#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from IPython.display import HTML s="""

Test Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm on Fourier's Equation using Crank-Nicolson

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1) # Set Reflection: jpos[ny-1] = int(ny-2) jneg[0] = int(1) i=1 j=0 while True: for n in range(0,niter-1): p[i:nx-1,j:ny,n+1] = 0.25*( p[i+1:nx,j:ny,n]+p[i-1:nx-2,j:ny,n]+ p[i:nx-1,jpos[j:ny],n]+p[i:nx-1,jneg[j:ny],n] ) error = (np.sum(np.abs(p[i:nx-1,j:ny,n+1])-np.abs(p[i:nx-1,j:ny,n]) ) / np.sum(np.abs(p[i:nx-1,j:ny,n+1]) )) if(error < error_target): print "n = " + str(n) + " completed" break break return p, x, y # In[6]: p5, x5, y5 = laplace_equation_numerical_4(1.0e-6, 8000, 51, 26, 2.0, 1.0) # In[7]: def laplace_equation_analytical(INFINITY, NX, NY, XMAX, YMAX): from math import pi as PI import math as ma import numpy as np # Initialise data structures p_coefficient = np.zeros((NX, NY)) p_analytical = np.zeros((NX, NY)) x = np.zeros(NX) y = np.zeros(NY) # Constants DX = XMAX/(NX-1) DY = YMAX/(NY-1) # X Loop for i in range(0,NX): x[i] = i*DX # Y Loop for j in range(0,NY): y[j] = j*DY # Analytical solution for i in range(0, NX): for j in range(0, NY): p_coefficient[i,j] = ( (ma.sinh(1.0*PI*x[i]) * ma.cos(1.0*PI*y[j]) ) / ( ((1.0*PI)**2.0) * ma.sinh(2.0*PI*1.0) ) ) for m in range(3, INFINITY, 2): for i in range(0, NX): for j in range(0, NY): p_coefficient[i,j] += ( (ma.sinh(m*PI*x[i]) * ma.cos(m*PI*y[j]) ) / ( ((m*PI)**2.0) * ma.sinh(2.0*PI*m) ) ) for i in range (0, NX): for j in range(0, NY): p_analytical[i,j]= (x[i] / 4.0) - (4.0 * p_coefficient[i,j]) return p_analytical, x, y # In[8]: p3, x3, y3 = laplace_equation_analytical(100, 51, 26, 2.0, 1.0) # In[9]: def plot_diffusion(p4,p3,x4,NY,TIME,TITLE): """ Plots the 1D velocity field """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) colour=iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0,5,NY))) for j in range(0,NY,5): c=next(colour) ax.plot(x4,p4[:,j,TIME],'ko', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='j='+str(j)+' numerical') ax.plot(x4,p3[:,j],linestyle='-',c=c,label='j='+str(j)+' analytical') box=ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*1.5,box.height*1.5]) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,1), loc=2) plt.xlabel('x (m)') plt.ylabel('p (Pa)') #plt.ylim([0,8.0]) #plt.xlim([0,2.0*PI]) plt.title(TITLE) plt.show() # In[10]: plot_diffusion(p5,p3,x5,26,6793,'Analytical vs Numerical') # ## Crank-Nicolson Numerical Scheme # # Given: # # $$ r = {\Delta t \over {\Delta x^2}} $$ # # $$ \left( -{r \over 2} \right) u_{i-1}^{n+1} + \left( {1+r} \right) u_i^{n+1} + \left(-{r \over 2} \right) u_{i+1}^{n+1} = \left( {r \over 2} \right) u_{i-1}^n + \left( {1-r} \right) u_i^n + \left( {r \over 2} \right) u_{i+1}^n $$ # # ## Identify Coefficients # # $$ a_i = -{r \over 2} $$ # # $$ b_i = {1+r} $$ # # $$ c_i = -{r \over 2} $$ # # $$ d_i = \left( {r \over 2} \right) u_{i-1}^n + \left( {1-r} \right) u_i^n + \left( {r \over 2} \right) u_{i+1}^n $$ # In[11]: try: import numpypy as np # for compatibility with numpy in pypy except: import numpy as np # if using numpy in cpython ## Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm(a.k.a Thomas algorithm) solver def TDMAsolver(a, b, c, d): ''' TDMA solver, a b c d can be NumPy array type or Python list type. refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm ''' nf = len(a) # number of equations ac, bc, cc, dc = map(np.array, (a, b, c, d)) # copy the array for it in xrange(1, nf): mc = ac[it]/bc[it-1] bc[it] = bc[it] - mc*cc[it-1] dc[it] = dc[it] - mc*dc[it-1] xc = ac xc[-1] = dc[-1]/bc[-1] for il in xrange(nf-2, -1, -1): xc[il] = (dc[il]-cc[il]*xc[il+1])/bc[il] del bc, cc, dc # delete variables from memory return xc # In[12]: def crank_nicholson(tmax, nx, xmax, sigma): from scipy import linalg """ Returns the velocity field and distance for 2D linear convection """ # Increments: dx = xmax/(nx-1) dt = sigma * dx**2 nt = int((tmax / dt) - 1) # Initialise data structures: import numpy as np from math import pi as PI u = np.zeros((nx,nt)) x = np.zeros(nx) # Coefficients a = np.zeros(nx-2) b = np.zeros(nx-2) c = np.zeros(nx-2) d = np.zeros(nx-2) #Constants r = 0.5 # X Loop for i in range(0,nx): x[i] = i*dx # Initial conditions u[:,0] = np.sin(PI*x / xmax) # Dirichlet Boundary Conditions: # p boundary, left: u[0,:] = 0.0 # p boundary, right: u[nx-1,:] = 0.0 B1 = 0 B2 = 0 m=0 i=1 for n in range(0,nt-1): a[m:nx-2] = - r / 2.0 b[m:nx-2] = 1.0 + r c[m:nx-2] = - r / 2.0 d[m:nx-2] = ( (r / 2.0) * u[i-1:nx-2, n] + (1 - r) * u[i:nx-1, n] + (r / 2.0) * u[i+1:nx, n] ) u[i:nx-1, n+1] = TDMAsolver(a, b, c, d) return u, x # In[13]: uu, xx = crank_nicholson(0.1, 101, 1.0, 0.5) # In[14]: def fourier_equation_analytical(NX, XMAX, T): from math import pi as PI import numpy as np # Initialise data structures u_analytical = np.zeros(NX) x = np.zeros(NX) # Constants DX = XMAX/(NX-1) # X Loop for i in range(0, NX): x[i] = i*DX for i in range (0, NX): u_analytical[i]= ( (np.sin(PI*x[i] / XMAX))* np.exp(-1.0*(PI**2)*T / XMAX**2) ) return u_analytical, x # In[15]: uuu, xxx = fourier_equation_analytical(101, 1.0, 0.1) # In[16]: def plot_fourier(u_num,u_ana,x4): """ Plots the 1D velocity field """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm plt.figure() ax=plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(x4,u_num[:, -1],'ko', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='numerical') ax.plot(x4,u_ana[:],linestyle='-',c='r',label='analytical') box=ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*1.5,box.height*1.5]) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,1), loc=2) plt.xlabel('x (m)') plt.ylabel('u (K)') #plt.ylim([0,8.0]) #plt.xlim([0,2.0*PI]) #plt.title(TITLE) plt.show() # In[17]: plot_fourier(uu,uuu,xx) # In[ ]: