import plotly.plotly as py # import as tls # stream_ids = tls.get_credentials_file()['stream_ids'] stream_ids from plotly.graph_objs import Data, Layout, Figure, Stream from plotly.graph_objs import Heatmap, Contour from plotly.graph_objs import XAxis, YAxis, ColorBar, Margin from plotly.graph_objs import Font, Contours import numpy as np import pandas as pd import urllib2 # import time import datetime # url_csv = '\ 2014-01-20T20%3A48%3A50.296Z/2013.csv' fichier_csv = urllib2.urlopen(url_csv) # df = pd.read_csv(fichier_csv) # df.head() # Sites' full names sites = ['Berri/
de Maisonneuve', 'Côte-Ste-Catherine
(parc Beaubien)', 'de Maisonneuve/
Berri', 'de Maisonneuve/
Peel', 'du Parc/
Duluth', 'Pierre-Dupuy
(Habitat 67)', 'Rachel/
Marquette', 'Laurier
(métro)'] dates = df['Date'].tolist() dates_in_words = [datetime.datetime.strptime(i,'%d/%m/%Y').strftime('%A, %B %d %Y') for i in dates] dates_in_words # Get values of every row of columns 2 and up Z = df.ix[:,2:].values # 153 sample days (rows) at 8 sites (columns) Z.shape Z.max() # Make a first stream id object stream_id = stream_ids[0] # get a stream token from list stream = Stream(token=stream_id, # N.B. link stream id to 'token' key maxpoints=30) # N.B. keep maximum of 30 pts on plot z_init = np.zeros((1,len(sites))) # Scatter object for sin(x) line data = Data([ Heatmap( z=z_init, x=sites, y=[0], zauto=False, zmin=0, zmax=9000, stream=stream ) ]) layout = Layout( title='Heatmap Stream test', yaxis=YAxis( ticks='', showticklabels=False ), margin= Margin( l=10, b=100, t=50 ), autosize=False, width=600, height=280) figure = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(figure, filename='stream-heatmap-test') s = py.Stream(stream_id) time.sleep(2) for i,z in enumerate(Z): s_data = dict(z=[z], type='heatmap') # must include type='heatmap' s_layout = dict(title=dates_in_words[i]) #s.write(s_data, layout=s_layout, validate=False) s.write(s_data, layout=s_layout) time.sleep(0.5) s.close() from IPython.display import display, HTML import urllib2 url = '' display(HTML(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()))