#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #
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Interoperability between scientific computing codes with Python


James Kermode

# Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling / School of Engineering
# University of Warwick #
# **Centre for Scientific Computing seminar, University of Warwick - 16 Nov 2015** # # # #
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# ## Introduction # # - Interfacing codes allows existing tools to be combined # - Produce something that is more than the sum of the constituent parts # - This is a general feature of modern scientific computing, with many well-documented packages and libraries available # - Python has emerged as the de facto standard “glue” language # - Codes that have a Python interface can be combined in complex ways # # # ## Motivation # # - My examples are from atomistic materials modelling and electronic structure, but approach is general # - All the activities I'm interested in require *robust*, *automated* coupling of two or more codes # - For example, my current projects include: # - developing and applying multiscale methods # - generating interatomic potentials # - uncertainty quantification # # # ## Case study - concurrent coupling of density functional theory and interatomic potentials # # # # *J.R. Kermode, L. Ben-Bashat, F. Atrash, J.J. Cilliers, D. Sherman and A. De Vita, [Macroscopic scattering of cracks initiated at single impurity atoms.](http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2013/130912/ncomms3441/full/ncomms3441.html) Nat. Commun. 4, 2441 (2013).* # # - File-based communication good enough for many projects that combine codes # - Here, efficient simlulations require a programmatic interface between QM and MM codes # - Keeping previous solution in memory, wavefunction extrapolation, etc. # - In general, deep interfaces approach bring much wider benefits # # Benefits of Scripting Interfaces # # **Primary:** # - Automated preparation of input files # - Analysis and post-processing # - Batch processing # # **Secondary:** # - Expand access to advanced feautures to less experienced programmers # - Simplify too-level programs # - Unit and regression testing framework # # **Longer term benefits:** # - Encourages good software engineering in main code - modularity, well defined APIs # - Speed up development of new algorithms by using an appropriate mixture of high- and low-level languages # # # Python scripting for interoperability # # - Python has emerged as *de facto* "glue" language for atomistic simulations # - [numpy](http://www.numpy.org/)/[scipy](http://scipy.org/) ecosystem # - [Matplotlib](http://matplotlib.org/) plotting/interactive graphics # - [Jupyter](https://jupyter.org/)/IPython notebooks encourage reproducible research # - [Anaconda](https://jupyter.org/) distribution and package management system # # ![scipy](scipy-stack.png) # # http://www.scipy.org # ## Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) # # - Within atomistic modelling, standard for scripting interfaces is ASE # - Wide range of calculators, flexible (but not too flexible) data model # - Can use many codes as drop-in replacements # - Collection of parsers aids validation and verification (cf. DFT $\Delta$-code project) # - Coupling $N$ codes requires maintaining $N$ parsers/interfaces to be maintained, not $N^2$ input-output converters # - High-level functionality can be coded generically, or imported from other packages (e.g. `spglib`, `phonopy`) using minimal ASE-compatible API # # https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/ # ## QUIP - **QU**antum mechanics and **I**nteratomic **P**otentials # # - General-purpose library to manipulate atomic configurations, grew up in parallel with ASE # - Includes interatomic potentials, tight binding, external codes such as Castep # - Developed at Cambridge, NRL and King's College London over $\sim10$ years # - Started off as a pure Fortran 95 code, but recently been doing more and more in Python # - `QUIP` has a full, deep Python interface, `quippy`, auto-generated from Fortran code using `f90wrap`, giving access to all public subroutines, derived types (classes) and data # # ![quippy](http://libatoms.github.io/QUIP/_static/hybrid.png) # # http://libatoms.github.io/QUIP # ## Interactive demonstations # # - Using live IPython notebook linked to local Python kernel - could also be remote parallel cluster # - Static view of notebook can be rendered as `.html` or `.pdf`, or as executable Python script # In[57]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pylab', 'inline') import numpy as np from chemview import enable_notebook from matscipy.visualise import view enable_notebook() # ## Example: vacancy formation energy in silicon # # - Typical example workflow, albeit simplified # - Couples several tools # - Generate structure with ASE lattice tools # - Stillinger-Weber potential implementation from QUIP # - Relaxations with generic LBFGS optimiser from ASE # In[58]: from ase.lattice import bulk from ase.optimize import LBFGSLineSearch from quippy.potential import Potential si = bulk('Si', a=5.44, cubic=True) sw_pot = Potential('IP SW') # call into Fortran code si.set_calculator(sw_pot) e_bulk_per_atom = si.get_potential_energy()/len(si) vac = si * (3, 3, 3) del vac[len(vac)/2] vac.set_calculator(sw_pot) p0 = vac.get_positions() opt = LBFGSLineSearch(vac) opt.run(fmax=1e-3) p1 = vac.get_positions() u = p1 - p0 e_vac = vac.get_potential_energy() print 'SW vacancy formation energy', e_vac - e_bulk_per_atom*len(vac), 'eV' # # Inline visualisation # - Chemview IPython plugin uses WebGL for fast rendering of molecules # - Didn't have an ASE interface, but was quick and easy to add one (~15 lines of code) # In[59]: view(vac, np.sqrt(u**2).sum(axis=1), bonds=False) # ## DFT example - persistent connection, checkpointing # # - Doing MD or minimisation within a DFT code typically much faster than repeated single-point calls # - `SocketCalculator` from `matscipy` package keeps code running, feeding it new configurations via POSIX sockets (local or remote) # - Use high-level algorithms to move the atoms in complex ways, but still take advantage of internal optimisations like wavefunction extrapolation # - Checkpointing after each force or energy call allows seamless continuation of complex workflows # - Same Python script can be submitted as jobscript on cluster and run on laptop # In[60]: import distutils.spawn as spawn from matscipy.socketcalc import SocketCalculator, VaspClient from matscipy.checkpoint import CheckpointCalculator from ase.lattice import bulk from ase.optimize import FIRE mpirun = spawn.find_executable('mpirun') vasp = spawn.find_executable('vasp') vasp_client = VaspClient(client_id=0, npj=2, ppn=12, exe=vasp, mpirun=mpirun, parmode='mpi', lwave=False, lcharg=False, ibrion=13, xc='PBE', kpts=[2,2,2]) vasp = SocketCalculator(vasp_client) chk_vasp = CheckpointCalculator(vasp, 'vasp_checkpoint.db') si = bulk('Si', a=5.44, cubic=True) si.set_calculator(chk_vasp) e_bulk_per_atom = si.get_potential_energy()/len(si) vac3 = si.copy() del vac3[0] vac3.set_calculator(chk_vasp) opt = FIRE(vac3) opt.run(fmax=1e-3) e_vac3 = vac3.get_potential_energy() print 'VASP vacancy formation energy', e_vac3 - e_bulk_per_atom*len(vac3), 'eV' # ## File-based interfaces vs. Native interfaces # # - ASE provides file-based interfaces to a number of codes - useful for high throughput # - However, file-based interfaces to electronic structure codes can be slow and/or incomplete and parsers are hard to keep up to date and robust # - Standardised output (e.g. chemical markup language, XML) and robust parsers are part of solution # - [NoMaD Centre of Excellence](http://nomad-coe.eu/) will produce parsers for top ~40 atomistic codes # - Alternative: native interfaces provide a much deeper wrapping, exposing full public API of code to script writers # - e.g. GPAW, LAMMPSlib, new Castep Python interface # # ![nomad](http://nomad-coe.eu/uploads/images/nomad_logo_v2.png) # ## Fortran/Python interfacing # # - Despite recent increases in use of high-level languages, there's still lots of high-quality Fortran code around # - Adding "deep" Python interfaces to existing codes is another approach # - Future proofing: anything accessible from Python is available from other high-level languages too (e.g. Julia) # # # # # # `f90wrap` adds derived type support to `f2py` # # - There are many automatic interface generators for C++ codes (e.g. SWIG or Boost.Python), but not many support modern Fortran # - [f2py](https://sysbio.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/) scans Fortran 77/90/95 codes, generates Python interfaces # - Great for individual routines or simple codes: portable, compiler independent, good array support # - No support for modern Fortran features: derived types, overloaded interfaces # - Number of follow up projects, none had all features we needed # - `f90wrap` addresses this by generating an additional layer of wrappers # - Supports derived types, module data, efficient array access, Python 2.6+ and 3.x # # https://github.com/jameskermode/f90wrap # # Example: wrapping the `bader` code # # - Widely used code for post-processing charge densities to construct Bader volumes # - Python interface would allow code to be used as part of workflows without needing file format converters, I/O, etc. # - Downloaded [source](http://theory.cm.utexas.edu/henkelman/code/bader/), used `f90wrap` to *automatically* generate a deep Python interface with very little manual work # # Generation and compilation of wrappers: # # f90wrap -v -k kind_map -I init.py -m bader \ # kind_mod.f90 matrix_mod.f90 \ # ions_mod.f90 options_mod.f90 charge_mod.f90 \ # chgcar_mod.f90 cube_mod.f90 io_mod.f90 \ # bader_mod.f90 voronoi_mod.f90 multipole_mod.f90 # # f2py-f90wrap -c -m _bader f90wrap_*.f90 -L. -lbader # In[61]: from gpaw import restart si, gpaw = restart('si-vac.gpw') rho = gpaw.get_pseudo_density() # In[62]: atom = 5 plot(si.positions[:, 0], si.positions[:, 1], 'k.', ms=20) plot(si.positions[atom, 0], si.positions[5, 1], 'g.', ms=20) imshow(rho[:,:,0], extent=[0, si.cell[0,0], 0, si.cell[1,1]]) # In[63]: import bader bdr = bader.bader(si, rho) # In[66]: bdr.nvols # In[67]: # collect Bader volumes associated with atom #5 mask = np.zeros_like(rho, dtype=bool) for v in (bdr.nnion == atom+1).nonzero()[0]: mask[bdr.volnum == v+1] = True plot(si.positions[:, 0], si.positions[:, 1], 'k.', ms=20) plot(si.positions[atom, 0], si.positions[5, 1], 'g.', ms=20) imshow(rho[:,:,0], extent=[0, si.cell[0,0], 0, si.cell[1,1]]) imshow(mask[:,:,0], extent=[0, si.cell[0,0], 0, si.cell[1,1]], alpha=.6) # # Wrapping Castep with f90wrap # # - `f90wrap` can now wrap large and complex codes like the Castep electronic structure code, providing deep access to internal data on-the-fly # - Summer internship by Greg Corbett at STFC in 2014 produced proof-of-principle implementation # - Results described in [RAL technical report](https://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work/18048381) # - Since then I've tidied it up a little and added a minimal high-level ASE-compatibility layer, but there's plenty more still to be done # # ![Castep](http://www.castep.org/files/CASTEP_Logo_mini-01.png) # ## Current Features # # - Implemented in Castep development release: # make python # - Restricted set of source files currently wrapped, can be easily expanded. # Utility: constants.F90 algor.F90 # comms.serial.F90 # io.F90 trace.F90 # license.F90 buildinfo.f90 # Fundamental: parameters.F90 cell.F90 basis.F90 # ion.F90 density.F90 wave.F90 # Functional: model.F90 electronic.F90 firstd.f90 # # - Already **far** too much to wrap by hand! # - 35 kLOC Fortran and 55 kLOC Python auto-generated # - 23 derived types # - ~2600 subroutines/functions # ## What is wrapped? # - Module-level variables: `current_cell`, etc. # - Fortran derived types visible as Python classes: e.g. `Unit_Cell` # - Arrays (including arrays of derived types) - no copying necessary to access/modify data in numerical arrays e.g. `current_cell%ionic_positions` # - Documentation strings extracted from source code # - Dynamic introspection of data and objects # - Error catching: `io_abort()` raises `RuntimeError` exception, allowing post mortem debugging # - Minimal ASE-compatible high level interface # # Test drive # In[68]: import castep # In[69]: #castep. #castep.cell.Unit_Cell. get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'castep.model.model_wave_read') # ## Single point calculation # In[70]: from ase.lattice.cubic import Diamond atoms = Diamond('Si') calc = castep.calculator.CastepCalculator(atoms=atoms) atoms.set_calculator(calc) e = atoms.get_potential_energy() f = atoms.get_forces() print 'Energy', e, 'eV' print 'Forces (eV/A):' print f # ## Interactive introspection # In[74]: #calc.model.eigenvalues #calc.model.wvfn.coeffs #calc.model.cell.ionic_positions.T #calc.model.wvfn. #calc.parameters.cut_off_energy # In[75]: figsize(8,6) plot(castep.ion.get_array_core_radial_charge()) plot(castep.ion.get_array_atomic_radial_charge()) ylim(-0.5,0.5) # ## Visualise charge density isosurfaces on-the-fly # In[76]: # grid points, in Angstrom real_grid = (castep.basis.get_array_r_real_grid()* castep.io.io_atomic_to_unit(1.0, 'ang')) resolution = [castep.basis.get_ngx(), castep.basis.get_ngy(), castep.basis.get_ngz()] origin = np.array([real_grid[i, :].min() for i in range(3)]) extent = np.array([real_grid[i, :].max() for i in range(3)]) - origin # charge density resulting from SCF den = calc.model.den.real_charge.copy() den3 = (den.reshape(resolution, order='F') / castep.basis.get_total_fine_grid_points()) # visualise system with isosurface of charge density at 0.002 viewer = view(atoms) viewer.add_isosurface_grid_data(den3, origin, extent, resolution, isolevel=0.002, color=0x0000ff, style='solid') viewer # ## Postprocessing/steering of running calculations # # - Connect Castep and Bader codes without writing any explicit interface or converter # In[77]: from display import ListTable from bader import bader bdr = bader(atoms, den3) rows = ListTable() rows.append(['{0}'.format(hd) for hd in ['Ion', 'Charge', 'Volume']]) for i, (chg, vol) in enumerate(zip(bdr.ionchg, bdr.ionvol)): rows.append(['{0:.2f}'.format(d) for d in [i, chg, vol] ]) rows # So far this is just analysis/post-processing, but could easily go beyond this and steer calculations based on results of e.g. Bader analysis. # ## Updating data inside a running Castep instance # # We can move the ions and continue the calculation without having to restart electronic minimisation from scratch (or do any I/O of `.check` files etc.). Here's how the core of the electronic minimisation is coded in Python, almost entirely calling auto-generated routines: # # ```python # new_cell = atoms_to_cell(atoms, kpts=self.kpts) # castep.cell.copy(new_cell, self.current_cell) # self.model.wvfn.have_beta_phi = False # castep.wave.wave_sorthonormalise(self.model.wvfn) # self.model.total_energy, self.model.converged = \ # electronic_minimisation(self.model.wvfn, # self.model.den, # self.model.occ, # self.model.eigenvalues, # self.model.fermi_energy) # self.results['energy'] = io_atomic_to_unit(self.model.total_energy, 'eV') # ``` # In[78]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'castep.wave.wave_orthogonalise') # ## Example - geometry optimisation # # Use embedded Castep efficiently as a standard ASE calculator, giving access to all of the existing high-level algorithms: geometry optimisation, NEB, basin hopping, etc. # - Compared to file-based interface, save overhead of restarting Castep for each call # - Reuse electronic model from one ionic configuration to the next # - Wavefunction and charge density extrapolation possible just as in MD # In[80]: from ase.optimize import LBFGS atoms.rattle(0.01) opt = LBFGS(atoms) opt.run(fmax=0.1) # ## Developing and testing new high-level algorithms # # Having a Python interface makes it quick to try out new high-level algorithms. # # - e.g. I'm working on a general-purpose preconditioner for geometry optimisation with Christoph Ortner (Warwick), let's try that with Castep # - This was implemented in a general purpose Python code by Warwick summer student John Woolley, just plug in Castep and off we go! # In[81]: from ase.lattice import bulk import castep import preconpy.lbfgs as lbfgs import preconpy.precon as precon from preconpy.utils import LoggingCalculator atoms = bulk('Si', cubic=True) s = atoms.get_scaled_positions() s[:, 0] *= 0.98 atoms.set_scaled_positions(s) initial_atoms = atoms log_calc = LoggingCalculator(None) for precon, label in zip([None, precon.Exp(A=3, use_pyamg=False)], ['No preconditioner', 'Exp preconditioner']): print label atoms = initial_atoms.copy() calc = castep.calculator.CastepCalculator(atoms=atoms) log_calc.calculator = calc log_calc.label = label atoms.set_calculator(log_calc) opt = lbfgs.LBFGS(atoms, precon=precon, use_line_search=False) opt.run(fmax=1e-2) # # Conclusions and Outlook # # - Scripting interfaces can be very useful for automating calculations, or connecting components in new ways # - Can give lecacy C/Fortran code a new lease of life # - Provides interactive environment for testing, debugging, development and visualisation # - Appropriate mix of high- and low-level languages maximses overall efficiency # - **CSC MSc [project](https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/csc/teaching/taughtdegrees/msc/projects/csc-msc-project-jameskermode-pythoncastep.pdf) available on extending Castep/Python interface** # # Links and References # - `QUIP` developed with Gábor Csányi, Noam Bernstein, et al. # - Code https://github.com/libAtoms/QUIP # - Documentation http://libatoms.github.io/QUIP # - `matscipy` https://github.com/libAtoms/matscipy, developed with Lars Pastewka, KIT # - `f90wrap` https://github.com/jameskermode/f90wrap # - `chemview` https://github.com/gabrielelanaro/chemview/ by Gabriele Lanaro # - [RAL technical report](https://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work/18048381) on Castep/Python interface: # G Corbett, J Kermode, D Jochym and K Refson #