[i,j] * S[i, j] J_2 # Or in rational form we have # # $$J_2 = \frac{13}{3}$$ # ## Problem 5 # # Under what condition are these two statements equavalent # # $$ \det({\mathbf{F}}) = 1 $$ # # $$ \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_i} = 0 $$ # # Explain your answer. # **Solution** # # The correct answer to both conditions would be the *incompressibility* condition, from conservation of mass # # $$ # \det(\mathbf{F}) = 1 = \frac{\rho_o}{\rho} # $$ # # which implies that density doesn't change or the motion is *volume preserving* when viewed from the reference configuration. Likewise, in Eulerian form, conservation of mass is # # $$ # \frac{D \rho}{Dt} + \rho \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_i} = 0 # $$ # # When viewed from the position of a moving particle, incompressibility implies $\frac{D \rho}{Dt} = 0$ therefore # # $$ # \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_i} = 0 # $$ # ### Problem 6 # # Show that the *plane stress* equilibrium equations, in the absence of body forces, implies # # $$ # 2 \frac{\partial\sigma_{12}}{\partial x_1 \partial x_2} = -\frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{11}}{\partial x_1^2} -\frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{22}}{\partial x_2^2} # $$ # **Solution** # # Starting with the momentum equations # # \begin{align} # \rho \frac{\partial^2 u_1}{\partial t^2} &= \frac{\partial \sigma_{11}}{\partial x_1} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{12}}{\partial x_2} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{13}}{\partial x_3} + b_1 \\ # \rho \frac{\partial^2 u_2}{\partial t^2} &= \frac{\partial \sigma_{12}}{\partial x_1} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{22}}{\partial x_2} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{23}}{\partial x_3} + b_2 \\ # \rho \frac{\partial^2 u_3}{\partial t^2} &= \frac{\partial \sigma_{31}}{\partial x_1} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{23}}{\partial x_2} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{33}}{\partial x_3} + b_3 # \end{align} # # Now we apply the equalibrium condition, i.e. $ \rho \frac{\partial^2 \vec{u}}{\partial t^2} = 0$, the plane strain assumptions, i.e. $\sigma_{33} = \sigma_{13} = \sigma_{23} = 0$ and exclude the body forces, we are left with. # # \begin{align} # 0 &= \frac{\partial \sigma_{11}}{\partial x_1} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{12}}{\partial x_2} \\ # 0 &= \frac{\partial \sigma_{12}}{\partial x_1} + \frac{\partial \sigma_{22}}{\partial x_2} # \end{align} # # Now we differentiate the first equation w.r.t. $x_1$ and the second w.r.t $x_2$ we have # # # \begin{align} # 0 &= \frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{11}}{\partial x_1^2} + \frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{12}}{\partial x_1 \partial x_2} \\ # 0 &= \frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{12}}{\partial x_1 \partial x_2} + \frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{22}}{\partial x_2^2} # \end{align} # # Adding the two equations together and rearranging, we have the result # # $$ # 2 \frac{\partial\sigma_{12}}{\partial x_1 \partial x_2} = -\frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{11}}{\partial x_1^2} -\frac{\partial^2 \sigma_{22}}{\partial x_2^2} # $$ # ## Problem 7 # # If a ductile material undergoing uniaxial stress, exhibits linear isotropic hardening, with hardening modulus $H$ and yield stress $Y$, write a von Mises yield function for this material as a function of these material constants and equivalent plastic strain $\varepsilon^p$. # # **Solution** # # $$ f = \sqrt{3 J_2} - Y - H \varepsilon^p$$