import rootnotes import rootprint import utils import ROOT # create a TNtuple ntuple = ROOT.TNtuple("ntuple","ntuple","x:y:signal") # generate 'signal' and 'background' distributions for i in range(10000): # throw a signal event centered at (1,1) ntuple.Fill(ROOT.gRandom.Gaus(1,1), # x ROOT.gRandom.Gaus(1,1), # y 1) # signal # throw a background event centered at (-1,-1) ntuple.Fill(ROOT.gRandom.Gaus(-1,1), # x ROOT.gRandom.Gaus(-1,1), # y 0) # background samplesCanvas = rootnotes.canvas("samplesCanvas", (400, 400)) # draw an empty 2D histogram for the axes histo = ROOT.TH2F("histo","",1,-5,5,1,-5,5) histo.Draw() # cuts defining the signal and background sample sigCut = ROOT.TCut("signal > 0.5") bgCut = ROOT.TCut("signal <= 0.5") # draw the signal events in red ntuple.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) ntuple.Draw("y:x",sigCut,"same") # draw the background events in blue ntuple.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) ntuple.Draw("y:x",bgCut,"same") samplesCanvas ROOT.TMVA.Tools.Instance() # note that it seems to be mandatory to have an # output file, just passing None to TMVA::Factory(..) # does not work. Make sure you don't overwrite an # existing file. fout = ROOT.TFile("TMVAResults.root","RECREATE") factory = ROOT.TMVA.Factory("TMVAClassification", fout, ":".join([ "!V", "!Silent", "!Color", "!DrawProgressBar", "Transformations=I;D;P;G,D", "AnalysisType=Classification"] )) factory.AddVariable("x","F") factory.AddVariable("y","F") factory.AddSignalTree(ntuple) factory.AddBackgroundTree(ntuple) factory.PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(sigCut, # signal events bgCut, # background events ":".join([ "nTrain_Signal=0", "nTrain_Background=0", "SplitMode=Random", "NormMode=NumEvents", "!V" ])) methodBDT = factory.BookMethod(ROOT.TMVA.Types.kBDT, "BDT", ":".join([ "!H", "!V", "NTrees=850", "nEventsMin=150", "MaxDepth=3", "BoostType=AdaBoost", "AdaBoostBeta=0.5", "SeparationType=GiniIndex", "nCuts=20", "PruneMethod=NoPruning", ])) factory.TrainAllMethods() factory.TestAllMethods() factory.EvaluateAllMethods() reader = ROOT.TMVA.Reader() import array varx = array.array('f',[0]) ; reader.AddVariable("x",varx) vary = array.array('f',[0]) ; reader.AddVariable("y",vary) reader.BookMVA("BDT","weights/TMVAClassification_BDT.weights.xml") # create a new 2D histogram with fine binning histo2 = ROOT.TH2F("histo2","",200,-5,5,200,-5,5) # loop over the bins of a 2D histogram for i in range(1,histo2.GetNbinsX() + 1): for j in range(1,histo2.GetNbinsY() + 1): # find the bin center coordinates varx[0] = histo2.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i) vary[0] = histo2.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(j) # calculate the value of the classifier # function at the given coordinate bdtOutput = reader.EvaluateMVA("BDT") # set the bin content equal to the classifier output histo2.SetBinContent(i,j,bdtOutput) c2 = rootnotes.canvas("test2", (800, 400)) c2.Divide(2,1) histo2.Draw("colz") # keeps objects otherwise removed by garbage collected in a list gcSaver = [] # draw sigma contours around means for mean, color in ( ((1,1), ROOT.kRed), # signal ((-1,-1), ROOT.kBlue), # background ): # draw contours at 1 and 2 sigmas for numSigmas in (1,2): circle = ROOT.TEllipse(mean[0], mean[1], numSigmas) circle.SetFillStyle(0) circle.SetLineColor(color) circle.SetLineWidth(2) circle.Draw() gcSaver.append(circle) # fill histograms for signal and background from the test sample tree hSig = ROOT.TH1F("hSig", "hSig", 22, -1.1, 1.1) hBg = ROOT.TH1F("hBg", "hBg", 22, -1.1, 1.1) ROOT.TestTree.Draw("BDT>>hSig","classID == 0","goff") # signal ROOT.TestTree.Draw("BDT>>hBg","classID == 1", "goff") # background hSig.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed); hSig.SetLineWidth(2) # signal histogram hBg.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue); hBg.SetLineWidth(2) # background histogram # use a THStack to show both histograms hs = ROOT.THStack("hs","") hs.Add(hSig) hs.Add(hBg) hs.Draw() c2 %%rootprint fout.Close() tmvaFile = ROOT.TFile("TMVAResults.root") # print open("TMVASuggestionQuestion1.txt").read() # print open("TMVASuggestionQuestion2.txt").read()