departure_times = list(map(lambda s: (int(s.split('\t')[0]) * 60 + int(s.split('\t')[1])), """7 30 7 35 7 36 7 40 7 45 7 15 7 27 7 25 7 29 7 27 7 45 7 45 7 40 7 30 7 35 7 33 7 30 7 27 7 20 7 13""".split('\n'))) location_coords = list(map(lambda s: (float(s.split(',')[0]), float(s.split(',')[1])), """48.878428, 2.282963 48.870967, 2.275274 48.863403, 2.268703 48.846252, 2.257876 48.837814, 2.256867 48.837877, 2.274259 48.836091, 2.277381 48.832199, 2.287949 48.826994, 2.300598 48.827143, 2.304493 48.819960, 2.324732 48.815806, 2.344237 48.819381, 2.359011 48.830428, 2.352359 48.831459, 2.398214 48.835386, 2.406239 48.846754, 2.411582 48.853348, 2.410273 48.863569, 2.408535 48.876956, 2.406550""".split('\n'))) from pylab import * %matplotlib inline format_hour = lambda hour: "{0}h{1}".format(hour // 60, hour % 60) for hour, (lat, lng) in zip(departure_times, location_coords): text(lng, lat, format_hour(hour), bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5), horizontalalignment='center') xlabel("longitude") ylabel("latitude") xlim(2.23, 2.45) ylim(48.81, 48.89) lat_min = min([c[0] for c in location_coords]) lat_max = max([c[0] for c in location_coords]) long_min = min([c[1] for c in location_coords]) long_max = max([c[1] for c in location_coords]) print(lat_min, lat_max, long_min, long_max) x = linspace(long_min - 0.05, long_max + 0.05, 250) y = linspace(lat_min - .03, lat_max + 0.03, 200) X, Y = meshgrid(x, y) import math def distance_on_unit_sphere(lat1, long1, lat2, long2): # Convert latitude and longitude to # spherical coordinates in radians. degrees_to_radians = math.pi/180.0 # phi = 90 - latitude phi1 = (90.0 - lat1)*degrees_to_radians phi2 = (90.0 - lat2)*degrees_to_radians # theta = longitude theta1 = long1*degrees_to_radians theta2 = long2*degrees_to_radians # Compute spherical distance from spherical coordinates. # For two locations in spherical coordinates # (1, theta, phi) and (1, theta, phi) # cosine( arc length ) = # sin phi sin phi' cos(theta-theta') + cos phi cos phi' # distance = rho * arc length cos = (math.sin(phi1)*math.sin(phi2)*math.cos(theta1 - theta2) + math.cos(phi1)*math.cos(phi2)) arc = math.acos( cos ) # Remember to multiply arc by the radius of the earth # in your favorite set of units to get length. return 6371 * arc # distance will be in km distance_to_bus = nan * zeros_like(X) for i in range(x.size): for j in range(y.size): for k in range(len(location_coords)): dist_to_loc = distance_on_unit_sphere(Y[j,i], X[j, i], location_coords[k][0], location_coords[k][1]) if isnan(distance_to_bus[j, i]): distance_to_bus[j, i] = dist_to_loc else: distance_to_bus[j, i] = min(distance_to_bus[j, i], dist_to_loc) figure(figsize=(10, 6)) imshow(distance_to_bus, origin='lower', extent=(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), aspect='auto') colorbar(shrink=0.5) title('distance to bus stop (km)') xlabel("longitude") ylabel("latitude") from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection import shapefile figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = subplot(111) # first, choose map coordinates and draw rivers m = Basemap(projection='stere', resolution='h', llcrnrlon=x.min(), llcrnrlat=y.min(), urcrnrlon=x.max(), urcrnrlat=y.max(), lon_0=x.mean(), lat_0=y.mean()) m.drawrivers() # the Seine # secondly, add departments from detailed shapefile (fra_adm5) r = shapefile.Reader(r"files/france_shapes/fra_adm5") shapes = r.shapes() records = r.records() for record, shape in zip(records,shapes): if record[6] == 75: # filtering Paris data lons,lats = zip(*shape.points) data = np.array(m(lons, lats)).T if len( == 1: segs = [data,] else: segs = [] for i in range(1,len( index =[i-1] index2 =[i] segs.append(data[index:index2]) segs.append(data[index2:]) lines = LineCollection(segs,antialiaseds=(1,)) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.1) ax.add_collection(lines) im1 = m.pcolormesh(X,Y,distance_to_bus,shading='flat',,latlon=True) cb = m.colorbar(im1,"bottom", size="5%", pad="2%") cb.set_label('km') ax.set_title('distance to nearest bus stop') walking_speed = 10. # minutes per kilometer start_time = nan * zeros_like(X) for i in range(x.size): for j in range(y.size): for k in range(len(location_coords)): dist_to_loc = distance_on_unit_sphere(Y[j,i], X[j, i], location_coords[k][0], location_coords[k][1]) time_to_leave = departure_times[k] - dist_to_loc * walking_speed if isnan(start_time[j, i]): start_time[j, i] = time_to_leave else: start_time[j, i] = max(start_time[j, i], time_to_leave) labels = array([6.5, 6.75, 7, 7.25, 7.5, 7.75]) * 60 ticklabels = ['6h30', '6h45', '7h', '7h15', '7h30', '7h45'] figure(figsize=(10, 6)) imshow(start_time, origin='lower', extent=(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), aspect='auto', vmin=labels.min(), vmax=labels.max()) cbar = colorbar(shrink=0.5) cbar.set_ticks(labels) cbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) title('time to leave the house in the morning') xlabel("longitude") ylabel("latitude") from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection import shapefile figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = subplot(111) # first, choose map coordinates and draw rivers m = Basemap(projection='stere', resolution='h', llcrnrlon=x.min(), llcrnrlat=y.min(), urcrnrlon=x.max(), urcrnrlat=y.max(), lon_0=x.mean(), lat_0=y.mean()) m.drawrivers() # the Seine # secondly, add departments from detailed shapefile (fra_adm5) r = shapefile.Reader(r"files/france_shapes/fra_adm5") shapes = r.shapes() records = r.records() for record, shape in zip(records,shapes): if record[6] == 75: # filtering Paris data lons,lats = zip(*shape.points) data = np.array(m(lons, lats)).T if len( == 1: segs = [data,] else: segs = [] for i in range(1,len( index =[i-1] index2 =[i] segs.append(data[index:index2]) segs.append(data[index2:]) lines = LineCollection(segs,antialiaseds=(1,)) lines.set_edgecolors('k') lines.set_linewidth(0.1) ax.add_collection(lines) im1 = m.pcolormesh(X, Y, start_time, shading='flat',, latlon=True, vmin=labels.min(), vmax=labels.max()) cbar = m.colorbar(im1,"bottom", size="5%", pad="2%") cbar.set_ticks(labels) cbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) ax.set_title('estimated time of (productive) departure')