#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from IPython.display import HTML s="""

2D Navier-Stokes for Channel Flow

"""; h=HTML(s); h # *** # # Understand the Problem # # ## Question # # * What is the 2D velocity **and** pressure field for the **2D Navier Stokes Equation** for flow within an **open channel**? # # ## Initial Conditions # # * The velocity and pressure fields are zero everywhere # # ## Boundary Conditions # # * `x = 0m` and `x = 2m` $\Rightarrow$ ` u, v ` and ` p ` are **periodic** # # * `y = 0m` and `y = 2m` $\Rightarrow$ `u = 0m/s` and `v = 0m/s` i.e. **no slip wall** # # * `y = 0m` and `y = 2m` $\Rightarrow$ `dp/dy = 0` i.e. **impermeable wall** # # **NOTE: where velocity is specified, pressure cannot also be specified, because in this case:** # # * velocity is a function of pressure # * pressure is a function of velocity # # **Specifiying the pressure and the velocity would result in an overspecified problem** # # # # ## Governing Equations # # * The Navier Stokes Momentum Equation is described as follows: # # $$ {\partial u \over \partial t} + u {\partial u \over \partial x} + v {\partial u \over \partial y} = F_x -{1 \over \rho} {{\partial p} \over {\partial x}} + \nu \left ( {\partial^2 u \over \partial x^2}+ {\partial^2 u \over \partial y^2} \right ) $$ # # where: $ F_x = 1$ (a source term) # # $$ {\partial v \over \partial t} + u {\partial v \over \partial x} + v {\partial v \over \partial y} = -{1 \over \rho} {{\partial p} \over {\partial y}} + \nu \left ( {\partial^2 v \over \partial x^2}+ {\partial^2 v \over \partial y^2} \right ) $$ # # * The Poisson Equation to link pressure and velocity is: # # $$ \nabla^2 p^{n+1} = \rho {{\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u}^n} \over {\Delta t}}- # \rho \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u}^n \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u}^n)+ # \mu \nabla^2 (\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u}^n) # $$ # # Where: # # $$ \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u}) = # \begin{bmatrix} {{\partial} \over {\partial x} } \ {{\partial} \over {\partial y} } \end{bmatrix} # \cdot \begin{bmatrix} (u {{\partial u} \over {\partial x} } + v {{\partial u} \over {\partial y}}) \ \mathbf{i} \\ (u {{\partial v} \over {\partial x} } + v {{\partial v} \over {\partial y} }) \ \mathbf{j} \end{bmatrix} = \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} \right)^2 + # 2 {{\partial u} \over {\partial y}} {{\partial v} \over {\partial x}} + # \left( {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right)^2 # $$ # # Hence: # # * **Assuming viscosity is small**, the Poisson Equation to link pressure and velocity is as follows: # # $$ {{{\partial^2 p} \over {\partial x^2}} + {{\partial^2 p} \over {\partial y^2}} = # {\rho \over \Delta t} \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} + {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right) # - \rho \left[ \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} \right)^2 + # 2 {{\partial u} \over {\partial y}} {{\partial v} \over {\partial x}} + # \left( {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right)^2 \right] }$$ # # (this equation applies in the discrete domain) # # *** # # Formulate the Problem # # ## Input Data: # # The Poisson Equation has **no temporal component**, so we use a number of iterations `niter` # # The Navier Stokes Momentum Equation **does have a temporal component**, so we use `nt` # # * `niter` = 51 (maximum number of iterations - for Poisson Equation) # * `nt` = 51 (number of temporal points) # * `nx` = 21 (number of x spatial points) # * `ny` = 21 (number of y spatial points) # * `tmax` = 0.5 # * `xmax` = 2 # * `ymax` = 2 # * `nu` = 0.1 # * `rho` = 1 # # ## Initial Conditions: # # * $\forall (x, y, t) \quad t = 0 \rightarrow u(x,y,t) = 0 \land v(x,y,t) = 0 \land p(x,y,t) = 0$ # # ## Velocity Boundary Conditions: # # * $\forall (x, y, t) \quad x = 0 \lor x = 2 \rightarrow u(0,y,t) = u(2,y,t) \land v(0,y,t) = v(2,y,t)$ # # * $\forall (x, y, t) \quad y = 0 \lor y = 2 \rightarrow u(x,0,t) = 0 \land u(x,2,t) = 0 \land v(x,0,t) = 0 \land v(x,2,t) = 0$ # # ## Pressure Boundary Conditions: # # * $\forall (x, y, t) \quad x = 0 \lor x = 2 \rightarrow p(0,y,t) = p(2,y,t)$ # # * $\forall (x, y, t) \quad y = 0 \lor y = 2 \rightarrow {{\partial p(x,0,t)} / {\partial y}} = 0 \land {{\partial p(x,2,t)} / {\partial y}} = 0$ # # ## Output Data: # # * $\forall (x, y, t) \quad \ p(x,y,t) = ? \land u(x,y,t) = ? \land v(x,y,t) = ?$ # # *** # # # Design Algorithm to Solve Problem # # ## Space-time discretisation: # # * i $\rightarrow$ index of grid in x # * j $\rightarrow$ index of grid in y # * n $\rightarrow$ index of time # * m $\rightarrow$ index of iterations # # ## Numerical schemes for each Momentum Equation # # * For the **one** first derivative of velocity in time: 1st order FD in time # * For the **two** first derivatives of velocity in space: 1st order BD in space # * For the **one** first derivative of pressure in space: 2nd order CD in space # * For the **two** second derivatives of velocity in space: 2nd order CD in space # # ## Numerical schemes for the Poisson Equation # # * For the **two** second derivatives of pressure in space: 2nd order CD in space # * The the **four** first derivatives of velocity in space: 2nd order CD in space # # ## Discrete equation for u-Momentum Equation # # $$ {{u_{i,j}^{n+1} - u_{i,j}^n} \over {\Delta t}} + # u_{i,j}^n {{u_{i,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n} \over \Delta x} + # v_{i,j}^n {{u_{i,j}^n - u_{i,j-1}^n} \over \Delta y} = \\ # 1 -{1 \over \rho} {{p_{i+1,j}^n - p_{i-1,j}^n} \over {2 \Delta x}} + # \nu {{u_{i-1,j}^n - 2u_{i,j}^n + u_{i+1,j}^n} \over \Delta x^2} + # \nu {{u_{i,j-1}^n - 2u_{i,j}^n + u_{i,j+1}^n} \over \Delta y^2} # $$ # # ## Transpose # # Assume $ \Delta x = \Delta y = h$ # # $$ {u_{i,j}^{n+1} = u_{i,j}^n - {{\Delta t} \over h} \left[ u_{i,j}^n(u_{i,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n) + v_{i,j}^n(u_{i,j}^n - u_{i,j-1}^n)\right] \\ # + {\Delta t} - {{\Delta t} \over {2 \rho h}} (p_{i+1,j}^n - p_{i-1,j}^n) + {{\Delta t \nu} \over {h^2}} # (u_{i-1,j}^n + u_{i+1,j}^n + u_{i,j-1}^n + u_{i,j+1}^n - 4 u_{i,j}^n )} # $$ # # ## Discrete equation for v-Momentum Equation # # $$ {{v_{i,j}^{n+1} - v_{i,j}^n} \over {\Delta t}} + # u_{i,j}^n {{v_{i,j}^n - v_{i-1,j}^n} \over \Delta x} + # v_{i,j}^n {{v_{i,j}^n - v_{i,j-1}^n} \over \Delta y} = \\ # -{1 \over \rho} {{p_{i,j+1}^n - p_{i,j-1}^n} \over {2 \Delta y}} + # \nu {{v_{i-1,j}^n - 2v_{i,j}^n + v_{i+1,j}^n} \over \Delta x^2} + # \nu {{v_{i,j-1}^n - 2v_{i,j}^n + v_{i,j+1}^n} \over \Delta y^2} # $$ # # ## Transpose # # Assume $ \Delta x = \Delta y = h$ # # $$ v_{i,j}^{n+1} = v_{i,j}^n - {{\Delta t} \over h} \left[ u_{i,j}^n(v_{i,j}^n - v_{i-1,j}^n) + v_{i,j}^n(v_{i,j}^n - v_{i,j-1}^n)\right] - \\ # {{\Delta t} \over {2 \rho h}} (p_{i,j+1}^n - p_{i,j-1}^n) + {{\Delta t \nu} \over {h^2}} # (v_{i-1,j}^n + v_{i+1,j}^n + v_{i,j-1}^n + v_{i,j+1}^n - 4 v_{i,j}^n ) # $$ # # ## Discrete equation for Poisson Equation must be Divergence Free # # Since no terms have a differential temporal component - bring source term to other side and equate to forward differencing (as we did for Laplace Equation). Then take steady state after a certain number of iterations. # # $$ {{\partial p} \over {\partial t}} = {\partial^2 p \over \partial x^2} + {\partial^2 p \over \partial y^2} - # \left[ {\rho \over \Delta t} \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} + {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right) # - \rho \left[ \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} \right)^2 + # 2 {{\partial u} \over {\partial y}} {{\partial v} \over {\partial x}} + # \left( {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right)^2 \right] \right] $$ # # $$ {{\partial p} \over {\partial t}} = {\partial^2 p \over \partial x^2} + {\partial^2 p \over \partial y^2} - # b $$ # # $$ {{p_{i,j}^{m+1}-p_{i,j}^m} \over {\Delta \tau}} = {{p_{i+1,j}^m -2p_{i,j}^m + p_{i-1,j}^m} \over \Delta x^2} + {{p_{i,j+1}^m -2p_{i,j}^m + p_{i,j-1}^m} \over \Delta y^2} - b_{i,j}^m $$ # # Assume that $ \Delta x = \Delta y = h $ # # $$ {{p_{i,j}^{m+1}-p_{i,j}^m} \over {\Delta \tau}} = {{p_{i+1,j}^m -2p_{i,j}^m + p_{i-1,j}^m} \over h^2} + {{p_{i,j+1}^m -2p_{i,j}^m + p_{i,j-1}^m} \over h^2} - b_{i,j}^m $$ # # # $$ p_{i,j}^{m+1} = p_{i,j}^m + {{\Delta \tau} \over {h^2}} \left( # p_{i+1,j}^m + p_{i-1,j}^m + p_{i,j+1}^m + p_{i,j-1}^m - 4p_{i,j}^m \right) - b_{i,j}^m \Delta \tau $$ # # For the fastest convergence $ r = {{\Delta \tau} \over {h^2}} = {1 \over 4} $ and $ \Delta \tau = {{h^2} \over 4} $ # # Hence: # # $$ p_{i,j}^{m+1} = {1 \over 4} \left( p_{i+1,j}^m + p_{i-1,j}^m + p_{i,j+1}^m + p_{i,j-1}^m - b_{i,j}^m h^2 \right) $$ # # So now we need to define $ b_{i,j}^m $ # # $$ # b = {\rho \over \Delta t} \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} + {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right) # - \rho \left[ \left( {{\partial u} \over {\partial x}} \right)^2 + # 2 {{\partial u} \over {\partial y}} {{\partial v} \over {\partial x}} + # \left( {{\partial v} \over {\partial y}} \right)^2 \right] # $$ # # # # $$ b_{i,j}^{m} = # {\rho \over \Delta t} \left( {{u_{i+1,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n} \over {2 \Delta x}} + {{v_{i,j+1}^n - v_{i,j-1}^n} \over {2 \Delta y}} \right) + # \rho \left[ \left( {{u_{i+1,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n} \over {2 \Delta x}} \right)^2 + 2 \left( {{u_{i,j+1}^n - u_{i,j-1}^n} \over {2 \Delta y}} {{v_{i+1,j}^n - v_{i-1,j}^n} \over {2 \Delta x}}\right) + # \left( {{v_{i,j+1}^n - v_{i,j-1}^n} \over {2 \Delta y}} \right)^2 \right] $$ # # Also assume that $ \Delta x = \Delta y = h $ # # # $$ b_{i,j}^{m} = # {\rho \over {2 h \Delta t}} ( {{u_{i+1,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n}} + {{v_{i,j+1}^n - v_{i,j-1}^n}} ) + # {\rho \over {4h^2}} \left[ (u_{i+1,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n)^2 + 4h ( u_{i,j+1}^n - u_{i,j-1}^n) (v_{i+1,j}^n - v_{i-1,j}^n) + (v_{i,j+1}^n - v_{i,j-1}^n)^2 \right] $$ # # ## Question: What governs the stability of these schemes? # # * The term that grows quickest with reducing spatial step size? # * The CD term for diffusion contains the coefficient $ {\nu \Delta t} / h^2 $ # * Based on the previous von Neumann stability analysis $ {\nu \Delta t} / h^2 \le 0.5$ # ## Pseudo-code # # # Inputs: # niter = 51 # nx = 21 # xmax = 2 # tmax = 0.5 # r = 0.25 # nu = 0.1 # rho = 1 # # # Calculated values - nt is a function of r and dx (should be int) - WHAT VALUE OF r IS STABLE? 0.5? # nt = int{ ( (nu*tmax) / (r*(dx)**2) )+1 } # dt = tmax/(nt-1) # ymax = xmax # # # Increments in x and y are the same - h, dy & dx should be rational numbers: # h = dy = dx = xmax/(nx-1) # # # Compute ny from dy and ymax - ny should be an integer # ny = int{ (ymax/dy) + 1 } # # # Initial Conditions: # p[:,:] = 0 # pm[:,:] = 0 # u[:,:] = 0 # v[:,:] = 0 # un[:,:] = 0 # vn[:,:] = 0 # b[:,:] = 0 # # # Velocity Boundary Conditions: # u[:,0] = u[:,ny-1] = v[:,0] = v[:,ny-1] = 0 # # for n between 0 and nt-1 # # # Numerical Computation - u and v at i=0 and i=nx-1 are unknown # - u and v at j=0 and j=ny-1 are known # # for i between 0 and nx-1 # for j between 1 and ny-2 # # # Periodic Boundary Conditions # if(i==0) # u[i-1,:] = u[nx-1,:] # v[i-1,:] = v[nx-1,:] # else if(i==nx-1) # u[i+1,:] = u[0, :] # v[i+1,:] = v[0, :] # # # Value of Poisson RHS # b[i,j] = { rho / (2*h*dt) } * { u[i+1,j] - u[i-1,j] + v[i,j+1] - v[i,j-1] } + # { rho / (4*h^2) } * { (u[i+1,j] - u[i-1,j])^2 + # 4*h*(u[i,j+1] - u[i,j-1])*(v[i+1,j] - v[i-1,j]) + # (v[i,j+1] - v[i,j-1])^2 } # # for m between 0 and niter-1 # # pm = copyof(p) # # for i between 0 and nx-1 # for j between 1 and ny-2 # # # Periodic Boundary Conditions # if(i==0) # pm[i-1,:] = pm[nx-1,:] # else if(i==nx-1) # pm[i+1,:] = pm[0, :] # # p[i,j] = 0.25*( pm[i+1,j] + pm[i-1,j] + pm[i,j+1] + pm[i,j-1] - b[i,j]*h**2 ) # # un = copyof(u) # vn = copyof(v) # # for i between 0 and nx-1 # for j between 1 and ny-2 # # # Periodic Boundary Conditions # if(i==0) # un[i-1,:] = un[nx-1,:] # vn[i-1,:] = vn[nx-1,:] # else if(i==nx-1) # un[i+1,:] = un[0, :] # vn[i+1,:] = vn[0, :] # # u[i,j] = un[i,j] - {dt / h} * { un[i,j] * ( un[i,j] - un[i-1,j] ) + # vn[i,j] * ( un[i,j] - un[i,j-1] ) } + # {dt} - {dt / (2 * rho * h)} * { p[i+1,j] - p[i-1,j] } + # {(dt * nu) / (h^2)} * { un[i-1,j] + un[i+1,j] + un[i,j-1] + un[i,j+1] - 4 * un[i,j] } # # v[i,j] = vn[i,j] - {dt / h} * { un[i,j] * ( vn[i,j] - vn[i-1,j] ) + # vn[i,j] * ( vn[i,j] - vn[i,j-1] ) } - # {dt / (2 * rho * h)} * { p[i,j+1] - p[i,j-1] } + # {(dt * nu) / (h^2)} * { vn[i-1,j] + vn[i+1,j] + vn[i,j-1] + vn[i,j+1] - 4 * vn[i,j] } # # *** # # Implement Algorithm in Python # # ## Question: How does the value of r affect the pressure in the **Poisson** Equation? # Try to implement a Parabolic velocity in u and v so that b is non-zero # In[91]: def poisson_initialisation(niter, r, nx_or_ny, tmax, xmax_or_ymax, nu): """ Initialise conditions for Poisson Equation """ # Increments: nx = ny = nx_or_ny xmax = ymax = xmax_or_ymax dx = xmax/(nx-1) dy = ymax/(ny-1) nt = int(((nu * tmax) / (r*(dx)**2))+1) dt = tmax/(nt-1) # Initialise data structures: import numpy as np # Initial conditions p = np.zeros((nx,ny)) u = np.zeros((nx,ny)) v = np.zeros((nx,ny)) # x and y range x = np.zeros(nx) y = np.zeros(ny) # X Loop x = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,nx) # Y Loop y = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,ny) # Velocity Initial Conditions: #u[:,0:ny] = [(1.0/nu) * (y[j] - ((y[j])**2.0 / 2.0)) for j in range(ny) ] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): u[i,j] = x[i] * y[j] * (2.0-x[i])*(2.0-y[j]) v[i,j] = x[i] * y[j] * (2.0-x[i])*(2.0-y[j]) return p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r # In[92]: (p30, x30, y30, u30, v30, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r) = poisson_initialisation(50, 0.25, 51, 0.5, 2.0, 0.1) # In[93]: def plot_3D(u,x,y,title,label): """ Plots the 2D velocity field """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig=plt.figure(figsize=(11,7),dpi=100) ax=fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_xlabel('x (m)') ax.set_ylabel('y (m)') ax.set_zlabel(label) ax.set_xlim(0,2) ax.set_ylim(0,1) ax.view_init(30,225) Y,X=np.meshgrid(y,x) #note meshgrid uses y,x not x,y!!! surf=ax.plot_surface(X,Y,u[:,:], rstride=1, cstride=1) plt.title(title) plt.show() # In[94]: plot_3D(u30,x30,y30,'Figure 1: Initial Conditions','u (m/s)') plot_3D(v30,x30,y30,'Figure 2: Initial Conditions','v (m/s)') plot_3D(p30,x30,y30,'Figure 3: Initial Conditions','p (Pa)') # In[95]: def poisson_equation(rho, nu, r): (p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r) = poisson_initialisation(50, r, 51, 0.5, 2.0, 0.1) # Increments h = dx import numpy as np # Intermediate copies: un = np.zeros((nx, ny)) vn = np.zeros((nx, ny)) pm = np.zeros((nx, ny)) bm = np.zeros((nx, ny)) # bm needs to be exactly zero at the boundaries # First points for b. We know the velocity at j=0 and j=ny-1. We don't know it at i=0 and i=nx-1 # However, we will re-write the equation for b at i=0 and i=nx-1 # Loop - use decimal points for all floating point numbers for n in range(nt): i=1 j=1 bm[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - u[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + v[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - v[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - u[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - u[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2])* (v[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - v[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1]) + (v[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - v[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 bm[i, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[i+1, j:ny-1] - u[nx-1, j:ny-1] + v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[i+1, j:ny-1] - u[nx-1, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i, j+1:ny] - u[i, j-1:ny-2])* (v[i+1, j:ny-1] - v[nx-1, j:ny-1]) + (v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 bm[i, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[0, j:ny-1] - u[i-1, j:ny-1] + v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[0, j:ny-1] - u[i-1, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i, j+1:ny] - u[i, j-1:ny-2])* (v[0, j:ny-1] - v[i-1, j:ny-1]) + (v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) # First points for p. We don't know the pressure at i=0 and i=nx-1. We DO know the pressure at j=ny-1 for m in range(niter): pm = np.copy(p) i=1 j=1 p[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + pm[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + pm[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] + pm[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i:nx-1, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 p[i, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[i+1, j:ny-1] + pm[nx-1, j:ny-1] + pm[i, j+1:ny] + pm[i, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 p[i, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[0, j:ny-1] + pm[i-1, j:ny-1] + pm[i, j+1:ny] + pm[i, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) # Set zero gradient boundary conditions p[:, 0] = p[:, 1] p[:, ny-1] = p[:, ny-2] return u, v, p, x, y, bm # In[96]: u40, v40, p40, x40, y40, bm40 = poisson_equation(1, 0.1, 0.25) # In[97]: plot_3D(u40,x40,y40,'Figure 1: Final Conditions','u (m/s)') plot_3D(v40,x40,y40,'Figure 2: Final Conditions','v (m/s)') plot_3D(p40,x40,y40,'Figure 3: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') plot_3D(bm40,x40,y40,'Figure 4: Final Conditions','b') # ## Question: What is the effect of r on the magnitude of p? # In[98]: u1, v1, p1, x1, y1, bm1 = poisson_equation(1, 0.1, 0.25) u2, v2, p2, x2, y2, bm2 = poisson_equation(1, 0.1, 0.50) u3, v3, p3, x3, y3, bm3 = poisson_equation(1, 0.1, 1.00) u4, v4, p4, x4, y4, bm4 = poisson_equation(1, 0.1, 1.50) u5, v5, p5, x5, y5, bm5 = poisson_equation(1, 0.1, 2.00) # In[99]: plot_3D(p1,x1,y1,'Figure 1: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') plot_3D(p2,x2,y2,'Figure 2: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') plot_3D(p3,x3,y3,'Figure 3: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') plot_3D(p4,x4,y4,'Figure 4: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') plot_3D(p5,x5,y5,'Figure 5: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') # ## Conclusion about the value of r in the equation for b # r does affect the magnitude of p - therefore it is not a question of stability, but of dimensional consistency - the same r must be used so that the units of pressure are maintained. # # In other words, pressure and velocity must step forward in time using the same timestep # ## So, now this is established - what is the effect of r on the stability of the Burgers Equation for this problem? # See whether starting the values at zero and then allowing convection would make a difference? # In[108]: def burgers_initialisation(niter, r, nx_or_ny, tmax, xmax_or_ymax, nu): """ Initialise conditions for Poisson Equation """ # Increments: nx = ny = nx_or_ny xmax = ymax = xmax_or_ymax dx = xmax/(nx-1) dy = ymax/(ny-1) nt = int(((nu * tmax) / (r*(dx)**2))+1) dt = tmax/(nt-1) # Initialise data structures: import numpy as np # Initial conditions p = np.zeros((nx,ny)) u = np.zeros((nx,ny)) v = np.zeros((nx,ny)) # x and y range x = np.zeros(nx) y = np.zeros(ny) # X Loop x = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,nx) # Y Loop y = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,ny) return p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r # In[111]: def burgers_equation(rho, nu, r): (p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r) = burgers_initialisation(50, r, 51, 0.5, 2.0, nu) # Increments h = dx import numpy as np # Intermediate copies: un = np.zeros((nx, ny)) vn = np.zeros((nx, ny)) # Loop - use decimal points for all floating point numbers for n in range(nt): # First points for b. We know the velocity at i=0, j=0, i=nx-1 and j=ny-1. b is zero at the boundaries. i=1 j=1 # First points for u and v. We know the velocity at i=0, j=0, i=nx-1 and j=ny-1. # We are simply using the value of pressure here un = np.copy(u) vn = np.copy(v) u[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - un[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - un[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - p[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + un[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + un[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] + un[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - vn[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - vn[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - p[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + vn[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + vn[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] ) ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 u[i, j:ny-1] = ( un[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i+1, j:ny-1] - p[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[nx-1, j:ny-1] + un[i+1, j:ny-1] + un[i, j-1:ny-2] + un[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i, j+1:ny] - p[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1, j:ny-1] + vn[i+1, j:ny-1] + vn[i, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i, j:ny-1] ) ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 u[i, j:ny-1] = ( un[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[0, j:ny-1] - p[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[i-1, j:ny-1] + un[0, j:ny-1] + un[i, j-1:ny-2] + un[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i, j+1:ny] - p[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1, j:ny-1] + vn[0, j:ny-1] + vn[i, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i, j:ny-1] ) ) return u, v, p, x, y # In[115]: u10, v10, p10, x10, y10 = burgers_equation(1, 0.1, 0.25) u20, v20, p20, x20, y20 = burgers_equation(1, 0.1, 0.50) u30, v30, p30, x30, y30 = burgers_equation(1, 0.1, 1.00) u40, v40, p40, x40, y40 = burgers_equation(1, 0.1, 1.50) u50, v50, p50, x50, y50 = burgers_equation(1, 0.1, 2.00) # In[117]: plot_3D(u10,x10,y10,'Figure 1: Final Conditions r = 0.25','u (m/s)') plot_3D(u20,x20,y20,'Figure 2: Final Conditions r = 0.5','u (m/s)') plot_3D(u30,x30,y30,'Figure 3: Final Conditions r = 1.0' ,'u (m/s)') plot_3D(u40,x40,y40,'Figure 4: Final Conditions r = 1.5','u (m/s)') plot_3D(u50,x50,y50,'Figure 5: Final Conditions r = 2.0','u (m/s)') # As expected, if the value of r is greater than 0.5, then we have an unstable Burgers Equation # ## Now try it with the full Navier Stokes Equations # In[22]: def navier_stokes_initialisation(niter, r, nx_or_ny, tmax, xmax_or_ymax, nu): """ Initialise conditions for Poisson Equation """ # Increments: nx = ny = nx_or_ny xmax = ymax = xmax_or_ymax dx = xmax/(nx-1) dy = ymax/(ny-1) nt = int(((nu * tmax) / (r*(dx)**2))+1) dt = tmax/(nt-1) # Initialise data structures: import numpy as np # Initial conditions p = np.zeros((nx,ny)) u = np.zeros((nx,ny)) v = np.zeros((nx,ny)) # x and y range x = np.zeros(nx) y = np.zeros(ny) # X Loop x = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,nx) # Y Loop y = np.linspace(0.0,2.0,ny) return p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r # In[72]: p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r = navier_stokes_initialisation(50, 0.5, 51, 0.5, 2.0, 0.1) # In[74]: dt # In[124]: def navier_stokes_equation(rho, nu, r): (p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r) = navier_stokes_initialisation(50, r, 51, 0.5, 2.0, nu) # Increments h = dx import numpy as np # Intermediate copies: un = np.zeros((nx, ny)) vn = np.zeros((nx, ny)) pm = np.zeros((nx, ny)) bm = np.zeros((nx, ny)) # bm needs to be exactly zero at the boundaries # Loop - use decimal points for all floating point numbers for n in range(nt): # First points for bm. We don't know the value at i=0 and i=nx-1. b is zero at j=0 and j=ny-1. i=1 j=1 bm[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - u[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + v[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - v[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - u[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - u[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2])* (v[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - v[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1]) + (v[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - v[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 bm[i, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[i+1, j:ny-1] - u[nx-1, j:ny-1] + v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[i+1, j:ny-1] - u[nx-1, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i, j+1:ny] - u[i, j-1:ny-2])* (v[i+1, j:ny-1] - v[nx-1, j:ny-1]) + (v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 bm[i, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[0, j:ny-1] - u[i-1, j:ny-1] + v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[0, j:ny-1] - u[i-1, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i, j+1:ny] - u[i, j-1:ny-2])* (v[0, j:ny-1] - v[i-1, j:ny-1]) + (v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) for m in range(niter): # First points for p. We don't know the pressure at i=0 and i=nx-1. dp/dy = 0 at y=0 and y=2 pm = np.copy(p) i=1 j=1 p[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + pm[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + pm[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] + pm[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i:nx-1, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 p[i, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[i+1, j:ny-1] + pm[nx-1, j:ny-1] + pm[i, j+1:ny] + pm[i, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 p[i, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[0, j:ny-1] + pm[i-1, j:ny-1] + pm[i, j+1:ny] + pm[i, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) # Set zero gradient boundary conditions p[:, 0] = p[:, 1] p[:, ny-1] = p[:, ny-2] # First points for u and v. We don't know u and v at i=0 and i=nx-1. u and v are zero at j=0 and j=ny-1. i=1 j=1 un = np.copy(u) vn = np.copy(v) u[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - un[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - un[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - p[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + un[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + un[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] + un[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - vn[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - vn[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - p[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + vn[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + vn[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] ) ) # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 i=0 u[i, j:ny-1] = ( un[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i+1, j:ny-1] - p[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[nx-1, j:ny-1] + un[i+1, j:ny-1] + un[i, j-1:ny-2] + un[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i, j+1:ny] - p[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1, j:ny-1] + vn[i+1, j:ny-1] + vn[i, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i, j:ny-1] ) ) # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 i=nx-1 u[i, j:ny-1] = ( un[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[0, j:ny-1] - p[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[i-1, j:ny-1] + un[0, j:ny-1] + un[i, j-1:ny-2] + un[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i, j+1:ny] - p[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1, j:ny-1] + vn[0, j:ny-1] + vn[i, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i, j:ny-1] ) ) return u, v, p, x, y # In[125]: u50, v50, p50, x50, y50 = navier_stokes_equation(1.0, 0.1, 0.5) # In[126]: plot_3D(u50,x50,y50,'Figure 1: Final Conditions','u (m/s)') plot_3D(v50,x50,y50,'Figure 2: Final Conditions','v (m/s)') plot_3D(p50,x50,y50,'Figure 3: Final Conditions','p (Pa)') # ## How does this compare with the analytical solution? # We know the answer to this problem, it's just flow between parallel plates # # $$ {\partial u \over \partial t} + u {\partial u \over \partial x} + v {\partial u \over \partial y} = 1 -{1 \over \rho} {{\partial p} \over {\partial x}} + \nu \left ( {\partial^2 u \over \partial x^2}+ {\partial^2 u \over \partial y^2} \right ) $$ # # In steady state: # # * $ {\partial u / \partial t} = 0 $ # * $ {\partial u / \partial x} = 0 $ # * $ v = 0 $ # * $ {\partial p / \partial x} = 0 $ # * $ {\partial^2 u / \partial x^2} = 0 $ # # Hence: # # $$ 1 + \nu {\partial^2 u \over \partial y^2} = 0 \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad {\partial^2 u \over \partial y^2} = -{1 \over \nu} \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad \int \int {d^2 u \over d y^2} dy dy = -{1 \over \nu} \int \int dy dy$$ # # $$ \int {d u \over d y} dy = -{1 \over \nu} \int (y + C_1 ) dy \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad u = -{1 \over \nu} \left({y^2 \over 2} + C_1y +C_2 \right) $$ # # * $u = 0 \text{ at } y = 0 \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad C_2 = 0$ # * $u = 0 \text{ at } y = 2 \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad C_2 = - 1$ # # $$ u = -{1 \over \nu} \left({y^2 \over 2} - y \right) = {1 \over \nu} \left(y - {y^2 \over 2} \right)$$ # In[7]: def parallel_plates_analytical(YMAX, NY, NU): # Initialise data structures u_analytical = np.zeros(NY) y = np.zeros(NY) # Constants DY = YMAX/(NY-1) # Y Loop for j in range(0,NY): y[j] = j*DY # Analytical solution for j in range(0, NY): u_analytical[j]= (1.0 / NU) * (y[j] - (y[j]**2.0 / 2.0)) return u_analytical, y # In[8]: u_analytic, y_analytic = parallel_plates_analytical(2.0, 51, 0.1) # In[59]: def plot_diffusion(u1,u2,y1,y2,NX): """ Plots the 1D velocity field """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(y1,u1[NX-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical') ax.plot(y2,u2[:],linestyle='-',c='r',label='Analytical') box=ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*1.5,box.height*1.5]) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,1), loc=2) plt.xlabel('y (m)') plt.ylabel('u (m/s)') plt.show() # In[150]: plot_diffusion(u50,u_analytic,y_analytic,51) # ## Why Doesn't the Numerical Solution Agree with the Analytical? # * Where the gradient is shallow, the values are not changing very much. There I suspect convergence is loose # * I'm not sure at this stage why the magnitude is about one tenth - could be a order of magnitude due to misplacement of the kinematic viscosity (which is 0.1) # # * **Instead of advancing in time, look for the steady state solution when the streamwise velocity does not change by more than** $10^{-3}$ # In[95]: def navier_stokes_equation_accurate(niter, nx, rho, nu, r, tmax): (p, x, y, u, v, nx, ny, nt, dx, dy, dt, niter, r) = navier_stokes_initialisation(niter, r, nx, tmax, 2.0, nu) # Increments h = dx import numpy as np # Intermediate copies: un = np.zeros((nx, ny)) vn = np.zeros((nx, ny)) pm = np.zeros((nx, ny)) bm = np.zeros((nx, ny)) # bm needs to be exactly zero at the boundaries # Loop - use decimal points for all floating point numbers #for n in range(nt): udiff = 1.0 while udiff > 0.001: # First points for bm. We don't know the value at i=0 and i=nx-1. b is zero at j=0 and j=ny-1. i=1 j=1 bm[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - u[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + v[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - v[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - u[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - u[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2])* (v[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - v[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1]) + (v[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - v[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 bm[i, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[i+1, j:ny-1] - u[nx-1, j:ny-1] + v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[i+1, j:ny-1] - u[nx-1, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i, j+1:ny] - u[i, j-1:ny-2])* (v[i+1, j:ny-1] - v[nx-1, j:ny-1]) + (v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 bm[i, j:ny-1] = ( (rho / (2.0 * h * dt)) * ( u[0, j:ny-1] - u[i-1, j:ny-1] + v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + (rho / (4.0*h**2)) * ( (u[0, j:ny-1] - u[i-1, j:ny-1])**2.0 + 4.0*h*(u[i, j+1:ny] - u[i, j-1:ny-2])* (v[0, j:ny-1] - v[i-1, j:ny-1]) + (v[i, j+1:ny] - v[i, j-1:ny-2])**2.0 ) ) for m in range(niter): # First points for p. We don't know the pressure at i=0 and i=nx-1. dp/dy = 0 at y=0 and y=2 pm = np.copy(p) i=1 j=1 p[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + pm[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + pm[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] + pm[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i:nx-1, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) i=0 # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 p[i, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[i+1, j:ny-1] + pm[nx-1, j:ny-1] + pm[i, j+1:ny] + pm[i, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) i=nx-1 # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 p[i, j:ny-1] = 0.25*( pm[0, j:ny-1] + pm[i-1, j:ny-1] + pm[i, j+1:ny] + pm[i, j-1:ny-2] - bm[i, j:ny-1]*h**2.0 ) # Set zero gradient boundary conditions p[:, 0] = p[:, 1] p[:, ny-1] = p[:, ny-2] # First points for u and v. We don't know u and v at i=0 and i=nx-1. u and v are zero at j=0 and j=ny-1. i=1 j=1 un = np.copy(u) vn = np.copy(v) u[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - un[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - un[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] - p[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + un[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + un[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] + un[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - vn[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] - vn[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - p[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1:nx-2, j:ny-1] + vn[i+1:nx, j:ny-1] + vn[i:nx-1, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i:nx-1, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i:nx-1, j:ny-1] ) ) # Periodic at i = 0 Replace all the i=i-1 with i=nx-1 i=0 u[i, j:ny-1] = ( un[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i+1, j:ny-1] - p[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[nx-1, j:ny-1] + un[i+1, j:ny-1] + un[i, j-1:ny-2] + un[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[nx-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i, j+1:ny] - p[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1, j:ny-1] + vn[i+1, j:ny-1] + vn[i, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i, j:ny-1] ) ) # Periodic at i = nx-1 Replace all the i=i+1 with i=0 i=nx-1 u[i, j:ny-1] = ( un[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( un[i, j:ny-1] - un[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) + dt - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[0, j:ny-1] - p[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( un[i-1, j:ny-1] + un[0, j:ny-1] + un[i, j-1:ny-2] + un[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * un[i, j:ny-1] ) ) v[i, j:ny-1] = ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - (dt / h) * ( un[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i-1, j:ny-1] ) + vn[i, j:ny-1] * ( vn[i, j:ny-1] - vn[i, j-1:ny-2] ) ) - (dt / (2.0 * rho * h)) * ( p[i, j+1:ny] - p[i, j-1:ny-2] ) + ((dt * nu) / (h**2.0)) * ( vn[i-1, j:ny-1] + vn[0, j:ny-1] + vn[i, j-1:ny-2] + vn[i, j+1:ny] - 4.0 * vn[i, j:ny-1] ) ) udiff = (np.sum(u)-np.sum(un))/np.sum(u) return u, v, p, x, y # In[78]: u60, v60, p60, x60, y60 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) # In[76]: np.max(p60) # In[70]: plot_diffusion(u60,u_analytic,y60,y_analytic,51) # ## Observations about accuracy # # * Iterating until the velocity doesn't change in steady state has improved the prediction # # ## Observations about stability # # * We are just on the limit of stability here with r=0.5. # # ## Observations about maximum velocity # # * However, there may now be a dependency of the maximum velocity on the value of dt because: # # - `dt x F` is the source term (like a short pulse) # # ## Observations about maximum velocity # # * We need to know what value of dt is going to produce the the correct pressure gradient and so the correct maximum velocity # # * We need to look at the discretised equation in steady state # $$ u_{i,j}^{n+1} = u_{i,j}^n - {{\Delta t} \over h} \left[ u_{i,j}^n(u_{i,j}^n - u_{i-1,j}^n) + v_{i,j}^n(u_{i,j}^n - u_{i,j-1}^n)\right] \\ # + {\Delta t} - {{\Delta t} \over {2 \rho h}} (p_{i+1,j}^n - p_{i-1,j}^n) + {{\Delta t \nu} \over {h^2}} # (u_{i-1,j}^n + u_{i+1,j}^n + u_{i,j-1}^n + u_{i,j+1}^n - 4 u_{i,j}^n ) # $$ # ## What is the stable value of r? # In[115]: u02, v02, p02, x02, y02 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2.0) u03, v03, p03, x03, y03 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.3, 2.0) u04, v04, p04, x04, y04 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.4, 2.0) u05, v05, p05, x05, y05 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) u06, v06, p06, x06, y06 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.6, 2.0) # In[119]: def plot_diffusion(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,NX): """ Plots the 1D velocity field """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(y1,u1[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical r=0.2') ax.plot(y2,u2[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical r=0.3') ax.plot(y3,u3[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical r=0.4') ax.plot(y4,u4[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical r=0.5') ax.plot(y5,u5[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical r=0.6') box=ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*1.5,box.height*1.5]) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,1), loc=2) plt.xlabel('y (m)') plt.ylabel('u (m/s)') plt.show() # In[120]: plot_diffusion(u02,u03,u04,u05,u06,y02,y03,y04,y05,y06,51) # Clearly r=0.5 is still the limit of stability, and notice that r affects the maximum velocity (via it's influence on dt) # For the same r, reducing nx will increase dx, reduce nt and increase dt # In[118]: u002, v002, p002, x002, y002 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 51, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) u003, v003, p003, x003, y003 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 41, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) u004, v004, p004, x004, y004 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 31, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) u005, v005, p005, x005, y005 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 21, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) u006, v006, p006, x006, y006 = navier_stokes_equation_accurate(50, 11, 1.0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0) # In[122]: def plot_diffusion_2(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,NX): """ Plots the 1D velocity field """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(y1,u1[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical nx=51') ax.plot(y2,u2[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical nx=41') ax.plot(y3,u3[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical nx=31') ax.plot(y4,u4[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical nx=21') ax.plot(y5,u5[-1,:],'-', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='Numerical nx=11') box=ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*1.5,box.height*1.5]) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,1), loc=2) plt.xlabel('y (m)') plt.ylabel('u (m/s)') plt.show() # In[123]: plot_diffusion_2(u002,u003,u004,u005,u006,y002,y003,y004,y005,y006,51) # Clearly there is also an effect or dx on stability and the maximum occurs when nx=31 # **Bascially we are using an explicit method here, which is not ideal, we keep reaching the limits of stability** # # * It is possible that the SOR method could be used to solve the Poisson Equation # This makes it difficult to compare the values between the numerical and analytical solutions - the source term is being included like a pulse in time, so this might require much more stable methods # ## How is the source term included? # # * The source term is split into steady and unsteady components: # # $$ p = P + p' $$ # * The applied pressure gradient is: # # $$ -{{\partial P} \over {\partial x}} = 1 $$ # * So the solution in steady state is where the fluctuating pressure is: # # $$ {{\partial p'} \over {\partial x}} = 0 $$ # ### Why was this done? # # * We used periodic boundary conditions. # * **Without the source term** this means the pressure on the left and right would have been the same and no flow would have occured # * **With the source term** the pressure in all the equations is the fluctuating pressure, which in steady state settles out to zero # ### When is the fluctuating pressure non-zero? # # * In turbulent flow the fluctuating pressure is non-zero # In[ ]: