#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # TESS 2015 - Introduction to Solar Data Analysis in Python # # # SunPy! # ## Author: Steven Christe # Email: steven.christe@nasa.gov # Through tutorials and presentations we will demonstrate how free and open-source Python and SunPy library can be used to analyze solar data. Depending on interest, dinner may be ordered after the main presentation (roughly an hour) and a hands-on help session will take place for the remainder of the evening. Installing the following software is recommended but not required: Anaconda Python and SunPy. # Schedule: 19:00 to 22:00 # + 18:00-18:15 pm: Organization (chatroom, organize dinner)? # + 18:15-19:00 pm: Intro to SunPy (presentation) # + 19:00-19:15 pm: Break # + 19:15-20:15: Dinner & Installation Workshop # + 20:15-22:00: SunPy Workshop # ## What is SunPy? # ### A community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python. # + website: [http://www.sunpy.org](http://www.sunpy.org)
# + documentation: [http://docs.sunpy.org](http://docs.sunpy.org)
# + code (version control!): [https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy](https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy) # + Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sunpy** # + IRC: #sunpy on freenode.net [web client](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#SunPy) # SunPy is built upon foundational libraries which enable scientific computing in Python which includes # # + [NumPy](http://numpy.org) # + [SciPy](http://scipy.org) # + [matplotlib](http://matplotlib.org) # + [AstroPy](http://astropy.org) #

Supported observations #

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Supported data retrieval services #


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Supported file formats include #


# # What is this webby notebooky magic?! # ## ipython notebook (now known as jupyter) # similar to matlab, mathematica, maple # Some setup... # In[ ]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') matplotlib.rc('savefig', dpi=120) import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Warning) from matplotlib import dates # In[ ]: import sunpy # In[ ]: sunpy.system_info() # SunPy version (stable) 0.5 # # Let's study a flare! # ## Searching for events in the HEK # In[ ]: from sunpy.net import hek client = hek.HEKClient() tstart, tend = '2014/01/01 00:00:00', '2014/01/02 00:00:00' result = client.query(hek.attrs.Time(tstart, tend), hek.attrs.EventType('FL'), hek.attrs.FRM.Name=='SSW Latest Events') len(result) # In[ ]: result[0] # In[ ]: for res in result: print(res.get('fl_goescls')) # In[ ]: result = client.query(hek.attrs.Time(tstart, tend), hek.attrs.EventType('FL'), hek.attrs.FRM.Name=='SSW Latest Events', hek.attrs.FL.GOESCls>'M') # In[ ]: len(result) # In[ ]: result # We can find out when this event occured # In[ ]: result[0].get('event_peaktime') # and where it occurred # In[ ]: result[0].get('hpc_coord') # # Lightcurves! # ## Let's look at the GOES curve for this event. # First some time manipulation! # In[ ]: from sunpy.time import TimeRange, parse_time from datetime import timedelta # In[ ]: tmax = parse_time(result[0].get('event_peaktime')) # In[ ]: tmax # In[ ]: tr = TimeRange(tmax - timedelta(minutes=30), tmax + timedelta(minutes=30)) # In[ ]: tr # In[ ]: from sunpy.lightcurve import GOESLightCurve goes = GOESLightCurve.create(tr) # In[ ]: goes.peek() # The data is stored in a standard place # In[ ]: goes.data # This is a pandas dataframe! Provides lots of additional functionality. For example # In[ ]: print('The max flux is {flux:2.5f} at {time}'.format(flux=goes.data['xrsb'].max(), time=goes.data['xrsb'].idxmax())) # Compares well to the official max from the HEK # In[ ]: str(tmax) # In[ ]: goes.peek() plt.axhline(goes.data['xrsb'].max()) plt.axvline(goes.data['xrsb'].idxmax()) # Meta data is also stored in a standard place # In[ ]: goes.meta # This is a dictionary like the hek results so... # In[ ]: goes.meta.get('COMMENT') # In[ ]: goes.data.resample('10s', how='mean') # # Solar Images in SunPy # SunPy has a `Map` type that supports 2D images, it makes it simple to read data in from any filetype supported in `sunpy.io` which is currently FITS, JPEG2000 and ANA files. You can also create maps from any `(data, metadata)` pair. # Let's download an AIA image of this flare from the vso # In[ ]: from sunpy.net import vso client=vso.VSOClient() # Then do a search. # In[ ]: recs = client.query(vso.attrs.Time(tr), vso.attrs.Instrument('AIA')) # It works, now lets see how many results we have! # In[ ]: recs.num_records() # That's way too many! # So that is every image that SDO/AIA had on that day. Let us reduce that amount. # # To do this, we will limit the time search for a specify a wavelength. # In[ ]: recs = client.query(vso.attrs.Time('2014/01/01 18:52:08', '2014/01/01 18:52:15'), vso.attrs.Instrument('AIA'), vso.attrs.Wave(171,171)) # In[ ]: recs.num_records() # In[ ]: recs.show() # Let's also grab another wavelength for later. # In[ ]: recs = client.query(vso.attrs.Time('2014/01/01 18:52:08', '2014/01/01 18:52:15'), vso.attrs.Instrument('AIA'), vso.attrs.Wave(94,171)) # In[ ]: recs.num_records() # Let's download this data! # In[ ]: f = client.get(recs, methods = ('URL-FILE_Rice')).wait() # In[ ]: f # For SunPy the top level name-space is kept clean. Importing SunPy does not give you access to much. You need to import specific names. SciPy is the same. # # So, the place to start here is with the core SunPy data object. It is called Map. # In[ ]: from sunpy.map import Map # In[ ]: aia = Map(f[1]) # In[ ]: aia # Maps contain both the image data and the metadata associated with the image, this metadata currently does not deviate much from the standard FITS WCS keywords, but presented in a instrument-independent manner. # In[ ]: aia.peek() # # SunPy Maps! # Maps are the same for each file, **regardless of source**. It does not matter if the source is SDO or SOHO, for example. # # The most used attributes are as follows (some of them will look similar to NumPy's Array): # In[ ]: aia.data # The data (stored in a numpy array) # In[ ]: type(aia.data) # In[ ]: aia.mean(),aia.max(),aia.min() # Because it is just a numpy array you have access to all of those function # The standard deviation # In[ ]: aia.data.std() # In[ ]: aia.data.shape # The original metadata (stored in a dictionary) # In[ ]: aia.meta # In[ ]: aia.meta.keys() # In[ ]: aia.meta.get('rsun_obs') # We also provide quick access to some key metadata values as object variables (these are shortcuts) # In[ ]: print(aia.date, aia.coordinate_system, aia.detector, aia.dsun) # Maps also provide some nice map specific functions such as submaps. Let's zoom in on the flare location which was given to us by the HEK. # In[ ]: result[0].get('hpc_coord') # In[ ]: point = [665.04, -233.4096] dx = 50 dy = 50 xrange = [point[0] - dx, point[0] + dx] yrange = [point[1] - dy, point[1] + dy] aia.submap(xrange,yrange).peek() plt.plot(point[0], point[1], '+') plt.xlim(xrange) plt.ylim(yrange) # The default image scale is definitely not right. Let's fix that so we can see the flare region better. # In[ ]: smap = aia.submap(xrange,yrange) import matplotlib.colors as colors norm = colors.Normalize(0, 3000) smap.plot(norm=norm) plt.plot(point[0], point[1], '+') smap.draw_grid(grid_spacing=1) plt.colorbar() # ## Composite Maps # Let's plot the two channels we downloaded from AIA together! Composite map is the way to do this. Let's check out the other map we got. # In[ ]: aia131 = Map(f[0]) aia131 # In[ ]: smap131 = aia131.submap(xrange, yrange) smap131.peek() # In[ ]: norm = colors.Normalize(0, 4000) smap131.plot(norm=norm) plt.colorbar() # In[ ]: smap171 = smap # In[ ]: compmap = Map(smap171, smap131, composite=True) # In[ ]: levels = np.arange(0,100,5) print(levels) # In[ ]: compmap.set_levels(1, levels, percent=True) compmap.set_mpl_color_normalizer(0, norm) compmap.set_colors(1, plt.cm.Reds) # In[ ]: compmap.plot(norm=norm) plt.show() # Some other topics... # ## Solar Constants # In[ ]: from sunpy.sun import constants as solar_constants # In[ ]: solar_constants.mass # In[ ]: print(solar_constants.mass) # In[ ]: (solar_constants.mass/solar_constants.volume).cgs # In[ ]: solar_constants.volume + solar_constants.density # Not all constants have a short-cut assigned to them (as above). The rest of the constants are stored in a dictionary. The following code grabs the dictionary and gets all of the keys.: # In[ ]: solar_constants.physical_constants.keys() # In[ ]: type(solar_constants.mass) # These are astropy constants which are a subclass of Quantities (numbers with units) which are a great idea. # In[ ]: from astropy import units as u # In[ ]: u.keV # In[ ]: u.keV.decompose() # This has been a simple overview of AstroPy units. IF you want to read more, see http://astropy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/units/. # ## More References # # + [Python for Data Analysis](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920023784.do) by Wes McKinney is great # + [Lectures on scientific computing with Python](http://jrjohansson.github.io) Great lectures on scientific computing in Python # ## Consider [contributing](http://sunpy.org/contribute/) to SunPy! # # + Provide feedback on the [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sunpy) # + Report [bugs](https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/issues) # + Provide Code (see our [developer guide](http://sunpy.readthedocs.org/en/stable/dev.html))