from __future__ import division, print_function import os import time import subprocess from tools.plot import quicktitle from tools.radians import xy_to_rad_vec, circle_diff from tools.filters import quick_boxcar from tools.images import tiling_dims from trajectory import * %matplotlib inline from brian2 import * N_BVC = 64 BVC_width = 10 * cm BVC_rpref_min = 10 * cm BVC_rpref_max = 25 * cm bvc_eqs = """ f = (D / D_arena) * exp(-(D - D_arena + rpref)**2 / (2 * width**2)) : 1 D = sqrt((X - Xf)**2 + (Y - Yf)**2) : meter rpref : meter width : meter Xf : meter Yf : meter X : meter (linked) Y : meter (linked) """ BVC = NeuronGroup(N_BVC, model=bvc_eqs) BVC.X = linked_var(Trajectory, 'X') BVC.Y = linked_var(Trajectory, 'Y') BVC.Xf, BVC.Yf = rim_sample(N_BVC) BVC.rpref = permutation(linspace(BVC_rpref_min, BVC_rpref_max, N_BVC)) * meter BVC.width = sqrt(BVC_width * BVC.rpref) N_LVC = 64 LVC_width_min = 15 * cm LVC_width_max = 30 * cm lvc_eqs = """ f = exp(-D**2 / (2 * width**2)) : 1 D = sqrt((X - Xf)**2 + (Y - Yf)**2) : meter rpref : meter width : meter Xf : meter Yf : meter X : meter (linked) Y : meter (linked) """ LVC = NeuronGroup(N_LVC, model=lvc_eqs) LVC.X = linked_var(Trajectory, 'X') LVC.Y = linked_var(Trajectory, 'Y') LVC.Xf, LVC.Yf = arena_sample(N_LVC) LVC.width = permutation(linspace(LVC_width_min, LVC_width_max, N_LVC)) * meter # Create the state monitors mon_BVC = StateMonitor(BVC, 'f', record=True) mon_LVC = StateMonitor(LVC, 'f', record=True) mon_pos = StateMonitor(LVC, ('X', 'Y'), record=[0]) # Reset the clock and run the simulation defaultclock.dt = 10 * ms run(300.0 * second) N_LCO = 128 thresh = 0.4 * mA C_BVC = 6 C_LVC = 2 def v_LCO(I, thresh=0.5 * mA): return tanh(2 * (I - thresh) / thresh) # Plot v_LCO(d) for different slope values current = linspace(0,2.5,100) * mA for t in array([0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0]) * mA: plt.plot(current / mA, v_LCO(current, thresh=t), label='%.1f mA' % (t / mA)) plt.xlabel('current (mA)') plt.ylabel('V') plt.legend(loc='lower right'); quicktitle(gca(), 'LCO V-I curve'); f = plt.gcf() imagefn = 'LCO_firing_rate_function.pdf' posterdir = '/Users/joe/projects/poster' savepath = os.path.join(posterdir, imagefn) f.savefig(savepath) def make_weights(n, c): W = zeros((n, N_LCO), 'd') for j in xrange(N_LCO): con = permutation(N_BVC)[:c] W[con,j] = 1.0 print('C = ', W.sum(axis=0), '(should be all %d\'s)' % c) return W W_BVC = make_weights(N_BVC, C_BVC) / C_BVC W_LVC = make_weights(N_BVC, C_LVC) / C_LVC print('W_BVC = ', W_BVC.sum(axis=0), '(should be all 1\'s)') print('W_LVC = ', W_LVC.sum(axis=0), '(should be all 1\'s)') I_BVC = dot(mon_BVC.f.T, W_BVC).T I_LVC = dot(mon_LVC.f.T, W_LVC).T g_BL = 0.25 I = g_BL * I_BVC + (1 - g_BL) * I_LVC V = tanh(2 * (I - (thresh / mA)) / (thresh / mA)) f_LCO = clip(V, 0, 1) Theta = arccos(V) f = figure(figsize=(12,4)) plot(mon_BVC.t, I[0], c='c', label='I') plot(mon_BVC.t, V[0], c='b', label='V') plot(mon_BVC.t, f_LCO[0], 'b--', lw=3, label='f') plot(mon_BVC.t, Theta[0], 'r-', lw=2, alpha=0.5, label=r'$\theta$-phase') xlabel('time (s)') ylabel(r'I (mA), V (mV), f (a.u.), $\theta$-phase (rad)') legend(loc='upper left') print('I ~', I.min(), 'to', I.max()) print('V ~', V.min(), 'to', V.max()) print('f ~', f_LCO.min(), 'to', f_LCO.max()) imagefn = 'LCO_time_series.pdf' posterdir = '/Users/joe/projects/poster' savepath = os.path.join(posterdir, imagefn) f.savefig(savepath) N_LCO_toshow = min(N_LCO, 16) N_plots = 2 * N_LCO_toshow from tools.images import tiling_dims r, c = (4, 8) # tiling_dims(N_plots) f, ax = subplots(r, c, sharey=True, sharex=True, figsize=(16,8)) ax = ax.flatten() def plot_phase_trajectory(cdata, ax, cmap='jet', **kwds): ax.scatter(mon_pos.X[0] / cm, mon_pos.Y[0] / cm, c=cdata, cmap=cmap, linewidths=0, **kwds) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_axis_off() draw_arena(ax) j = 0 for i in xrange(N_LCO_toshow): for ttl, val, cmap in [('rate', f_LCO, 'jet'), ('phase', Theta, 'copper_r')]: scatter_kwds = {} if ttl == 'phase': scatter_kwds.update(vmin=0, vmax=pi) plot_phase_trajectory(val[i], ax[j], cmap, **scatter_kwds) quicktitle(ax[j], 'LCO %d %s' % (i, ttl)) j += 1 imagefn = 'LCO_rate_phase_examples.png' posterdir = '/Users/joe/projects/poster' savepath = os.path.join(posterdir, imagefn) f.savefig(savepath, dpi=600) which = 'LCO' save_fn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-trace.npy' % which) save_fn_x = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-trace-x.npy' % which) if os.path.exists(save_fn): backup_fn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-trace-%s.npy' % (which, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'))) if['mv', save_fn, backup_fn]) == 0: print('Saved backup to: ', backup_fn) save(save_fn, f_LCO) save(save_fn_x, mon_pos.X[0] / cm)