#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

On Galerkin approximations for the QG equations


Supplementary material for subsection on the Eady model


# Cesar B. Rocha* # , William R. Young, and Ian Grooms #

# Winter 2015 #

# *Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr. MC 0213, La Jolla, CA/USA, # # # #

The basic state


Using non-dimensional variables, the basic state for the Eady problem is

# \begin{equation} # U(z) = z + 1 \, ,\qquad \text{and} \qquad U'(z) = 1 \, . # \end{equation} # # The base state expansion in standard modes is # # \begin{equation} # U^G(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\mathrm{N}} U_n \mathsf{p}_n = \frac{1}{2} + 2\sqrt{2} \sum_{n = 1, n~ \text{odd}}^{\mathrm{N}} \frac{\mathsf{p}_n}{(n\pi)^2}\, . # \end{equation} # # Its associated potential vorticity gradient is # # \begin{equation} # -[U^G(z)]'' = 2\sqrt{2} \sum_{n = 1, n~ \text{odd}}^{\mathrm{N}} \mathsf{p}_n\, = 2\,\frac{\sin[(N+1)\pi z]}{\sin \pi z} . # \end{equation} # # Figure 1 in Rocha, Young and Grooms indents to convey two important points: # # 1. While standard modes have zero slope at the boundaries, a modest number of terms provides a reasonable approximation to the exact mean velocity. # 2. The potential vorticity associated with this base state is a Dirichlet kernel (a sum of cosines), which is essentially a finite approximation for the two delta functions at the boundaries. # To produce Figure 1, we first create a simple function that evaluates the series # In[8]: from __future__ import division from numpy import cos, pi def eady_base_series(N): ''' Galerkin approximatin to Eady's basic state U = z + 1 N is the number of baroclinic modes ''' Ug, Qy = 0.5, 0. for n in range(1,N+1,2): Ug += 4.*cos(n*pi*z)/(n*pi)**2 Qy += 4.*cos(n*pi*z) return Ug,Qy # We then call this function for various $\mathrm{N}$, and plot it using matplotlib # In[9]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 40, 'legend.handlelength' : 1.25}) z = np.linspace(-1.,0,300) U_exact = z + 1. N = np.array([1,3,5,7,9,15,27,49]) U_g,Qy_g = np.zeros((z.size,N.size)),np.zeros((z.size,N.size)) for i in range(N.size): U_g[:,i],Qy_g[:,i] = eady_base_series(N[i]) # In[6]: ## velocity and PV gradient fig, (ax1, ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True,figsize=(30,14)) for i in range(N.size): if i < N.size-2: ax1.plot(U_g[:,i],z,label=str(N[i]),linewidth=2.) ax2.plot(Qy_g[:,i],z,label=str(N[i]),linewidth=2.) elif i == N.size-2: ax1.plot(U_g[:,i],z,label=str(N[i]),linewidth=2.,color='b') ax3.plot(Qy_g[:,i],z,label=str(N[i]),linewidth=2.,color='b') else: ax1.plot(U_g[:,i],z,label=str(N[i]),linewidth=2.,color='g') ax3.plot(Qy_g[:,i],z,label=str(N[i]),linewidth=2.,color='g') ax1.plot(U_exact,z,'--',color='k',linewidth=2.,label='Exact') ax1.set_xlabel(r'$U/\Lambda h$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$z/h$') ax1.text(.025,-.05, '(a)', size=30, rotation=0.) # inset def inset_vel(xl,xr,yl,yu,xil,xir,yiu,yil): inset = plt.axes([xil,xir,yiu,yil], axisbg='.975') for i in range(N.size): if i < N.size-2: plt.plot(U_g[:,i],z,linewidth=2.) elif i == N.size-2: plt.plot(U_g[:,i],z,linewidth=2.,color='b') else: plt.plot(U_g[:,i],z,linewidth=2.,color='g') plt.plot(U_exact,z,'--',color='k',linewidth=2.) plt.ylim(yl,yu) plt.xlim(xl,xr) plt.setp(inset, xticks=[], yticks=[]) inset_vel(.85,1.0,-.1,0.,.19,.7,.1,.18) inset_vel(0.,.15,-1.,-.9,.19,.135,.1,.18) ## PV gradient ax2.set_xlabel(r'$-U_{zz} \times \frac{N_0^2}{f_0^2}\frac{h}{\Lambda}$') ax2.plot(U_exact*0,z,'--',color='k',linewidth=2.,label='Exact') ax2.legend(loc=4,title= r'$\mathrm{N}$') ax2.text(-31,-.05,'(b)', size=30, rotation=0.) ax2.set_xlim(-35,35) ## PV gradient N=27 ax3.plot(U_exact*0,z,'--',color='k',linewidth=2.,label='Exact') ax3.set_xlabel(r'$-U_{zz} \times \frac{N_0^2}{f_0^2}\frac{h}{\Lambda}$') ax3.legend(loc=4,title= r'$\mathrm{N}$') ax3.text(-89,-.05,'(c)', size=30, rotation=0.) ## inset # mark inset region in bigger axis ax1.plot([.85,1.],[-.1,-.1],'-',color="k") ax1.plot([.85,.85],[-.1,0.],'-',color="k") ax1.plot([.0,.15],[-.9,-.9],'-',color="k") ax1.plot([.15,.15],[-.9,-1.],'-',color="k") ax3.plot([-10.,10.],[-.6,-.6],'-',color="k") ax3.plot([10.,10.],[-.6,-.4],'-',color="k") ax3.plot([10.,-10.],[-.4,-.4],'-',color="k") ax3.plot([-10.,-10.],[-.4,-.6],'-',color="k") def inset_pv(xl,xr,yl,yu,xil,xir,yiu,yil): inset = plt.axes([xil,xir,yiu,yil], axisbg='.975') for i in range(N.size): if i == N.size-2: inset.plot(Qy_g[:,i],z,linewidth=2.,color='b') elif i == N.size-1: inset.plot(Qy_g[:,i],z,linewidth=2.,color='g') plt.plot(U_exact*0,z,'--',color='k',linewidth=2.) plt.ylim(yl,yu) plt.xlim(xl,xr) plt.setp(inset, xticks=[], yticks=[]) inset_pv(-3,3,-.6,-.4,.685,.425,.075,.175) plt.savefig('figs/U_Qy_exact_galerk.eps') # ## Linear stability analysis for Eady problem # Divide and conquer: First we code a couple of simple functions that will be called many times. Most of the functions have similar names/variables to the variables described in Rocha, Young, and Grooms # In[11]: import numba def alpha_n(kappa,n): ''' the inverse Helmholtz operator in Fourier space ''' return -1./(kappa**2 + (n*pi)**2) # nopython=True means an error will be raised # if fast compilation is not possible. def sigma12(kappa,Nmax): ''' evaluate sigma1 and sigma2 sums for used in methods B and C Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes ''' i = np.arange(Nmax+1) c = alpha_n(kappa,i) sigma1 = c[0] + 2.*c[1:].sum() sigma2 = c[0] + 2.*(( (-1.)**i[1:] )*c[1:]).sum() return sigma1,sigma2 @numba.jit(nopython=True) def UGpm(Nmax): ''' evaluate series for base velocity at the boundaries Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes''' up,um = .5,.5 for i in range(1,Nmax+1,2): up += 4./( (i*pi)**2 ) um += -4./( (i*pi)**2 ) return up,um @numba.jit(nopython=True) def Xi(k,m,n): ''' the interaction coefficient Xi for constant stratification ''' if ((k==0) and (m==n)): x = 1. elif ((m==0) and (k==n)): x = 1. elif ((n==0) and (k==m)): x = 1. elif ((k == m+n) or (k == m-n) or (k == n-m)): x = sqrt(2)/2. else: x = 0. return x # The linear stability analysis reduces to a simple eigenvalue problem in the form # # \begin{equation} # \mathsf{M} \, \phi = c \phi\, , # \end{equation} # where the matrix $\mathsf{M}$ varies from approximation to approximation. In the Eady problem, the matrix $\mathsf{M}$ is $(\mathrm{N}+1)\times(\mathrm{N}+1)$, wheres it is $2\times 2$ in approximations B (exact in this case) and C. Thus, for the Eady problem, we only need to compute the eigenvalues numerically in approximation A. First, we create a function to assemble the matrix $\mathsf{M}$ given the number of baroclinic modes $\mathrm{N}$ and the wavenumber $\kappa$. See Appendix C. # # # In[10]: from numpy import cos,sin,pi,sqrt import scipy as sp try: np.use_fastnumpy = True except: pass import scipy.linalg import line_profiler def stability_matrix(kappa,Nmax): ''' Linear stability matrix for Eady Problem using method A --------------------------------------- M phi = c phi, where c are the eigenvalues and phi the eigenvector M is a Nmax+1 by Nmax+1 matrix Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes for the solution -------------------------------------- ''' M1 = np.zeros((Nmax+1,Nmax+1)) M2 = np.zeros((Nmax+1,Nmax+1)) # loop over rows for k in range(Nmax+1): # M1 for m in range(Nmax+1): for n in range(1,Nmax+1,2): gamma = -2.*sqrt(2)/( kappa**2 + (m*pi)**2 ) M1[k,m] += Xi(k,n,m)*gamma # M2 for n in range(Nmax+1): for m in np.append(0,range(1,Nmax+1,2)): if m == 0: U = 1/2. else: U = 2.*sqrt(2)/( (m*pi)**2 ) M2[k,n] += Xi(k,n,m)*U M = M1 + M2 return M # Testing efficient of the code # In[71]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('reload_ext', 'line_profiler') # In[72]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('lprun', '-s -f stability_matrix -T lp_results.txt stability_matrix(kappa=2.,Nmax=128)') # We then create a simple function to perform the stability analysis, using either method A or C. For method A it calls **stability_matrix**. # In[9]: def stability_analysis(kappa,Nmax,method='C',efunc=False): ''' Compute the growth rate of the linear stability analysis for the Eady problem -------------------------------------------- kappa is the array of wavenumbers Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes for the solution --------------------------------------------- ''' if efunc == True and method == 'C': raise 'eigenfunction works only with method A' try: Nkappa = kappa.size c = np.zeros(Nkappa,dtype='complex128') sig = np.zeros(Nkappa) if method == 'C': for i in range(Nkappa): sig1,sig2 = sigma12(kappa[i],Nmax) up,um = UGpm(Nmax) uh = (up+um)/2. D = uh**2 - up*um +\ sig1*(up-um) + sig1**2 - sig2**2 if D<0: cm = uh + 1j*np.sqrt(-D) else: cm = uh + np.sqrt(D) c[i],sig[i] = cm,kappa[i]*cm.imag elif method == 'A': for i in range(Nkappa): M = stability_matrix(kappa[i],Nmax) cm,em = np.linalg.eig(M) imax = cm.imag.argmax() c[i],sig[i] = cm[imax],kappa[i]*cm.imag[imax] if efunc: efun[:,i] = em[:,imax] except AttributeError: if method == 'C': sig1,sig2 = sigma12(kappa,Nmax) up,um = UGpm(Nmax) uh = (up+um)/2. D = uh**2 - up*um +\ sig1*(up-um) + sig1**2 - sig2**2 if D<0: cm = uh + 1j*np.sqrt(-D) else: cm = uh + np.sqrt(D) c,sig = cm,kappa*cm.imag elif method == 'A': M = stability_matrix(kappa,Nmax) cm,em = np.linalg.eig(M) imax = cm.imag.argmax() c,sig = cm[imax],kappa*cm.imag[imax] if efunc: efun = em[:,imax] if efunc: return c,efun,sig else : return c,sig # We now loop compute the eigenvalue for different wanumber $\kappa$ over an array of number of baroclinic modes $\mathrm{N}$ to study the converge of different approximations. (It may take a while to run for a large number of baroclinic modes using approximation A.) # In[ ]: kappa = np.linspace(0.001,10.,100) #kappa = 8 # set single number or array of number of baroclinic modes Nmodes = np.arange(0,25) #Nmodes = np.arange(0,10) Nmodes = np.append(Nmodes,2**np.arange(5,8)) #Nmodes = np.array([16,32,64]) c_galerkA,sig_galerkA = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size),\ dtype='complex128'),np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size)) c_galerkC,sig_galerkC = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size),\ dtype='complex128'),np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size)) # solve the linear problem for i in range(Nmodes.size): c_galerkC[i,:],sig_galerkC[i,:] = stability_analysis(kappa,\ Nmodes[i],method='C') #if Nmodes = 0 , A is stable if Nmodes[i] == 0: c_galerkA[i,:],sig_galerkA[i,:] = 0.,0.5 else: c_galerkA[i,:],sig_galerkA[i,:] = stability_analysis(kappa,\ Nmodes[i],method='A',efunc=False) # In[20]: np.savez('outputs/eady_A.npz',c=c_galerkA,sig=sig_galerkA,\ kappa=kappa,Nmodes=Nmodes) np.savez('outputs/eady_C.npz',c=c_galerkC,sig=sig_galerkC,\ kappa=kappa,Nmodes=Nmodes) # Compute and save single mode with eigenfunction to plot wave structure # In[13]: kappa = 8 Nmodes = 64 c_galerkA,efunc_galerk_A,sig_galerkA = stability_analysis(kappa,\ Nmodes,method='A',efunc=True) np.savez('outputs/eady_A_k8_64_efunc.npz',c=c_galerkA,sig=sig_galerkA,\ efunc=efunc_galerk_A,kappa=kappa,Nmodes=Nmodes) # Method B is exact. # In[16]: kappa = np.linspace(0.001,10.,100) kappa_2 = kappa/2. + 0j c_exact = .5 + np.sqrt( (kappa_2 - np.tanh(kappa_2))\ *(kappa_2 - 1./np.tanh(kappa_2)) )/kappa sig_exact = kappa*c_exact.imag np.savez('outputs/eady_exact.npz',c=c_exact,sig=sig_exact,\ kappa=kappa) # Now we plot the results to study the convergence of different approximations. # In[23]: #import seaborn as sns #sns.set(style="darkgrid") #sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=5., rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5}) #sns.set_style("darkgrid",{'grid_color':.95}) # In[4]: def labels(field='sig',fs=50): ''' set labels in figures ''' plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa \times\, L_d$',fontsize=fs) if field == 'sig': plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma \times \, \frac{\Lambda H}{L}$',fontsize=fs) elif field == 'ps': plt.ylabel(r'$c_r / \Lambda H$',fontsize=fs) def plt_exact(field='sig'): ''' plot the exact solution ''' if field == 'sig': plt.plot(eady_exact['kappa'],eady_exact['sig'],color="k",\ linewidth=4.,label='B, Exact') elif field == 'ps': plt.plot(eady_exact['kappa'],eady_exact['c'].real,color="k",\ linewidth=4.,label='B, Exact') # In[5]: path = 'outputs/' eadyA = np.load(path+'eady_A.npz') eadyC = np.load(path+'eady_C.npz') eady_exact = np.load(path+'eady_exact.npz') Nmodes = eadyA['Nmodes'] # In[6]: lw,aph = 4.,.75 color1,color2 = "#1e90ff","#ff6347" # In[7]: for i in range(Nmodes.size): fig=plt.figure(figsize=(15,11)) plt_exact('sig') plt.plot(eadyA['kappa'],eadyA['sig'][i,:],\ color=color1,linewidth=lw,label='A') plt.plot(eadyC['kappa'],eadyC['sig'][i,:],\ color=color2,linewidth=lw,label='C') labels() plt.yticks(np.arange(0.,.5,.1)) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=40) plt.legend(loc=1, title = r'$\mathrm{N} = $' + str(Nmodes[i])) plt.ylim(0.,0.4) plt.xlim(0,10) plt.text(8.65, .02, "Eady Problem", size=30, rotation=0.,\ ha="center", va="center",\ bbox = dict(boxstyle="round",ec='k',fc='w')) figtit = 'figs/eady_sig_galerk_ABC_'+str(Nmodes[i])+'.eps' plt.savefig(figtit,format='eps') # close some of the figures if i%2: plt.close() # We may also be interested in computing the relative error, e.g. at the most unstable mode # In[20]: def absolute_error(exact,approx): ''' compute relative error ''' return np.abs(exact-approx) #relative_error(exact,approx) def find_nearest(x, x0): "find closest to x0 in array value" idx = np.abs(x - x0).argmin() return x[idx],idx # In[21]: # the fasted growing mode imax = eady_exact['sig'].argmax() # calculate error at some wanumbers kappas = np.array([.5,kappa[imax],4.,8.]) inds = np.zeros(kappas.size) for i in range(kappas.size): kappas[i],inds[i] = find_nearest(kappa, kappas[i]) # In[22]: errorA = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappas.size)) errorC = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappas.size)) for n in range(Nmodes.size): for k in range(inds.size): errorA[n,k] = absolute_error(eady_exact['sig'][inds[k]],\ eadyA['sig'][n,inds[k]]) errorC[n,k] = absolute_error(eady_exact['sig'][inds[k]],\ eadyC['sig'][n,inds[k]]) # In[24]: ns = np.array([1,500.]) lw = 3. plt.figure(figsize=(14,10)) plt.loglog(ns,1/ns**2,'k',alpha=.5) plt.loglog(ns,1/ns**1,'k',alpha=.5) plt.loglog(ns,1/ns**4,'k',alpha=.5) # solid line error at k ~2 (max growth rate) plt.loglog(Nmodes,errorA[:,1],color=color1,label='A',linewidth=lw) plt.loglog(Nmodes,errorC[:,1],color=color2,label='C',linewidth=lw) # dashed line error at k ~8 (max growth rate) plt.loglog(Nmodes,errorA[:,-1],'--',color=color1,linewidth=lw) plt.loglog(Nmodes,errorC[:,-1],'--',color=color2,linewidth=lw) plt.legend(loc=3) plt.yticks(np.array([1.e-10,1.e-8,1.e-6,1.e-4,1.e-2,1.e0])) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=30) plt.text(150,4.e-9,r'$\mathrm{N}^{-4}$') plt.text(150,5.e-5,r'$\mathrm{N}^{-2}$') plt.text(150,1.e-2,r'$\mathrm{N}^{-1}$') plt.xlabel(r"$\mathrm{N}$",fontsize=30) plt.ylabel(r"Absolute error",fontsize=30) plt.xlim(0,350) plt.text(100, .5e-10, r"Eady Problem", size=25, rotation=0.,\ ha="center", va="center",\ bbox = dict(boxstyle="round",ec='k',fc='w')) plt.savefig('figs/Error_eady.eps',format='eps') # ### Plot eady growth rate for approximation A with extended $\kappa$ # see the bogus critical high-wavenumber instabilities in approximation A # In[ ]: eady30 = np.load('outputs/eady_A_30.npz') plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) plt.plot(eady30['kappa'],eady30['sig'][-1,:]) plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa$') plt.ylabel(r'$k\,c_i$') plt.savefig('figs/eady_stability_A_ext_kappa') # In[ ]: