#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # This notebook was prepared by [Rishi Rajasekaran](https://github.com/rishihot55). Source and license info is on [GitHub](https://github.com/donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges). # # Solution Notebook # ## Problem: Find all valid combinations of n-pairs of parentheses. # # * [Constraints](#Constraints) # * [Test Cases](#Test-Cases) # * [Algorithm](#Algorithm) # * [Code](#Code) # * [Unit Test](#Unit-Test) # ## Constraints # # * Is the input an integer representing the number of pairs? # * Yes # * Can we assume the inputs are valid? # * No # * Is the output a list of valid combinations? # * Yes # * Should the output have duplicates? # * No # * Can we assume this fits memory? # * Yes # ## Test Cases # #
# * None -> Exception
# * Negative -> Exception
# * 0 -> []
# * 1 -> ['()']
# * 2 -> ['(())', '()()']
# * 3 -> ['((()))', '(()())', '(())()', '()(())', '()()()']
# # Algorithm # # Let `l` and `r` denote the number of left and right parentheses remaining at any given point. # The algorithm makes use of the following conditions applied recursively: # * Left braces can be inserted any time, as long as we do not exhaust them i.e. `l > 0`. # * Right braces can be inserted, as long as the number of right braces remaining is greater than the left braces remaining i.e. `r > l`. Violation of the aforementioned condition produces an unbalanced string of parentheses. # * If both left and right braces have been exhausted i.e. `l = 0 and r = 0`, then the resultant string produced is balanced. # # The algorithm can be rephrased as: # * Base case: `l = 0 and r = 0` # - Add the string generated to the result set # * Case 1: `l > 0` # - Add a left parenthesis to the parentheses string. # - Recurse (l - 1, r, new_string, result_set) # * Case 2: `r > l` # - Add a right parenthesis to the parentheses string. # - Recurse (l, r - 1, new_string, result_set) # # Complexity: # * Time: `O(4^n/n^(3/2))`, see [Catalan numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_number#Applications_in_combinatorics) - 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132... # * Space complexity: `O(n)`, due to the implicit call stack storing a maximum of 2n function calls) # ## Code # In[1]: class Parentheses(object): def find_pair(self, num_pairs): if num_pairs is None: raise TypeError('num_pairs cannot be None') if num_pairs < 0: raise ValueError('num_pairs cannot be < 0') if not num_pairs: return [] results = [] curr_results = [] self._find_pair(num_pairs, num_pairs, curr_results, results) return results def _find_pair(self, nleft, nright, curr_results, results): if nleft == 0 and nright == 0: results.append(''.join(curr_results)) else: if nleft >= 0: self._find_pair(nleft-1, nright, curr_results+['('], results) if nright > nleft: self._find_pair(nleft, nright-1, curr_results+[')'], results) # ## Unit Test # In[2]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('writefile', 'test_n_pairs_parentheses.py', "import unittest\n\n\nclass TestPairParentheses(unittest.TestCase):\n\n def test_pair_parentheses(self):\n parentheses = Parentheses()\n self.assertRaises(TypeError, parentheses.find_pair, None)\n self.assertRaises(ValueError, parentheses.find_pair, -1)\n self.assertEqual(parentheses.find_pair(0), [])\n self.assertEqual(parentheses.find_pair(1), ['()'])\n self.assertEqual(parentheses.find_pair(2), ['(())',\n '()()'])\n self.assertEqual(parentheses.find_pair(3), ['((()))',\n '(()())',\n '(())()',\n '()(())',\n '()()()'])\n print('Success: test_pair_parentheses')\n\n\ndef main():\n test = TestPairParentheses()\n test.test_pair_parentheses()\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()\n") # In[3]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', '-i test_n_pairs_parentheses.py')