#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ##
Python Generators in Numerical Study of Discrete Dynamical Systems
# In this IPython Notebook we present generators as an excelent tool provided by Python for computational mathematics in general, and for the numerical study of # discrete dynamical systems in particular. # Generators functions form a special class of functions. In order to understand objects that are returned by these functions we recall a few details about iterable objects and iterators in Python. # # # A container in Python is an object that contains other objects (example of containers are lists, tuples, strings, files, etc). # # A container, `container`, is iterable if it is allowed to run over its items # with a for statement: #
# for item in  container:
#     print(item)
# The lists, strings and tuples are iterable objects. Dictionaries and files are also iterable. # Iteration is the process of accessing and returning one item at a time from a container. # Examples: # In[1]: L = [2, 5, 1]#list for k in L: print(k) # In[2]: S = "string" for c in S: print(c) # In[3]: T=(4, 9, 7)#tuple for t in T: print(t) # The iteration over a dictionary `d` returns its keys: # In[4]: d={'lst': [4,7,1], 'today': 'monday', 'nr': 10} for item in d: print(item) # An iteration over a file object returns the file's lines: # In[5]: f = open("toyfile.txt")# f is a file object i.e. a container for the file's lines for line in f: print(line) # The above examples are built-in iterable objects in Python. # # ### Iterators # Intuitively, an iterator is an object that produces a stream of items, according to a prescribed protocol. # # From the programming language point of view an iterator is an object of a class that has the methods `__iter__`, and `__next__`. By the iterator protocol these methods act as follows: # # The `__iter__` method returns the iterator object itself, and the `__next__` method returns the next item of the stream. # # # How does a container, that is an iterable object, relate with an iterator? # # The built-in function `iter` takes a container and returns an iterator. # In all the above examples, `for item in container` launches the iterator protocol. # The `for` statement calls `iter()` on the container object. # # - `it=iter(container)` is an iterator object and by calling `next(it)` # are accessed the container's items, one at a time. # # - When there are no more items, `next(it)` # raises a `StopIteration` exception, which forces the `for` loop to terminate. # # Let us explicitly call `iter()` on the list, L, and file object f, defined above: # # In[6]: it_list=iter(L) print (next(it_list), next(it_list), next(it_list)) # In[7]: it_file = iter(f) # iterator associated to the file object f print(next(it_file)) # We notice that calling three times the next() method for the iterator associated to the list, L, # all three items are successively returned, while a single call `next(it_file)` for the iterator associated to the file object, raises the `StopIteration` # exception. This means that the stream of lines was exhausted when we called `for line in f`, and no # line can be accessed again. # # # If we reopen the file its lines are also accessible: # # In[8]: it_f = iter(open('toyfile.txt')) for _ in range(3): print(next(it_f)) # Hence the iterators associated to built-in containers can exhibit different behaviours. While the lists can be iterated as many times as we want, a file can be iterated only once after it was open. # The reader can experiment the behavior of the iterators `iter(S)`, `iter(T)`, and `iter(d)`, associated to the string S, # tuple, T, and dictionary, d, defined above. # We conclude that: # Iterables are objects that define an iterator when they are passed to the `iter()` built-in function. # ### Generators # Generators functions provide a powerful tool for creating iterators. # # A generator function is defined as any function in Python using `def`. # # A function is a generator function if it contains one or more yield statements within its body. # The generator function below will generate multiple of 3 of positive integer numbers, less than $n$: # In[9]: def gen_mult3(n): k = 0 while k < n: yield 3*k k += 1 # The first call of the generator function defines a generator, i.e. a particular iterator object: # In[10]: G = gen_mult3(5) print(G) # After this call the numbers 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 are not yet generated as we could expect. # Iterating the generator G (which is an iterator), by calling successively `next(G)`, # these numbers are produced one at atime, and at the sixth call a `StopIteration` exception is raised, because the generator exhausted: # In[11]: for _ in range(6): print(next(G)) # A generator makes a lazzy evaluation, meaning that it yields a value (an object) only on demand # (when it is needed). # In order to understand the difference between a Python generator function and a regular function, we recall how behaves # a regular function that contains at least a return statement. # # At each call of a regular function a private namespace is associated. # When a return line is reached in execution, the local variables are destroyed # and the computed object (value) is returned. # # # In the case of a generator, after each yielded value (with `yield`) the function freezes, i.e. # stops its execution. When it is called again, it resumes its execution at the point where it stopped (it "remembers" the last yielded value, and the last executed statement). # To illustrate this behaviour, we insert a few `print` lines in the definition of the generator function above: # In[12]: def Gen_mult3(n): print('this is the first line of the generator function') k = 0 while k < n: print('line before yield') yield 3*k print ('line after yield') k+=1 print( 'this is the last line of the generator function') # Define the generator: # In[13]: gen = Gen_mult3(3) # Running the above cell no string was printed. Hence at the first call the generator is only created and no line of the function's body is executed. # Now we iterate the generator `gen`: # In[14]: print(next(gen)) # In[15]: print(next(gen)) # In[16]: print(next(gen)) # In[17]: print(next(gen)) # Note that Python generators do not give access to previously generated items, # unless the user explicitly stored them in some container (for example in a list). # # If we want to iterate again over data produced by a generator we have to # re-call the generator function, i.e to re-define the generator. # Here is an example of storing the generated values in a list: # In[18]: ge = gen_mult3(6) L = [next(ge) for _ in range(6)] print(L) # A natural question is whether the builtin `range` function is a generator or not: # In[19]: R = range(-4, 6, 2) print(type(R)) # R can be converted to a list: # In[20]: list(R) # or to an iterator: # In[21]: it_r = iter(R) print(next(it_r), next(it_r)) # Hence `range` is not a generator. It is a class of immutable iterable objects. # ### Python generators in Computational Mathematics # Generators allow to deal with infinite streams of "mathematical objects". # For example, a sequence of real or complex numbers is an infinite mathematical object. # # Let $a_n=\left(1+\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\right)^n$, $n\geq 1$, be the sequence that is known as being convergent to the number e. # # Its terms can be generated by the folowing generator function: # In[22]: def genseq_e(): n = 1 while True: yield (1.0+1.0/n)**n n += 1 # Suppose we want to see how far is $a_{1000}$ from the sequence's limit, $e$. To generate $a_{1000}$ we simply can # iterate the generator `G=genseq_e()`: # In[23]: G = genseq_e() for _ in range(1, 1000): next(G) # the last generated value is a999 a1000 = next(G) print(a1000) # In[24]: import math # In[25]: print (a1000, math.exp(1), math.fabs(a1000-math.exp(1.0)) ) # A more elegant solution is to slice the infinite generator, using `itertools.islice` # [https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html](https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html). # # `itertools` is a Python module that contains functions for creating iterators. In particular it allows # to work effectively with generators. # # # When a generator `G` is iterated, the values returned by `next(G)` are counted like the items in any Python sequence. # # A slice: # # `itertools.islice(generator, start, stop, step)`, # # (where `start`, `stop`, and `step` have the same significance as for the # `range(start, stop, step)`) # is an iterator that produces the generator values (objects) counted from index equal to `start`. # # The iterator `itertools.islice(generator, n)` is supposed to have `start=0`, `stop=n`, and `step=1`. # Hence to get the term $a_{1000}$ of the sequence $a_n$, we proceed as follows: # In[26]: from itertools import islice # In[27]: gg = genseq_e() list(islice(gg, 1000, 1001)) #start=1000, stop=1001 # Hence the slice contains just an element: a1000. To get it we could proceed as follows: # In[28]: gg = genseq_e() a1000 = next(islice(gg, 1000, 1001)) # i.e. the next element of the iterator is its unique element a1000 print(a1000, math.exp(1), math.fabs(a1000-math.exp(1.0)) ) # Python generators can be defined in many contexts of the Computational Math, but here we show how they can be defined and manipulated to study a discrete dynamical system. # ### Python generators in the study of discrete dynamical systems # A discrete dynamical system on the space $\mathbb{R}^m$, is defined usually by a one-to-one # differentiable or only a continuous map, $f:\mathbb{R}^m\to\mathbb{R}^m$. If $x_0\in\mathbb{R}^m$ is the initial state, its orbit or trajectory is the sequence $(x_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$, $x_n=f^n(x_0)$, where $f^n$, $n\geq 1$, is the $n^{th}$ iterate of the map. # # The goal of the dynamical system theory is to understand the asymptotic behaviour of the systems' orbits. # # In the case of a two-dimensional dynamical system we can plot a set of orbits, and the visual representation we get is called the *phase portrait* of that system. # In order to illustrate the asymptotic behaviour of an orbit or to draw the phase portrait of a two-dimensional dynamical system, it is very useful to define a generator # for an orbit. # # The generator will produce one point at a time or if it is necessary, we can take a slice in the infinite generator and store its points in a `list` or a `numpy.array`. # Experimenting with generator functions that generate points on an orbit, we deduced that there is a trick in the process of creation of a list of points resulted by iterating a slice in that generator. # # To illustrate how we were lead to that trick we define a generator of an orbit for a version of the [Hénon map](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A9non_map): # # $$(x,y)\mapsto(y, 1-1.4 y^2+0.3x)$$ # # # In[29]: def gen_Henon(pt0): #pt0 is the initial point given as 2-list if not isinstance(pt0, list): raise ValueError("pt0 must be a tuple") pt = pt0[:] # a copy of the initial point while True: yield pt tmp = pt[0] pt[0] = pt[1] pt[1] = 1 - 1.4 * pt[1]**2 + 0.3*tmp # In[30]: pt0 = [0.0, 0.0] G = gen_Henon(pt0) # Let us iterate a slice in this generator: # In[31]: for pt in islice(G, 5, 8): print (pt) # Usually to plot an orbit of some length we store its points in a list, and plot it with a single call of `plt.scatter`, instead of plotting one point at a time as it is generated. # # Trying to store the above three points in a list created by comprehension, we notice that the list # contains only the last point, displayed three times: # In[32]: print(pt0) G = gen_Henon(pt0)# to reiterate the slice we have to call the generator function again L1 = [pt for pt in islice(G, 5, 8)] print(L1) # Why does the iteration work well when we only iterate the generator, but it fails when trying to create a list from items resulted from the iteration? # The same drawback is manifested when we define the generator function with the argument # `pt0` given as a `numpy.array`, # and replace the line `pt=pt0[:]` with `pt=pt0.copy()`. # After trial and error experimentation we got a correct list of items in the following way: # In[33]: pt0 = [0.0, 0.0] G = gen_Henon(pt0) L3 = [list(pt) for pt in islice(G, 5, 8)] print(L3) # This behaviour is really strange, because each `pt` was a list object and this conversion appears # to be redundant. # A similar right result we get converting each `pt` to a `numpy.array`: # In[34]: import numpy as np # In[35]: G = gen_Henon(pt0) L4 = [np.array(pt) for pt in islice(G, 5, 8)] print(L4) # A third solution is to explicitly set the type of the object to be yielded by the generator: # In[36]: def gen_Henon_new(pt0): if not isinstance(pt0, list): raise ValueError("pt0 must be a list") pt = pt0[:] while True: yield pt tmp = pt[0] pt = [pt[1], 1-1.4*pt[1]**2+0.3*tmp]#pt is explicitly set as list # In[37]: G = gen_Henon_new(pt0) L5 = [pt for pt in islice(G, 5,8)] print (L5) # We note that when the yielded object is explicitly set as list, no conversion is needed when we create the list of # items resulted from the iteration. # Let us check this observed particularity for another generator. # Namely, we define the generator of pairs of consecutive terms in [Fibonacci sequence](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number): # In[38]: def pair_fibonacci(a=1, b=1): while True: yield (a,b)# the yielded object is explicitly set as a tuple a, b = b, a+b # In[39]: genp = pair_fibonacci() L = [pair for pair in islice(genp, 1,15)] print (L) # The sequence of pairs $(p_n, q_n)$, $p_1=1, q_1=2$, produced by this generator, defines the convergents, # $p_n/q_n$, of the continued fraction expansion of the inverse $1/\phi$ for the [golden ratio](http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GoldenRatio.html) # $\phi=(1+\sqrt{5})/2$. # # In the study of the [dynamics of twist maps](http://amath.colorado.edu/pub/dynamics/papers/Raglan2011_pt2.pdf), these pairs represent the rotation numbers # of the periodic orbits, converging to the invariant 1-dimensional torus (or cantorus) having the rotation number, # $1/\phi$. # Now we illustrate the phase portrait of the [standard map](http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Chirikov_standard_map) whose orbits are generated by a generator function. # The standard map, $f$, is defined on the infinite annulus $\mathbb{S}^1\times \mathbb{R}$. # $\mathbb{S}^1=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ is the unit circle identified with the interval $[0,1)$ or any other real # interval of length 1. # # $f$ maps $(x,y)$ to $(x', y')$, where: # # $$ \begin{align} # x'&= x+y'\: (modulo\: 1)\\ # y'&= y-\displaystyle\frac{\epsilon}{2\pi}\sin(2\pi x), \quad \epsilon\in\mathbb{R} # \end{align}$$ # # # In[40]: def stdmap(pt): global eps pt[1] -= eps*np.sin(2*np.pi*pt[0])/(2.0*np.pi) pt[0 ]= np.mod(pt[0]+pt[1], 1.0) return pt # We define an orbit generator, and a function that returns a `numpy.array` containing the points of an orbit: # In[41]: def gen_stdmap(pt0) : if not isinstance(pt0, list): raise ValueError("pt0 must be a list") pt = pt0[:] while True: yield pt pt = stdmap(pt) # here pt is not explicitly defined as a list # In[42]: def orbit_stdmap(pt0, n): G = gen_stdmap(pt0) return np.array([list(next(G)) for _ in range(n)]) #conversion list(G.next()) is needed for # a right iteration # Let us check first that the function `orbit_stdmap` works correctly: # In[43]: eps = 0.971635# define the global parameter for the standard map pt0 = [0, 0.57] orb= orbit_stdmap(pt0, 10) print(orb) # In the sequel we plot interactively a few orbits of the standard map, corresponding to the fixed parameter $\epsilon$. # Each orbit is colored with a color from a list of colors that is cyclically iterated. # # If we set the matplotlib backend `notebook`: # # `%matplotlib notebook` # # the phase portrait (i.e. the resulted figure) is inserted inline. # In[44]: from itertools import cycle # In[64]: cols= ['#636efa', '#EF553B', '#00cc96', '#ab63fa', '#19d3f3', '#e763fa', '#FECB52', '#FF6692', '#B6E880'] colors = cycle(cols)# colors= cyclic iterator # The initial point of each orbit is chosen with a left mouse button click within the pop-up window # that opens when running the cell below. # # When we have drawn a sufficient number of orbits such that # the structure of the phase portrait is evident, # we press the right button of the mouse and run the next cell. # # In[65]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[66]: def onclick(event): #If the left mouse button is pressed: draw an orbit tb = plt.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar n=3000 if event.button == 1 and event.inaxes and tb.mode == '': x,y = event.xdata,event.ydata pt0 = [x,y] orbit_points = orbit_stdmap(pt0, n) plt.scatter(orbit_points[:,0], orbit_points[:,1], s=0.1, color=next(colors)) plt.draw() else: pass fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_facecolor('#2B2B2B') ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.set_autoscale_on(False) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) plt.show() # The generator of an orbit can be used for plotting a (chaotic) attractor of a discrete dynamical system, that is # a set $A\subset\mathbb{R}^2$, such that for any point $x_0$ sufficiently close to $A$, the distance # between the $n^{th}$ point, $x_n=f^n(x_0)$, of its orbit and $A$ tends to 0, as $n\to\infty$. # ### Ikeda Attractor # [Ikeda map](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikeda_map) is a chaotic map of the two dimensional space $\mathbb{R}^2$ into itself. Its expression can be summarized # in complex plane by $f(z)= A+Bze^{i(C+D/(||z||^2+1)}$. # # We define the generator function of an orbit of the Ikeda map, corresponding to particular parameters $A,B,C,D$, for which the map # exhibits a chaotic attractor. # # We plot a slice into a long orbit, neglecting the first 300 points, to ensure that the remaining points approach the attractor very well. # In[48]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[49]: def gen_Ikeda(z0): z = z0 while True: yield z z = 0.97 + 0.9 * z * np.exp(1j*(0.4-6/(np.abs(z)**2+1))) # In[50]: z0 = 0.0+1j*0 gik = gen_Ikeda(z0) aikeda=np.array([z for z in islice(gik, 300, 20000)]) # In[51]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_facecolor('#2B2B2B') plt.scatter(aikeda.real, aikeda.imag, color= '#FFC800', s=0.1) # ### Generator for an IFS fractal # Generators are also useful for generating points of a fractal set defined by an [IFS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterated_function_system) or an IFS with probabilities, # that is a finite number of affine contractions, that are chosen according to an assigned probability. # # # An affine map, $\mathcal{A}$, defined on the two-dimensional plane is defined by a $2\times 2$ matrix $T$, and a point $P(a_0, a_1)$: # # $$\left[\begin{array}{c} x\\y\end{array}\right] \mapsto P+ T\left[\begin{array}{c} x\\y\end{array}\right]$$ # The fractal set defined by an IFS consisting in n affine contractions, $C_0, C_1, \ldots, C_{n-1}$, is an invariant set $A$ of the IFS, that is: # $$A=\bigcup_{k=0}^{n-1}C_k(A)$$ # We give the parameters of a contraction as a `numpy.array` of shape (6,). The first four entries correspond to the matrix $T$, and the last two entries are the coordinates of the point $P$. # Next we plot a fractal set which is the attractor of an IFS consisting in three contractions with probabilities: # In[52]: C = [np.array([.4398, .2848, .007, .4958, 20.27824, 23.51717]), np.array( [-.2303, .7265, .2381 , .0952, 32.82897, 11.46771]), np.array([ -.3898, .5371, .4751, .5017, 15.75347, -5.22511])] # In[53]: pr=[ .2507, .2262, .5231]#probabilities # Starting with an initial point `pt0`, one generates the points $C_{i_{m-1}}\circ\cdots \circ C_{i_0}(pt0)$, $m=\overline{1,15000}$, # where each contraction $C_{i_k}$ is chosen according to the discrete probability distribution on the set of contractions' indices $[0,1,2]$, of probabilities $pr[0], pr[1], pr[2]$. # In[54]: from numpy.random import choice # In[55]: ind = np.arange(3)# indices for the contractions C[0], C[1], C[2] # In[56]: def gen_IFS(pt0): pt = pt0[:] while True: yield pt i = choice(ind, p=pr)# choose the contraction index pt = np.dot(C[i][:4].reshape(2,2), pt) + C[i][4:] # In[57]: pt0 = np.zeros(2, float) G = gen_IFS(pt0) attractor = np.array([pt for pt in islice(G, 1000, 25000)]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.scatter(attractor[:,0], attractor[:,1], color= '#00A300', s=0.1) # Another application of generator functions in the study of discrete dynamical systems can be in the # computation of the derivative of the map defining the system, along an orbit, $(x_n)$, that is: # $$Df^n(x_0)=Df(x_{n-1})\cdots Df(x_1) Df(x_0)$$ # The derivative along a long orbit is needed for computing the Lyapunov exponent of that orbit or in the case of twist maps, such as the standard map, to derive the stability type of a periodic orbit. # If `gen_orbit(pt0)` is the generator of an orbit, `jacobian(pt0)` is the matrix representing the derivative # `Df(pt0)`, then the generator for the derivative along the orbit starting at `pt0` would be defined as follows: # In[58]: def gen_Deriv(pt0): J = np.eye(2) while True: J = np.dot(jacobian(next(gen_orbit(pt0))), J) yield J # `next(islice(gen_Deriv(pt0), n-1, n))` is the matrix of the derivative Dfn(pt0) # In[59]: from IPython.core.display import HTML def css_styling(): styles = open("./custom.css", "r").read() return HTML(styles) css_styling() # In[ ]: