#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import numpy, scipy, IPython.display as ipd # [← Back to Index](index.html) # # Why Music Information Retrieval? # While you listen to these excerpts, name as many of its musical characteristics as you can: # In[2]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("ajCYQL8ouqw") ) # ([Chords](http://chordify.net/chords/beatles-let-it-be-hippiegirl34)) # Another: # In[3]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("PrVu9WKs498", start=8) ) # One more: # In[4]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("Cxj8vSS2ELU", start=540) ) # ## Why MIR? # - discover, organize, monetize media collections # - search ("find me something that sounds like this") # - songs, loops, speech, environmental sounds, sound effects # - workflows in consumer products through machine hearing # - automatic control of software and mobile devices # ## What is MIR? # - fingerprinting # - cover song detection # - genre recognition # - transcription # - recommendation # - symbolic melodic similarity # - mood # - source separation # - instrument recognition # - pitch tracking # - tempo estimation # - score alignment # - song structure/form # - beat tracking # - key detection # - query by humming # ## Commercial Applications # Example: [RiffStation](http://www.riffstation.com/) # In[5]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("ECvinPjmBVE", start=6) ) # Example: [Melodyne](http://www.celemony.com/en/start) # In[6]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("DiW6XVFeFgo", start=60)) # Example: [Auto-Tune](http://www.antarestech.com/) # In[7]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("YDjsoZKlG04", start=155)) # Example: Key Detection and Auto-harmonization with [iZotope Nectar 2](https://www.izotope.com/nectar2) # In[8]: ipd.display( ipd.YouTubeVideo("TG-ivjyyYhM", start=35)) # Example: [Humtap](http://www.humtap.com) # In[9]: ipd.display( ipd.VimeoVideo("96140435") ) # [← Back to Index](index.html)