#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Basic Workflow 2: NetworkX and Cytoscape # # # by [Keiichiro Ono](http://keiono.github.io/) # # # ---- # # ![](http://cytoscape.org/images/logo/cy3logoOrange.svg) # # # ## Introduction # Welcome to the part 2 of basic tutorial. In this example, you will learn how to use Cytoscape with NetworkX, a very poweful network analysis toolkit. # # ### Libraries used in this tutorial # * resuests # * json # * networkx # * bokeh # * numpy # * pandas # * py2cytoscape # # Be sure to run # ``` # pip install -U requests # pip install -U networkx # pip install -U bokeh # pip install -U numpy # pip install -U pandas # pip install -U py2cytoscape # ``` # ---- # ## Questions or Feature Requests? # Please send them to our [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cytoscape-discuss) # In[1]: import requests import json import networkx as nx from IPython.display import Image # Library for util from py2cytoscape import util as cy from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from bokeh.charts import Bar from bokeh.plotting import * output_notebook() import pandas as pd # Basic Setup PORT_NUMBER = 1234 #IP = '' IP = 'localhost' BASE = 'http://' + IP + ':' + str(PORT_NUMBER) + '/v1/' # Header for posting data to the server as JSON HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # Delete all networks in current session requests.delete(BASE + 'session') # ## POST Cytoscape.js JSON file # It is easy to post local JSON file to Cytoscape. # In[2]: # Create dictionary object from JSON file f = open('sample_data/yeast.json', 'r') jsonData = json.load(f) # Set network name jsonData['data']['name'] = 'Yeast Sample 1' # print(json.dumps(jsonData, indent=4)) res1 = requests.post(BASE + 'networks', data=json.dumps(jsonData), headers=HEADERS) res1_dict = res1.json() new_suid = res1_dict['networkSUID'] Image(BASE+'networks/' + str(new_suid) + '/views/first.png') # ## Create a small network with NetworkX # First, let's make a small network manually with NetworkX. # In[3]: g = nx.MultiDiGraph() g.add_node(1) g.add_node(2) g.add_node(3) g.add_edge(1, 2) g.add_edge(2, 1) g.add_edge(1, 3) g.add_edge(3, 2) print('Number of Nodes = ' + str(g.number_of_nodes())) print('Number of Edges = ' + str(g.number_of_edges())) # Convert NetworkX Graph object cytoscape_network = cy.from_networkx(g) res1 = requests.post(BASE + 'networks', data=json.dumps(cytoscape_network), headers=HEADERS) res1_dict = res1.json() new_suid = res1_dict['networkSUID'] requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/force-directed/' + str(new_suid)) Image(BASE+'networks/' + str(new_suid) + '/views/first.png') # ## Generate graph with NetworkX # In[4]: scale_free_graph = nx.scale_free_graph(100) scale_free_graph.graph['name'] = 'Scale-Free Graph' print(scale_free_graph.number_of_nodes()) print(scale_free_graph.number_of_edges()) res1 = requests.post(BASE + 'networks', data=json.dumps(cy.from_networkx(scale_free_graph)), headers=HEADERS) res1_dict = res1.json() new_suid = res1_dict['networkSUID'] requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/force-directed/' + str(new_suid)) Image(BASE+'networks/' + str(new_suid) + '/views/first.png') # ## Generate Networks with NetworkX # # ### Generate random networks # In the [first tutorial](http://localhost:8888/notebooks/basic/CytoscapeREST_Basic1.ipynb), you learned how to generate networks programmatically, and send them to Cytoscape. However, there are better ways to manage network data in Python. Using NetworkX is one of the most popular network analysis toolkit in Python. Let's generate some network data with NetworkX. # # #### Graph generators in NetworkX # NetworkX comes with several graph generators. Let's make some networks using defferent modlels. # In[5]: graphs = {} NUMBER_OF_NODES = 100 # Scale-Free graphs['scale-free']= nx.scale_free_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES); # Complete graphs['complete'] = nx.complete_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES) # Circular Ladder graphs['circular ladder'] = nx.circular_ladder_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES) # Small-World graphs['small world'] = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES, 4, 0.1) # Binominal graphs['binominal'] = nx.binomial_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES, 0.3) # Real-world example: graphs['real social network'] = nx.karate_club_graph() # In[6]: for key in graphs.keys(): g = graphs[key] # Perform simple graph analysis # Node statistics bc = nx.betweenness_centrality(g) degree = nx.degree(g) cc = nx.closeness_centrality(g) nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'betweenness', bc) nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'closeness', cc) nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'degree', degree) # Network statistics g.graph["avg_shortest_path_len"] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(g) g.graph["density"] = nx.density(g) # ## Network Statistics # Of course, you can see the overall characteristics of the networks with traditional chart visualization tools in Python. In this example, we use [Bokeh](http://bokeh.pydata.org/) library to draw some charts. # In[7]: graph_names= list(graphs.keys()) density_list = list(map( lambda x: x.graph["density"] ,graphs.values())) dl = np.array(density_list, dtype=np.float) den = {'Graph Density': dl} density = Bar(den, graph_names, title="Network Density", xlabel="Network Name", ylabel="Density", legend=True, width=900, height=500, notebook=True) sp_list = list(map( lambda x: x.graph["avg_shortest_path_len"] ,graphs.values())) sp = np.array(sp_list, dtype=np.float) shortest_path = {'Average Shortest Path Length': sp} path_length = Bar(shortest_path, graph_names, title="Average Shortest Path Length", xlabel="Network Name", ylabel="Length", legend=True, width=900, height=500, notebook=True) # Draw the chart density.show() path_length.show() # ## Visualization with Cytoscape # Chart is a good way to understand basic nature of your graphs. However, it is more helpful to see the actual connections as node-link diagrams especially for networks of this size. Let's do it in Cytoscape. # # ### Send all network models to Cytoscape # Converting NetworkX object into Cytoscape.js style JSON is straightforward, but to save your time, we will release cytoscape module available from PyPI. __Currently, it is not released yet, and is available in this example directory__. # Now let's visualize them. # In[8]: # Remove all networks requests.delete(BASE + 'networks') # Map from human readable network name to Cytoscape network ID. name2suid = {} network_images = [] for key in graphs.keys(): g = graphs[key] cyjs_network = cy.from_networkx(g) #print(json.dumps(cyjs_network, indent=4)) cyjs_network['data']['name'] = key res1 = requests.post(BASE + 'networks', data=json.dumps(cyjs_network), headers=HEADERS) suid_res = res1.json() suid = suid_res['networkSUID'] name2suid[key] = suid requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/force-directed/' + str(suid)) requests.get(BASE + 'apply/styles/Directed/' + str(suid)) network_images.append(Image(url=BASE+'networks/' + str(suid) + '/views/first.png', embed=True)) # In[9]: network_images[0] # In[10]: network_images[5] # It depends on your Cytoscape settings, but now you can see something like this: # # ![](../images/basic2-1.png) # ## Get your data from Cytoscape # In some cases, you may want to perform analysis on data sets saved in Cytoscape session. It is easy to get the data from Cytoscape. Let's try to get a network from Cytoscape. # In[11]: # As long as you use the same Cytoscape session, ID (SUID) is same. scale_free_network_id = name2suid['scale-free'] # Fetch the data from Cytoscape (as JSON) res2 = requests.get(BASE + 'networks/' + str(scale_free_network_id) + "/views/first") # Convert to Python object network = res2.json() # make DataFrame from node list nodes = network['elements']['nodes'] node_df = pd.DataFrame(nodes) node_df.head() # And you can use py2cytoscape utility function to convert Cytoscape.js JSON back to NetworkX object. # In[12]: nx_network = cy.to_networkx(network) print("Network Name is: " + nx_network.name) # In[13]: # Getting table as CSV is simple table_url = BASE + 'networks/' + str(scale_free_network_id) + "/tables/defaultnode.csv" # Or as TAB delimited text table #table_url = BASE + 'networks/' + str(scale_free_network_id) + "/tables/defaultnode.tsv" # Let's convert it to Pandas DataFrame table_df = pd.read_csv(table_url) table_df.head(10) # # New in 1.x: Batch vector image genration # # You can easily create veator graphics files from these networks. In addition to PNG, cyREST supports the following formats: # # * SVG # * PDF # # ## Sample 1: Create PDF file for each network in the current session # In[14]: import urllib import os, sys ver = sys.version_info.major def save_networks_as_image(networks, target_dir, file_format='pdf'): if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) for suid in networks: network_table_url = BASE + 'networks/' + str(suid) +'/tables/defaultnetwork/rows' res = requests.get(network_table_url).json() network_row = res[0] network_name = network_row['name'] image_url = BASE+'networks/' + str(suid) + '/views/first.' + file_format if ver == 3: res = urllib.request.urlretrieve (image_url, os.path.join(target_dir, network_name + '.' + file_format)) else: res = urllib.urlretrieve (image_url, os.path.join(target_dir, network_name + '.' + file_format)) # Target directory: by default. it's current dir. target_dir = "network_images" networks_url = BASE + 'networks/' networks = requests.get(networks_url).json() save_networks_as_image(networks, target_dir) # This code generates PDF file for each network. Check [network_images](network_images) directory to see the result. # # # ## Sample 2: Generate a simple web page with SVG images # # ___Make sure you have [BeautifulSoup4](http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/)!___ # # It is easy to create simple web pages with SVG network images with cyREST and Python! # In[15]: from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join from bs4 import BeautifulSoup web_dir = "web_page" save_networks_as_image(networks, web_dir, file_format='svg') soup = BeautifulSoup('

Cytoscpae Session as a Web Page

') svg_files = [f for f in listdir(web_dir) if isfile(join(web_dir,f))] for svg_file in svg_files: if svg_file.endswith('html'): continue new_tag = soup.new_tag('img', src=svg_file, width="1000") title = soup.new_tag('h2') title.append(svg_file) soup.div.append(title) soup.div.append(new_tag) result = str(soup) with open(os.path.join(web_dir, 'index.html'), "w") as html_file: html_file.write(result) # Now the result is in the "web_page" folder. # If you are NOT a mac user, comment-out the following. get_ipython().system('open web_page/index.html') # ### Sample output is available [here](http://chianti.ucsd.edu/~kono/webapp/cyrest-python-basic2-svg/) # ---- # [Back to Index](../index.ipynb)