from IPython import display display.YouTubeVideo('csyL9EC0S0c?t=24m47s') %load import this def is_even(a): if a % 2 == 0: print('Even!') return True print('Odd!') return False #multiple assignment a, b, c = 'spam', 'eggs', 'parrot' print(a, b, c) for (i=0; i < mylist_length; i++) { do_something(mylist[i]); } #The direct equivalent in Python would be this: i = 0 while i < mylist_length: do_something(mylist[i]) i += 1 #That, however, while it works, is not considered Pythonic. It's not an idiom the Python language encourages. We could improve it. A typical idiom in Python to generate all numbers in a list would be to use something like the built-in range() function: for i in range(mylist_length): do_something(mylist[i]) #This is however not Pythonic either. Here is the Pythonic way, encouraged by the language itself: for element in mylist: do_something(element) numbers = [1,2,3,4] for number in numbers: print(number) #Hacker School rice_crispies.items() rice_crispies = {3:'Crackle', 5:'Pop'} for i in range(101): print(i) for flake in rice_crispies.keys(): if i % flake == 0: print(rice_crispies[flake]) ahundred = range(101) new_list = [i*2 for i in ahundred if i % 2 == 0] print(new_list) new_list[0:10] tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139} tel['guido'] words = ['spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'spam'] from collections import defaultdict word_counter = defaultdict(int) words = ['spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'spam', 'parrot'] for word in words: word_counter[word] += 1 print(word_counter) !wget #90% of the google spelling corrector in 21 lines of Python !head -n20 big.txt import re, collections def words(text): return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower()) def train(features): model = collections.defaultdict(int) for f in features: model[f] += 1 return model NWORDS = train(words(file('big.txt').read())) alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' def edits(word): splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)] deletes = [a + b[1:] for a, b in splits if b] transposes = [a + b[1] + b[0] + b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)>1] replaces = [a + c + b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b] inserts = [a + c + b for a, b in splits for c in alphabet] return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts) def known_edits(word): edits_of_edits = set() for e1 in edits(word): for e2 in edits(e1): if e2 in NWORDS: edits_of_edits.add(e2) return edits_of_edits #norvigs way #return set(e2 for e1 in edits(word) for e2 in edits(e1) if e2 in NWORDS) def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS) def correct(word): candidates = known([word]) or known(edits(word)) or known_edits(word) or [word] return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get) correct('spam') word = 'spam' splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)] deletes = [a + b[1:] for a, b in splits if b] transposes = [a + b[1] + b[0] + b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)>1] replaces = [a + c + b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b] inserts = [a + c + b for a, b in splits for c in alphabet] print(splits) print(deletes) print(transposes) print(replaces) print(inserts) !wget manon.txt manon_string = open('pg468.txt','r').read() manon_words = manon_string.split()[1000:2000] transform_words #do list comprehension here to to put `correct` on all the words in the list manon_words outfile = open('transformed_manon.txt','w') transform_string = ' '.join(transform_words) outfile.write(transform_string)