import numpy as np from import Vasprun from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin import plotly.plotly as pltly # plotting functions import as tls # plotly tools from plotly.graph_objs import Line, Layout, Scatter, Annotation, Annotations, XAxis, YAxis, Legend, Marker dosxml = "/home/.../DOS/vasprun.xml" bxml = "/home/.../Bands/vasprun.xml" kpoints = "/home/.../Bands/KPOINTS" dosrun = Vasprun(dosxml) Mn3d_dos = dosrun.complete_dos.get_element_spd_dos("Mn")["D"] O2s_dos = dosrun.complete_dos.get_element_spd_dos("O")["S"] O2p_dos = dosrun.complete_dos.get_element_spd_dos("O")["P"] run = Vasprun(bxml, parse_projected_eigen=True) bands = run.get_band_structure(kpoints, line_mode=True, efermi=dosrun.efermi) atom_select = {"Mn": ["d"], "O": ["s", "p"]} el_spd_bands = bands.get_projections_on_elts_and_orbitals(atom_select) emin = 1e100 emax = -1e100 for spin in bands.bands: for b in range(bands.nb_bands): emin = min(emin, min(bands.bands[spin][b])) emax = max(emax, max(bands.bands[spin][b])) emin -= bands.efermi + 1 #emax -= bands.efermi - 1 emax = 10 print(emin, emax) dosbandfig = tls.make_subplots(rows=1, cols=3) bandsubplot = 2 # band diagram in the middle for spin in [Spin.up, Spin.down]: if spin == Spin.up: subplot = 1 showlegend = True else: subplot = 3 showlegend = False # Density of States # ----------------- # total dos trace_tdos_up = Scatter( x=dosrun.tdos.densities[spin], y=dosrun.tdos.energies - dosrun.efermi, mode="lines", name="total DOS", line=Line(color="#444444", width=1), fill="tozeroy", showlegend=showlegend ) dosbandfig.append_trace(trace_tdos_up, 1, subplot) # O 2s contribution to the total DOS trace_O2s = Scatter( x=O2s_dos.densities[spin], y=dosrun.tdos.energies - dosrun.efermi, mode="lines", name="O 2s", line=Line(color="red", width=1), showlegend=showlegend ) dosbandfig.append_trace(trace_O2s, 1, subplot) # O 2p contribution to the total DOS trace_O2p = Scatter( x=O2p_dos.densities[spin], y=dosrun.tdos.energies - dosrun.efermi, mode="lines", name="O 2p", line=Line(color="#00FF00", width=1), showlegend=showlegend ) dosbandfig.append_trace(trace_O2p, 1, subplot) # Mn 3d contribution to the total DOS trace_Mn3s = Scatter( x=Mn3d_dos.densities[spin], y=dosrun.tdos.energies - dosrun.efermi, mode="lines", name="Mn 3d", line=Line(color="blue", width=1), showlegend=showlegend ) dosbandfig.append_trace(trace_Mn3s, 1, subplot) # Diagramme de Bandes # ------------------- contrib = np.zeros((bands.nb_bands, len(bands.kpoints), 3)) for b in range(bands.nb_bands): for k in range(len(bands.kpoints)): tot = 0 for oa in el_spd_bands[spin][b][k].values(): tot += sum([coef**2 for coef in oa.values()]) if tot != 0.0: contrib[b, k, 0] = el_spd_bands[spin][b][k]["O"]["s"]**2 / tot contrib[b, k, 1] = el_spd_bands[spin][b][k]["O"]["p"]**2 / tot contrib[b, k, 2] = el_spd_bands[spin][b][k]["Mn"]["d"]**2 / tot for b in range(bands.nb_bands): eband = [e - bands.efermi for e in bands.bands[spin][b]] for k in range(len(bands.kpoints) - 1): red, green, blue = [ int(255 * (contrib[b, k, i] + contrib[b, k+1, i])/2) for i in range(3)] line_trace = Scatter( x=[k, k+1], y=[eband[k], eband[k+1]], mode="lines", showlegend=False ) if spin == Spin.up: line_trace["mode"] = "lines" line_trace["line"] = Line( color="rgb({}, {}, {})".format(red, green, blue), width=1) else: line_trace["mode"] = "markers" line_trace["marker"] = Marker( color="rgb({}, {}, {})".format(red, green, blue), symbol="dot", size=0.7) dosbandfig.append_trace(line_trace, 1, bandsubplot) pltly.image.ishow(dosbandfig, width=975, height=650) labels = [ r"$L$", r"$\Gamma$", r"$X$", r"$U,K$", r"$\Gamma$" ] step = len(bands.kpoints) / (len(labels) - 1) for i, label in enumerate(labels): vline = Scatter( x=[i * step, i * step], y=[emin, emax], mode="lines", line=Line(color="#111111", width=1), showlegend=False ) dosbandfig.append_trace(vline, 1, bandsubplot) annotations = list() for i, label in enumerate(labels): annotations.append( Annotation( x=i * step, y=emin, xref="x2", yref="y2", text=label, xanchor="center", yanchor="top", showarrow=False ) ) annotations.append( Annotation( x=len(bands.kpoints) / 2, y=emax, xref="x2", yref="y1", text="Bands Diagram", xanchor="center", yanchor="bottom", showarrow=False ) ) annotations.append( Annotation( x=2.25, y=emax, xref="x1", yref="y1", text="DOS up", xanchor="center", yanchor="bottom", showarrow=False ) ) annotations.append( Annotation( x=2.25, y=emax, xref="x3", yref="y1", text="DOS down", xanchor="center", yanchor="bottom", showarrow=False ) ) dosbandfig["layout"].update( Layout( title="Bands diagram and density of states of MnO", legend=Legend( x=1., y=.45, xanchor="right", yanchor="top", bordercolor='#333', borderwidth=1 ), xaxis1=XAxis( domain=[.0, .25], ticks="inside", showticklabels=False, range=[4.1, 0.01], ), yaxis1=YAxis( title="$E - E_f \quad / \quad \\text{eV}$", ticks="inside", range=[emin, emax], ), xaxis2=XAxis( domain=[.250, .75], range=[0, len(bands.kpoints)], showticklabels=False, ticks="", ), yaxis2=YAxis( range=[emin, emax], ticks="inside", showticklabels=False ), xaxis3=XAxis( domain=[.752, 1.], ticks="inside", showticklabels=False, range=[.01, 4.1], ), yaxis3=YAxis( side="right", title="$E - E_f \quad / \quad \\text{eV}$", ticks="inside", range=[emin, emax] ), annotations=Annotations(annotations) ) ) axisdefault = {"showgrid": True, "showline": True, "mirror": "allticks", "linewidth": 1, "tickwidth": 1} for obj in ["yaxis1", "yaxis2", "yaxis3", "xaxis1", "xaxis2", "xaxis3"]: dosbandfig["layout"][obj].update(axisdefault) #pltly.image.ishow(dosbandfig, width=975, height=650) plot_url = pltly.plot(dosbandfig, filename="MnO_DOS_bands", auto_open=False) tls.embed(plot_url)