#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Open TG-GATEs clinical pathology data from ChEMBL using web services

# #


# # Open TG-GATEs is a toxicogenomics database that stores gene expression profiles and traditional toxicological data derived from in vivo (rat) and in vitro (primary rat hepatocytes, primary human hepatocytes) exposure to 170 compounds at multiple dosages and time points. The toxicology data is composed of biochemistry, hematology and histopathology findings with pathology imaging from the in vivo studies and cytotoxicity from the in vitro studies. The 170 compounds include representative known liver- and kidney-injuring pharmaceuticals, compounds and chemicals.(1) The data can be browsed here. # # Biochemistry, hematology, organ weight and histopathology findings from the Open TG-GATEs dataset have been integrated into ChEMBL and can be found under src_id 11 and document_chembl_ids CHEMBL2766011 (biochemistry), CHEMBL2766014 (hematology), CHEMBL2766012 (organ weight) and CHEMBL2766013 (histopathology). Doses, time points, regimens and study_ids are stored in the assay description. For each biochemistry, hematology and organ weight endpoint, the average value across the individual animal samples has been calculated. The averaged treatment value is recorded as an activity standard_value while the averaged controls for those endpoints can be found in the activity_comment. # # Detailed information regarding how to use the ChEMBL web services can be found here. # # (1) Igarashi, Y., Nakatsu, N., Yamashita, T., Ono, A., Ohno, Y., Urushidani, T., & Yamada, H. (2015). Open TG-GATEs: a large-scale toxicogenomics database. Nucleic Acids Research, 43(Database issue), D921–7. # # #

Configuration and setup

# In[1]: from chembl_webresource_client.new_client import new_client from chembl_webresource_client.settings import Settings Settings.Instance().MAX_LIMIT = 1000 import requests import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import pandas as pd pd.set_option('max_colwidth',300) pd.set_option("display.max_rows",999) pd.set_option("display.max_columns",150) #

Retrieve Open TG-GATEs data from ChEMBL

# # Requests to ChEMBL can be made either by # # 1\. Using the API provided by the Python package chembl_webresource_client: # In[2]: activity = new_client.activity activity.set_format('json') tggates_act_api = activity.get(document_chembl_id=(['CHEMBL2766011', 'CHEMBL2766014', 'CHEMBL2766012', 'CHEMBL2766013'])) len(tggates_act_api) # 2\. Directly via URLs: # In[3]: url_stem = "https://www.ebi.ac.uk" tggates_url = requests.get(url_stem + "/chembl/api/data/activity.json?assay_description__icontains=TG-GATES&limit=1000").json() tggates_act_url = tggates_url['activities'] while tggates_url['page_meta']['next']: tggates_url = requests.get(url_stem + tggates_url['page_meta']['next']).json() tggates_act_url += tggates_url['activities'] len(tggates_act_url) # For simplicity, the retrieved data will be converted to a dataframe: # In[4]: tggates_act_api_list = list(tggates_act_api.all()) tggates_df = pd.DataFrame(tggates_act_api_list) tggates_df.shape # As mentioned before, doses, time points, regimens and study_ids are stored in the assay description. For each biochemistry, hematology and organ weight endpoint, the average value across the individual animal samples has been calculated. The averaged treatment value is recorded as an activity standard_value while the averaged controls for those endpoints can be found in the activity_comment. Here is an example, # In[5]: tggates_df.head(1) # Open TG-GATEs data is now ready to be used. # # Further processing of the data might be useful. In the next step, parameters such as dose_level, time, regimen, route, study_id were extracted from the assay_description. p-values and standard_values for the controls can also be extracted from the activity_comment for further comparison with the treatment standard_values. # In[6]: # get fields of interest tggates = tggates_df[['assay_chembl_id', 'assay_description', 'molecule_chembl_id', 'standard_type', 'standard_value', 'standard_units', 'activity_comment']] tggates.shape # In[7]: tggates.head(1) # In[8]: # filter on endpoints of interest, e.g. clinical chemistry and hematology data h_cc = tggates[tggates['assay_description'].str.contains('Hematology', 'Biochemistry')] h_cc.shape # In[9]: # information regarding dose, time, regimen is store in assay_description tggates_ap_split = h_cc['assay_description'].str.split(' \| |; ', 0, expand=True).add_prefix('assay_description_part') tggates_ap_split.shape # In[10]: tggates_ap_split.head(1) # In[11]: regimen = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part0'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={2:'regimen'} ).drop([0,1], 1) time = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part1'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'time'} ).drop([0], 1) dose_level = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part2'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'dose_level'} ).drop([0], 1) route = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part3'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'route'} ).drop([0], 1) dataset = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part4'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'dataset'} ).drop([0], 1) assay_test = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part5'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'assay_test'} ).drop([0], 1) exp_group = tggates_ap_split['assay_description_part6'].str.split(':|/', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'exp_id', 2:'group_id'}).drop([0], 1) # In[12]: regimen.head(1) # In[13]: exp_group.head(1) # In[14]: tggates_ap = ( regimen .merge(time, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(dose_level, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(route, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(dataset, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(assay_test, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(exp_group, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') ) # In[15]: tggates_ap.shape # In[16]: tggates_ap.head(1) # In[17]: tggates_ap = tggates_ap.replace('^\s', '', regex=True) # In[18]: # information regarding treatment and control is store in activity_comment: tggates_split = h_cc['activity_comment'].str.split(' \|\| ', expand=True).add_prefix('act_comment_part') tggates_split.shape # In[19]: tggates_split.head(1) # In[20]: tggates_treat = tggates_split['act_comment_part0'].str.split(';', expand=True).add_prefix('treatment_part') tggates_control = tggates_split['act_comment_part1'].str.split(';', expand=True).add_prefix('control_part') tggates_treat.shape, tggates_control.shape # In[21]: tggates_treat.head(1) # In[22]: t_sd_t = tggates_treat['treatment_part0'].str.split('=', expand=True).rename(columns={1:'SD'}).drop([0], 1) t_sd_t.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True) t_sd_t['SD'] = t_sd_t['SD'].map(lambda x: x.strip()).replace('nan', np.nan) t_sd_t.shape # In[23]: t_sd_t.head(1) # In[24]: t_p_t = tggates_treat['treatment_part1'].str.split('=', expand=True).rename(columns={1:'p-value'}).drop([0], 1) t_p_t.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True) t_p_t.shape # In[25]: t_p_t.head(1) # In[26]: t_n_t = tggates_treat['treatment_part2'].str.split('=', expand=True).rename(columns={1:'N'}).drop([0], 1) t_n_t.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True) t_n_t.shape # In[27]: t_n_t.head(1) # In[28]: tggates_control.head(1) # In[29]: t_mean_c = tggates_control['control_part0'].str.split('=', expand=True).rename(columns={1:'control_value'}).drop([0], 1) t_mean_c.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True) t_mean_c.shape # In[30]: t_mean_c.head(1) # In[31]: t_sd_c = tggates_control['control_part1'].str.split('=', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'control_SD'}).drop([0], 1) t_sd_c.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True) t_sd_c.shape # In[32]: t_sd_c.head(1) # In[33]: t_n_c = tggates_control['control_part2'].str.split('=', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={1:'control_N'}).drop([0], 1) t_n_c.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True) t_n_c.shape # In[34]: t_n_c.head(1) # In[35]: tggates_comment = ( t_sd_t[['SD']] .merge(t_p_t.loc[:, ['p-value']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(t_n_t.loc[:, ['N']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(t_mean_c.loc[:,['control_value']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(t_sd_c.loc[:, ['control_SD']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(t_n_c.loc[: , ['control_N']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') ) tggates_comment.shape # In[36]: tggates_comment.head(1) # In[37]: # merge the assay parameters, with the activity data for treatment and control assays tggates_f = ( tggates_ap .merge(h_cc, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') .merge(tggates_comment, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') ) tggates_f.shape # In[38]: tggates_f.head(1) # In[39]: # reorder columns and select fields of interest tggates_f = tggates_f[['molecule_chembl_id', 'dataset', 'assay_chembl_id', 'assay_test', 'regimen', 'dose_level', 'time', 'route', 'exp_id', 'group_id', 'standard_type', 'standard_value', 'standard_units', 'SD', 'p-value', 'N', 'control_value', 'control_SD', 'control_N']] tggates_f.head(1) #

Tox Flag

# # We are always interested in understanding how these datasets are used by our collaborators. #
For these type of data, we believe it would be useful to the user to have a simple flag that could summarise the observations across treatment and controls.
# # Here we propose a way of providing this summary based on very simple and intuitive rules: # # For each study and endpoint, a tox_flag is calculated based on comparisons between # # 1\. the treatment values and the controls: #
- if there's a significant difference between treatment values and controls (p-value <= 0.05) and there's an increase above controls: tox_flag = 0.5
- if there's a significant difference between treatment values and controls (p-value <= 0.05) and there's a decrease below controls: tox_flag = -0.5
# # 2\. the treatment_values and normal ranges of historical controls #
- if there's a significant difference between treatment values and controls (p-value <= 0.05) and there's an increase above the normal range: tox_flag = 1
- if there's a significant difference between treatment values and controls (p-value <= 0.05) and there's a decrease below the normal range: tox_flag = -1
# # Normal ranges available in the DrugMatrix2 in vivo dataset were used as reference. The DrugMatrix dataset can also be found in CHEMBL under src_id 15 and document_chembl_ids CHEMBL2924216 (biochemistry), CHEMBL2924217 (hematology) and CHEMBL2924218 (pathology). # # 2Ganter, B., Tugendreich, S., Pearson, C. I., Ayanoglu, E., Baumhueter, S., Bostian, K. A., et al. (2005). Development of a large-scale chemogenomics database to improve drug candidate selection and to understand mechanisms of chemical toxicity and action. Journal of Biotechnology, 119(3), 219–244. # In[40]: # define how to calculate tox_flag def tox_flag(row): if (float(row['standard_value']) > float(row['control_value'])) & (float(row['standard_value']) > float(row['nrange_uvalue'])) & (float(row['p-value']) <= 0.05) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['p-value']) != True): val = 1 elif (float(row['standard_value']) > float(row['control_value'])) & (float(row['standard_value']) <= float(row['nrange_uvalue'])) & (float(row['p-value']) <= 0.05) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['p-value']) != True): val = 0.5 elif (float(row['standard_value']) > float(row['control_value'])) & (float(row['p-value']) > 0.05) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['p-value']) != True): val = 0 elif (float(row['standard_value']) < float(row['control_value'])) & (float(row['p-value']) <= 0.05) & (float(row['standard_value']) < float(row['nrange_lvalue'])) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['p-value']) != True): val = -1 elif (float(row['standard_value']) < float(row['control_value'])) & (float(row['p-value']) <= 0.05) & (float(row['standard_value']) >= float(row['nrange_lvalue'])) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['p-value']) != True): val = -0.5 elif (float(row['standard_value']) < float(row['control_value'])) & (float(row['p-value']) > 0.05) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['p-value']) != True): val = 0 elif (float(row['standard_value']) == float(row['control_value'])) & (pd.isnull(row['standard_value']) != True) & (pd.isnull(row['control_value']) != True): val = 0 else: val = 0 return val # In[41]: # retrieve normal ranges from the drugmatrix data in ChEMBL for the biochemistry and hematology endpoints drugmatrix_act_api = activity.get(document_chembl_id=(['CHEMBL2924216', 'CHEMBL2924217'])) drugmatrix_act_api_list = list(drugmatrix_act_api.all()) drugmatrix_df = pd.DataFrame(drugmatrix_act_api_list) dmatrix = drugmatrix_df[['standard_type', 'activity_comment']] # extract normal range from activity_comment dmatrix_split = dmatrix['activity_comment'].str.split('\ \|\|\ ', 0, expand=True).add_prefix('act_comment_part') dmatrix_nrange = dmatrix_split['act_comment_part2'].str.split(':', 0, expand=True).add_prefix('nrange_part') nrange = dmatrix_nrange['nrange_part1'].str.split('-', 0, expand=True).rename(columns={0: 'nrange_lvalue',1:'nrange_uvalue'}) # for each endpoint, merge upper and lower values for the normal range dmatrix.drop('activity_comment', axis=1, inplace=True) dmatrix_nrange = dmatrix.merge(nrange, left_index = True, right_index = True, how='inner').drop_duplicates() # In[42]: dmatrix_nrange.head(1) # In[43]: # merge dmatrix_nrange to tggates_all tggates_all = tggates_f.merge(dmatrix_nrange, on='standard_type', how='inner') tggates_all.head(1) # In[44]: # calculate tox_flag tggates_all['tox_flag'] = tggates_all.apply(tox_flag, axis=1) tggates_all.head(1) # In[87]: # format time and dose_level to be used to sort data tggates_all_sorted = tggates_all.copy() tggates_all_sorted['time_day'] = np.where(tggates_all_sorted['time'].str.split(' ').str[1] =='hr', round(tggates_all_sorted['time'].str.split(' ').str[0].astype(int)/int(24), 2),tggates_all_sorted['time'].str.split(' ').str[0].astype(int)) tggates_all_sorted['dose_level'] = np.where((tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']== 'Low') & (tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']!= '2_Middle') & (tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']!= '3_High'), '1_Low', tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']) tggates_all_sorted['dose_level'] = np.where((tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']== 'Middle') & (tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']!= '1_Low') & (tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']!= '3_High'), '2_Middle', tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']) tggates_all_sorted['dose_level'] = np.where((tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']== 'High') & (tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']!= '1_Low') & (tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']!= '2_Middle'), '3_High', tggates_all_sorted['dose_level']) tggates_all_sorted.drop(['time'], axis = 1, inplace=True) tggates_all_sorted.head(1) # In[89]: # for clear visualisation, build matrix with rows of compounds and time points and columns of end poinst and dose_levels tggates_all_sorted_pv = pd.pivot_table(tggates_all_sorted, index=['molecule_chembl_id','time_day'], columns=['standard_type', 'dose_level'], values='tox_flag') tggates_all_sorted_pv.head(8) # Note that Open TG-GATEs gene expression profiles can be found in ArrayExpress and be linked to the Open TG-GATEs clinical pathology studies in ChEMBL. #
Taking as an example the experiment E-MTAB-800 from ArrayExpress, # # 1\. the 'Term Accession Number' in E-MTAB-800 corresponds to the molecule_chembl_id #
2\. the 'Source Name' in E-MTAB-800 has some correspondance to the exp_id and group_id. For example, the source name 182051 in E-MTAB-800 corresponds to exp_id = 182 and group_id = 5 (study_id = 182/5). The last digit in the source name refers to the animal_id.
# # In[91]: # plot heatmap using seaborn import seaborn as sns get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) sns.heatmap(tggates_all_sorted_pv.head(8), vmax=.8, square=True) compounds = tggates_all_sorted_pv.head(8).index.get_level_values("molecule_chembl_id") endpoints = tggates_all_sorted_pv.head(8).columns.get_level_values("standard_type") doses = tggates_all_sorted_pv.head(8).columns.get_level_values("dose_level") for j, compound in enumerate(compounds): for i, endpoint in enumerate(endpoints): if i and endpoint != endpoints[i - 1]: for z, doses in enumerate(doses): ax.axhline(j, c="w") ax.axhline(j*8, c="w",linewidth=10) ax.axvline(i, c="w",linewidth=10) ax.axvline(z, c="w") ax.set_xlabel("endpoint_dose", fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel("compound_time", fontsize=12) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=14) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14) f.tight_layout()