import numpy as np from pyugm.factor import DiscreteFactor from pyugm.factor import DiscreteBelief # Specify the parameters (should be the same shape as the potential table would have been) factor_parameters = np.array([['theta_0', 'theta_1'], ['theta_2', 'theta_3']]) variables_names_and_cardinalities = [(1, 2), (2, 2)] # Construct the factor factor = DiscreteFactor(variables_names_and_cardinalities, parameters=factor_parameters) print factor # The factor still has its default potential table (all ones) # Create a belief based on the factor belief = DiscreteBelief(factor) # Potentials are filled with the exponent of the parameters. belief.set_parameters({'theta_0': np.log(2), 'theta_1': np.log(0.2), 'theta_2': np.log(5), 'theta_3': np.log(1)}) belief.set_parameters({'theta_0': np.log(1), 'theta_1': np.log(2), 'theta_2': np.log(1), 'theta_3': np.log(1)}) factor_parameters = np.array([['theta_0', 'theta_1'], ['theta_0', 'theta_0']]) factor = DiscreteFactor([(1, 2), (2, 2)], parameters=factor_parameters) belief = DiscreteBelief(factor) belief.set_parameters({'theta_0': np.log(3), 'theta_1': np.log(5)}) print import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib %matplotlib inline import seaborn seaborn.set_style("dark") # Load pre-discretized image. Each pixel value is an integer between 0 and 32. image = pickle.load(open('test_image.pkl')) plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) _ = plt.imshow(image,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Image') seaborn.set_style("darkgrid") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) _ = plt.hist(image.flatten(), bins=32, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) _ = plt.title('Pixel intensity histogram') observation_template = np.array([['obs_low'] * 32, ['obs_high'] * 32]) observation_template[0, 13:17] = 'obs_high' observation_template[1, 13:17] = 'obs_low' I, J = image.shape factors = [] evidence = {} # Add observation factors for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): label_variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) observation_variable_name = 'obs_{}_{}'.format(i,j) factors.append(DiscreteFactor([(label_variable_name, 2), (observation_variable_name, 32)], parameters=observation_template)) evidence[observation_variable_name] = image[i, j] from pyugm.model import Model model = Model(factors) from pyugm.infer_message import LoopyBeliefUpdateInference from pyugm.infer_message import FloodingProtocol order = FloodingProtocol(model, max_iterations=30) inference = LoopyBeliefUpdateInference(model, order) parameters = {'obs_high': 0.1, 'obs_low': -1.0} inference.calibrate(evidence, parameters) labels = np.zeros(image.shape) for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) label_factor = inference.get_marginals(variable_name)[0] labels[i, j] = label_factor.normalized_data[0] seaborn.set_style("dark") plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) _ = plt.imshow(image,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Original image') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) _ = plt.imshow(labels,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Inferred labels (white=foreground, black=background)') label_template = np.array([['same', 'different'], ['different', 'same']]) evidence = {} factors = [] # Add observation factors for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): label_variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) observation_variable_name = 'obs_{}_{}'.format(i, j) factors.append(DiscreteFactor([(label_variable_name, 2), (observation_variable_name, 32)], parameters=observation_template)) evidence[observation_variable_name] = image[i, j] # Add label factors for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) if i + 1 < I: neighbour_down_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i + 1, j) factors.append(DiscreteFactor([(variable_name, 2), (neighbour_down_name, 2)], parameters=label_template)) model = Model(factors) from pyugm.infer_message import LoopyBeliefUpdateInference from pyugm.infer_message import FloodingProtocol # Get some feedback on how inference is converging by listening in on some of the label beliefs. var_values = {'label_1_1': [], 'label_10_10': [], 'label_20_20': [], 'label_30_30': [], 'label_40_40': []} changes = [] def reporter(infe, orde): for var in var_values.keys(): marginal = infe.get_marginals(var)[0].data[0] var_values[var].append(marginal) change = orde.last_iteration_delta changes.append(change) energy = infe.partition_approximation() print '{:3} {:8.2f} {:5.2f} {:8.2f}'.format(orde.total_iterations, change, marginal, energy) order = FloodingProtocol(model, max_iterations=15) inference = LoopyBeliefUpdateInference(model, order, callback=reporter) parameters = {'same': 2.0, 'different': -1.0, 'obs_high': 1.0, 'obs_low': -0.0} inference.calibrate(evidence, parameters) labels = np.zeros(image.shape) for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) label_factor = inference.get_marginals(variable_name)[0] labels[i, j] = label_factor.normalized_data[0] plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) _ = plt.imshow(image,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Original image') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) _ = plt.imshow(labels,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Label beliefs \n(darker=higher background belief,\n lighter=higher foreground belief') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) _ = plt.imshow(labels > 0.5,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Thresholded beliefs') evidence = {} factors = [] # Add observation factors for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): label_variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) observation_variable_name = 'obs_{}_{}'.format(i, j) factors.append(DiscreteFactor([(label_variable_name, 2), (observation_variable_name, 32)], parameters=observation_template)) evidence[observation_variable_name] = image[i, j] # Add label factors for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) if i + 1 < I: neighbour_down_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i + 1, j) factors.append(DiscreteFactor([(variable_name, 2), (neighbour_down_name, 2)], parameters=label_template)) if j + 1 < J: neighbour_right_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j + 1) factors.append(DiscreteFactor([(variable_name, 2), (neighbour_right_name, 2)], parameters=label_template)) model = Model(factors) from pyugm.infer_message import LoopyBeliefUpdateInference from pyugm.infer_message import FloodingProtocol, LoopyDistributeCollectProtocol # Get some feedback on how inference is converging by listening in on some of the label beliefs. var_values = {'label_1_1': [], 'label_10_10': [], 'label_20_20': [], 'label_30_30': [], 'label_40_40': []} changes = [] partitions = [] def reporter(infe, orde): for var in var_values.keys(): marginal = infe.get_marginals(var)[0].data[0] var_values[var].append(marginal) change = orde.last_iteration_delta changes.append(change) energy = infe.partition_approximation() partitions.append(energy) print '{:3} {:8.2f} {:5.2f} {:8.2f}'.format(orde.total_iterations, change, marginal, energy) order = FloodingProtocol(model, max_iterations=15) inference = LoopyBeliefUpdateInference(model, order, callback=reporter) parameters = {'same': 0.1, 'different': -1.0, 'obs_high': 1.0, 'obs_low': -0.0} inference.calibrate(evidence, parameters) seaborn.set_style("darkgrid") ax1 = plt.axes() ax2 = ax1.twinx() _ = ax1.plot([np.log(change) for change in changes]) seaborn.set_style('dark') _ = ax2.plot(partitions, color='g') ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(ax2.get_yticks()[0], ax2.get_yticks()[-1], len(ax1.get_yticks()))) _ = ax1.set_ylabel('Log of total belief change') _ = ax2.set_ylabel('Log of the approximation to the partition function Z') _ = ax1.set_xlabel('Iteration number') for key, value in var_values.items(): plt.plot(value, label=key) _ = plt.ylabel('Normalized belief that the variable equals 0') _ = plt.xlabel('Iteration number') plt.legend() labels = np.zeros(image.shape) for i in xrange(I): for j in xrange(J): variable_name = 'label_{}_{}'.format(i, j) label_factor = inference.get_marginals(variable_name)[0] labels[i, j] = label_factor.normalized_data[0] seaborn.set_style("dark") plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) _ = plt.imshow(image,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Origin image') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) _ = plt.imshow(labels,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Label beliefs \n(darker=higher background belief,\n lighter=higher foreground belief') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) _ = plt.imshow(labels > 0.5,, interpolation='nearest') _ = plt.title('Thresholded beliefs')