import rpy2.robjects as robj import rpy2.rinterface as ri import rpy2.robjects.vectors as rv from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr import numpy as np # Interact with R using strings print robj.r('3 + 4') robj.r('x = 3') print robj.r('x') # Interact with R using attributes print robj.r.x print "why are the two subsequent calls to ls producing different results?" print print # create a python vector and compute R stats on it x = rv.IntVector(range(0,11)) print "why are the two subsequent calls to mean producing different results?" print robj.r('mean(x)') print robj.r.mean(x) print "Here are some other stats" print "Sum" print robj.r.sum(x) print "Variance" print robj.r.var(x) # create R matrices v = robj.FloatVector(robj.r.rnorm(20)) m = robj.r.matrix(v, ncol = 2) print(m) print "According to R the column sums are" print robj.r.apply(m, 2, 'sum') # convert matrix into a numpy array m_np = np.array(m) print(m_np) # read in data as an R data.frame faithful = robj.DataFrame.from_csvfile('faithful.dat', sep=' ') print type(faithful) print faithful.names # subset columns # extract as a DataFrame col_one = faithful.rx(1) print robj.r.head(col_one) col_one = faithful.rx('eruptions') print robj.r.head(col_one) # extract as a Vector print faithful.rx2(1)[0:11] print faithful.rx2('eruptions')[0:11] # subset rows print faithful.rx(robj.IntVector(range(1,6)), True) # create an R function and call it in the Python interpreter robj.r(''' calc_area_r = function(radius, verbose=FALSE) { if (verbose) { cat("I am calling calc_area_r().\n") } return( 2 * pi * radius ) } calc_area_r(3) ''') print robj.r.calc_area_r(5, verbose='TRUE') # Make the calc_area_r a callable python function calc_area_py = robj.r.calc_area_r print "Here is the result of calc_area_py()" print calc_area_py(5) print type(calc_area_py) # Rpy supports keyword arguments if there is no pythonic conflict robj.r.rnorm(10, mean=2, sd=3) # this will draw an error robj.r.rpois(10, lambda=3) # creating a keyword argument dictionary solves the problem robj.r.rpois(10, **{'lambda' : 3}) # Make a python function and call it within R ri.initr() stats = importr('stats') def quad_f(x): x = x[0] return x ** -2 + 0.5 * x # wrap the function f so it can be exposed to R quad_fr = ri.rternalize(quad_f) # define the interval to find the minimum over interval = rv.IntVector((0, 10)) # call R's optimize() res = stats.optimize(quad_fr, interval) print res # plotting x = robj.r.runif(10) y = robj.r.rnorm(10) robj.r.plot(x, y, xlab="runif rv", ylab="rnorm rv", col="red") # close that graphic robj.r('') # export the graphic as a pdf robj.r.pdf('example_r_plot.pdf') robj.r.plot(x, y, xlab="runif rv", ylab="rnorm rv", col="red") robj.r('') # import R libraries vegan = importr('vegan') comm_mat = robj.r.matrix(robj.r.rpois(100, 1), 10, 10) ca = vegan.cca(comm_mat) print ca robj.r.plot(ca) # close the graphical device robj.r('') # make R pythonic by making it clear which functions are attributed to which packages base = importr('base') stats = importr('stats') graphics = importr('graphics') m = base.matrix(stats.rnorm(100), ncol = 5) pca = stats.princomp(m) graphics.plot(pca, main = "Eigen values") stats.biplot(pca, main = "biplot")