# special IPython command to prepare the notebook for matplotlib %matplotlib inline import requests import StringIO import zipfile import numpy as np import pandas as pd # pandas import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # module for plotting # If this module is not already installed, you may need to install it. # You can do this by typing 'pip install seaborn' in the command line import seaborn as sns import sklearn import sklearn.datasets import sklearn.cross_validation import sklearn.decomposition import sklearn.grid_search import sklearn.neighbors import sklearn.metrics ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### #load the iris data set iris = sklearn.datasets.load_iris() X = iris.data Y = iris.target print X.shape, Y.shape ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### digits = sklearn.datasets.load_digits() X = digits.data Y = digits.target print X.shape, Y.shape ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your code here ### ### Your cross validation and evaluation code here ### ### Your boxplot code here ### ### Your code here ###