using NtToolBox using PyPlot # using Autoreload # arequire("NtToolBox") p = 4; h = [0, .482962913145, .836516303738, .224143868042, -.129409522551]; h = h/norm(h); g = cat(1, 0, h[length(h):-1:2]) .* ( (-1).^(1:length(h)) ); println("h filter = ", h); println("g filter = ", g); N = 256; f = rand(N, 1); a = subsampling( cconvol(f,h) ); d = subsampling( cconvol(f,g) ); e0 = norm(f[:])^2; e1 = norm(a[:])^2 + norm(d[:])^2; println("Energy before : $e0"); println("Energy before : $e1"); f1 = cconvol(upsampling(a), reverse(h)) + cconvol(upsampling(d), reverse(g)); println("Error |f-f1|/|f| = ", norm(f[:]-f1[:])/norm(f[:]) ); n = 256; name = "NtToolBox/src/data/hibiscus.png"; f = load_image(name, N); f = rescale(sum(f,3)); f = f[:, :, 1]; imageplot(f); j = log2(n) - 1; fW = copy(f); A = fW[1 : Int(2^(j + 1)), 1 : Int(2^(j + 1))]; Coarse = subsampling(cconvol(A, h, 1), 1); Detail = subsampling(cconvol(A, g, 1), 1); norm(A[:])^2 - norm(Coarse[:])^2 - norm(Detail[:])^2 A = cat(1, Coarse, Detail ); clf; imageplot(f,"Original image", [1, 2, 1]); imageplot(A,"Vertical transform", [1, 2, 2]); Coarse = subsampling(cconvol(A, h, 2), 2); Detail = subsampling(cconvol(A, g, 2), 2); A = cat(2, Coarse, Detail ); fW[1 : Int(2^(j + 1)), 1 : Int(2^(j+1))] = A; clf; imageplot(f,"Original image", [1, 2, 1]); subplot(1,2,2); plot_wavelet(fW, Int(log2(n) - 1)); title("Transformed"); print( norm(f[:]) - norm(fW[:]) ) include("NtSolutions/wavelet_4_daubechies2d/exo1.jl"); e0 = norm(f[:])^2; e1 = norm(fW[:])^2; println("Energy of the signal = $e0"); println("Energy of the coefficients = $e1"); clf; imageplot(f, "Original", [1, 2, 1]); subplot(1, 2, 2); plot_wavelet(fW, Jmin); title("Transformed"); f1 = copy(fW); j = 0; A = f1[1 : Int(2^(j + 1)), 1 : Int(2^(j + 1))]; Coarse = A[1 : Int(2^j), :]; Detail = A[Int(2^j + 1) : Int(2^(j + 1)), :]; Coarse = cconvol(upsampling(Coarse, 1), reverse(h), 1); Detail = cconvol(upsampling(Detail, 1), reverse(g), 1); A = Coarse + Detail; Coarse = A[:, 1 : Int(2^j)]; Detail = A[:, Int(2^j + 1) : Int(2^(j + 1))]; Coarse = cconvol(upsampling(Coarse, 2), reverse(h), 2); Detail = cconvol(upsampling(Detail, 2), reverse(g), 2); A = Coarse + Detail; f1[1 : Int(2^(j + 1)), 1 : Int(2^(j + 1))] = A; include("NtSolutions/wavelet_4_daubechies2d/exo2.jl"); e = norm(f[:] - f1[:])/norm(f[:]); print("Error |f-f1|/|f| = $e"); eta = 4; fWLin = zeros(n, n); fWLin[1 : Int(n/eta), 1 : Int(n/eta)] = fW[1 : Int(n/eta), 1 : Int(n/eta)]; include("NtSolutions/wavelet_4_daubechies2d/exo3.jl"); T = .2; fWT = fW .* float(abs(fW) .> T); clf; subplot(1,2,1); plot_wavelet(fW,Jmin); title("Original coefficients"); subplot(1,2,2); plot_wavelet(fWT,Jmin); title("Thresholded coefficients"); include("NtSolutions/wavelet_4_daubechies2d/exo4.jl");