from __future__ import division %pylab inline try: import'ggplot') except ImportError: print ( "Not able to load ggplot style--- this won't matter too much, " "but your figures will look a little different." ) rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 20 rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 22 rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 18 rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 14 rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 14 rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5 from scipy.linalg import inv, eig, sqrtm from scipy.stats import chisqprob from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, minimize from import loadmat from IPython.display import display, Latex, HTML, Javascript, clear_output import os import glob import re from qinfer.rb import RandomizedBenchmarkingModel, p, F from qinfer.smc import SMCUpdater, SMCUpdaterBCRB from qinfer.resamplers import LiuWestResampler from qinfer.derived_models import BinomialModel, DifferentiableBinomialModel from qinfer.distributions import ( ConstantDistribution, ProductDistribution, UniformDistribution, PostselectedDistribution, MultivariateNormalDistribution ) def set_fields(arr, ix, fields): for key, val in fields.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and len(val.shape) > 0: arr[ix][key][:] = val[:] else: arr[ix][key] = val FIGURES_DIR = os.path.abspath("../figures/") if not os.path.exists(FIGURES_DIR): os.mkdir(FIGURES_DIR) print "Figures will be stored to {}.".format(FIGURES_DIR) _savefig = savefig def savefig(name): for fmt in ('pdf', 'svg', 'png'): _savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES_DIR, "{}.{}".format(name, fmt)), format=fmt, bbox_inches='tight') import uuid class ProgressBar(object): def __init__(self): self._divid = "div-{}".format(uuid.uuid4()) self._value = 0 def __del__(self): self.hide() def hide(self): display(Javascript('$("#{}").hide()'.format(self._divid))) @property def html(self): return """
""".format(self._divid) @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, newval): self._value = newval self.refresh() def refresh(self): display(Javascript('$("#{}").progressbar({{value: {}}})'.format(self._divid, self._value))) def show(self): display(HTML(self.html)) self.refresh() import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) import benchmarking_models as bm model = DifferentiableBinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(order=0)) il_model = DifferentiableBinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(interleaved=True, order=0)) ms = np.arange(0, 400, 10) expparams = np.empty(ms.shape, dtype=model.expparams_dtype) expparams['m'] = ms expparams['n_meas'] = 10000 true_model = np.array([[0.9994, 0.5, 0.5], [0.9998, 0.5, 0.5]]) example_signal = model.simulate_experiment(true_model, expparams) / expparams['n_meas'] plot(ms, example_signal[0, 0], 'k:', label=r'$p = {}$'.format(true_model[0, 0])) plot(ms, example_signal[0, 1], 'k-', label=r'$p = {}$'.format(true_model[1, 0])) xlabel('$m$') ylabel(r'$\hat{F}_g(m)$') legend(loc='best') savefig('ex-signal-noninterleaved') ms = np.arange(0, 400, 10) expparams = np.empty(ms.shape, dtype=il_model.expparams_dtype) expparams['m'] = ms expparams['n_meas'] = 10000 expparams = np.repeat(expparams, 2) # Make the first half of the data the reference. expparams['reference'][:len(expparams)//2] = True # For the interleaved signals, m is doubled. expparams['reference'][len(expparams)//2:] = False expparams['m'][len(expparams)//2:] *= 2 true_model = np.array([[0.99994, 0.99999, 0.5, 0.5], [0.9999, 0.99999, 0.5, 0.5]]) example_il_signal = il_model.simulate_experiment(true_model, expparams) / expparams['n_meas'] ylim((0.965, 1.001)) plot(ms, example_il_signal[0, 0, :len(expparams)/2], 'k:', label='Reference') plot(ms, example_il_signal[0, 0, len(expparams)/2:], 'k-', label='Interleaved') legend(loc='lower left') xlabel('$m$') ylabel(r'$\hat{F}_g(m)$') savefig('ex-signal-interleaved') def achievable_non_interleaved(m_max, K, p, A, B): ms = np.arange(m_max) model = DifferentiableBinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel()) expparams = np.empty(ms.shape, dtype=model.expparams_dtype) expparams['m'] = ms expparams['n_meas'] = K true_model = np.array([[p, A, B]]) fi = np.sum(model.fisher_information(true_model, expparams), axis=-1)[:, :, 0] return sqrtm(inv(fi))[0, 0] def achievable_interleaved(m_max_ref, m_max_C, K, p_tilde, p_ref, A, B, m_step_ref=1, m_step_C=1): ms_ref = np.arange(0, m_max_ref, m_step_ref) ms_C = np.arange(0, m_max_C, m_step_C) model = DifferentiableBinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(interleaved=True)) true_model = np.array([[p_tilde, p_ref, A, B]]) # Calculate the FI for the reference and p_C measurements separately, # then add them. fi = np.zeros((4, 4)) for ms, reference in [(ms_ref, True), (ms_C, False)]: expparams = np.empty(ms.shape, dtype=model.expparams_dtype) expparams['m'] = ms expparams['n_meas'] = K expparams['reference'] = reference fi += np.sum(model.fisher_information(true_model, expparams), axis=-1)[:, :, 0] return sqrtm(inv(fi))[0, 0] achievable_non_interleaved(40, 40, p(0.9994), 1.5, -.6) def best_m(p_tilde, p_ref, A, B): objective = lambda m: (A**2 *m**2 *p_tilde**(-2 + 2*m)*p_ref**(2*m))/((-1 + B + A* p_tilde**m *p_ref**m)* (B + A*p_tilde**m *p_ref**m)) result = minimize(objective, 100, method='nelder-mead' ) return result.x figure(figsize=(4,3)) As = linspace(0, 0.5, 100) best_ms = [] for A in As: best_ms.append(np.ceil(best_m(p(0.9994), p(1 - 0.0011), A, 0.5))) xlabel('$A$') ylabel(r'$m_{\mathrm{opt}}(A)$') plot(As, best_ms, 'k-') savefig('best-m-vs-A') figure(figsize=(4, 3)) Bs = linspace(.25, .75, 100) best_ms = [] for B in Bs: best_ms.append(np.ceil(best_m(p(0.9994), p(1 - 0.0011), 0.25, B))) xlabel('$B$') ylabel(r'$m_{\mathrm{opt}}(B)$') plot(Bs, best_ms, 'k-') savefig('best-m-vs-B') ps = 1 - np.logspace(-4, -0.5, 100) m_opts = [] for p_val in ps: m_opts.append(best_m(p_val, p_val, 1, 0)) loglog((1 - ps), np.ceil(m_opts), 'k-') gca().invert_xaxis() xlabel('$1 - F$') ylabel(r'$m_{\mathrm{opt}}(F)$') savefig('limit-best-m') risk_model = DifferentiableBinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(interleaved=True)) risk_prior = MultivariateNormalDistribution( mean=np.array([0.95, 0.95, 0.3, 0.5]), cov=np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01])**2 ) def risk(refms, Cms, K, n_trials=100, n_particles = 1000): """ Evaluates the risk incurred by using sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) to estimate benchmarking models. Parameters ---------- refms : list List of values of $m$ to sample the reference curve at. Cms : list List of values of $m$ to sample the interleaved curve at. K : int Number of shots to take per sequence length. n_trials : int Number of times to run the SMC estimation procedure in estimating the risk. n_particles : int Number of SMC particles to use in estimating the benchmarking model. """ # Allocate arrays to hold results. loss = np.empty((n_trials,)) postvar = np.empty((n_trials,)) bcrb_pps = np.empty((n_trials,)) # TODO: fill these arrays! loss_trs = np.empty((n_trials,)) bcrb_trs = np.empty((n_trials,)) postvar_trs = np.empty((n_trials,)) # Make and show a progress bar. prog = ProgressBar() for idx_trial in xrange(n_trials): true_model = risk_prior.sample() updater = SMCUpdaterBCRB(risk_model, n_particles, risk_prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(0.95), initial_bim=None, adaptive=False) eps = np.array(( [(m, True, K) for m in refms] + [(m, False, K) for m in Cms] ), dtype=risk_model.expparams_dtype) # Randomizing the order we perform experiments in may help? # np.random.shuffle(eps) data = risk_model.simulate_experiment(true_model, eps)[0, 0, :] for epvec, datum in zip(eps, data): updater.update(datum, epvec.reshape((1,))) mu = updater.est_mean() loss[idx_trial] = np.real(mu[0] - true_model[0, 0])**2 loss_trs[idx_trial] = np.real(np.sum((mu - true_model[0])**2)) prog.value = 100 * ((idx_trial + 1) / n_trials) inv_bim = inv(updater.current_bim) bcrb_pps[idx_trial] = inv_bim[0, 0] bcrb_trs[idx_trial] = np.trace(inv_bim) cov = updater.est_covariance_mtx() postvar[idx_trial] = cov[0, 0] postvar_trs[idx_trial] = np.trace(cov) return { 'smc_risk_p': np.array([np.mean(loss), np.std(loss)]), 'smc_risk_tr': np.array([np.mean(loss_trs), np.std(loss_trs)]), 'smc_median_tr': np.median(loss_trs), 'bcrb_p': np.mean(bcrb_pps), 'postvar_p': np.mean(postvar), 'bcrb_tr': np.mean(bcrb_trs), 'postvar_tr': np.mean(postvar_trs) } def exp_trial_fn(m, p, A, B): F_g = A * p**m + B return np.where( np.all([ p >= 0, p <= 1, A >= -1, A <= 1, B >= 0, B <= 1 ], axis=0), F_g, 1e10 # Something far from actual data. ) def risk_lsf(refms, Cms, K, n_trials=100): """ Evaluates the risk incurred by using least squares fitting (LSF) to estimate benchmarking models. Parameters ---------- refms : list List of values of $m$ to sample the reference curve at. Cms : list List of values of $m$ to sample the interleaved curve at. K : int Number of shots to take per sequence length. n_trials : int Number of times to run the SMC estimation procedure in estimating the risk. """ loss = np.empty((n_trials,)) loss_tr = np.empty((n_trials,)) prog = ProgressBar() for idx_trial in xrange(n_trials): true_model = risk_prior.sample() # Generate simulated data, using the same model as was used in the SMC risk # evaluation. ref_eps = np.array([ (m, True, K) for m in refms ], dtype=risk_model.expparams_dtype) C_eps = np.array([ (m, False, K) for m in Cms ], dtype=risk_model.expparams_dtype) ref_data = risk_model.simulate_experiment(true_model, ref_eps)[0, 0, :] / K C_data = risk_model.simulate_experiment(true_model, C_eps)[0, 0, :] / K # Obtain least squares fits to each of the two curves. p0 = np.real(risk_prior.sample()[0, 1:]) # Another hack... res = curve_fit(exp_trial_fn, xdata=refms, ydata=ref_data, p0=p0, maxfev=10000) p_ref, A_ref, B_ref = res[0] res = curve_fit(exp_trial_fn, xdata=Cms, ydata=C_data, p0=p0, maxfev=10000) p_C, A_C, B_C = res[0] mu = p_C / p_ref prog.value = 100 * ((idx_trial + 1) / n_trials) loss[idx_trial] = (mu - true_model[0, 0])**2 loss_tr[idx_trial] = np.sum((np.array([mu, p_ref, (A_ref + A_C) / 2, (B_ref + B_C) / 2]) - true_model[0])**2) return { 'lsf_risk_p': np.array([np.mean(loss), np.std(loss)]), 'lsf_risk_tr': np.array([np.mean(loss_tr), np.std(loss_tr)]) } refms = np.arange(1,100,1).astype(int) Cms = np.arange(1,50,1).astype(int) n_trials = 100 Ks = np.logspace(0, 5, 4).astype(int) performance = np.zeros( (Ks.shape[0],), dtype=[ ('smc_risk_p', '2float'), ('smc_risk_tr', '2float'), ('lsf_risk_p', '2float'), ('lsf_risk_tr', '2float'), ('smc_median_tr', float), ('bcrb_p', float), ('postvar_p', float), ('bcrb_tr', float), ('postvar_tr', float), ] ).view(np.recarray) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') for idx_K, K in enumerate(Ks): print "K = {}, SMC:".format(K) set_fields(performance, idx_K, risk(refms, Cms, K, n_trials=n_trials, n_particles=10000)) clear_output() print "K = {}, LSF:".format(K) set_fields(performance, idx_K, risk_lsf(refms, Cms, K, n_trials=n_trials)) clear_output() figure(figsize=(9, 5)) loglog(Ks, performance.bcrb_p, 'k-', linewidth=2, label='BCRB') plot(Ks, performance.smc_risk_p[:, 0], 'bx-', label='SMC Risk') plot(Ks, performance.lsf_risk_p[:, 0], 'rx--', label='LSF Risk') loglog(Ks, performance.postvar_p, 'mx:', label='Posterior Variance') ylabel('Mean squared error') xlabel('Number of Shots per Sequence') # We'll make the legend in the next cell. ax = gca() ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dotted') savefig('risk-comparison') figure(figsize=(9, 5)) loglog(Ks, performance.bcrb_tr, 'k-', linewidth=2, label='BCRB') plot(Ks, performance.smc_risk_tr[:, 0], 'bx-', label='SMC Risk') plot(Ks, performance.lsf_risk_tr[:, 0], 'rx--', label='LSF Risk') loglog(Ks, performance.postvar_tr, 'mx:', linewidth= 5, label='Posterior Variance') ylabel('Risk') xlabel('Number of Shots per Sequence') #legend() savefig('risk-tr-comparison') ms = np.logspace(1.5, 3, 4).astype(int) K = 1000 n_trials = 100 performance_v_m = np.zeros( (ms.shape[0],), dtype=[ ('smc_risk_p', '2float'), ('smc_risk_tr', '2float'), ('lsf_risk_p', '2float'), ('lsf_risk_tr', '2float'), ('smc_median_tr', float), ('bcrb_p', float), ('postvar_p', float), ('bcrb_tr', float), ('postvar_tr', float), ] ).view(np.recarray) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') for idx_m, m_max in enumerate(ms): marr = np.arange(1, m_max, 10).astype(int) print "m_max = {}, SMC:".format(m_max) set_fields(performance_v_m, idx_m, risk(marr, marr, K, n_trials=n_trials,n_particles=10000)) clear_output() print "m_max = {}, SMC:".format(m_max) set_fields(performance_v_m, idx_m, risk_lsf(marr, marr, K, n_trials=n_trials)) clear_output() figure(figsize=(9, 5)) xlim(10.0**1.5, 10**3) #loglog(Ks, crbs, label='Cramer-Rao Bound') loglog(ms, performance_v_m.bcrb_tr, 'k-', linewidth=2, label='BCRB') #errorbar(Ks, risks_smc[:, 0], yerr=risks_smc[:, 1], label='SMC Risk') #errorbar(Ks, risks_lsf[:, 0], yerr=risks_lsf[:, 1], label='LSF Risk') # Error bars don't seem to be working, so switching to ordinary plots for now. #plot(ms, performance_v_m.smc_median_tr[:], 'x-.', color='cyan', label='SMC Median Loss') plot(ms, performance_v_m.smc_risk_tr[:, 0], 'bx-', label='SMC Risk') plot(ms, performance_v_m.lsf_risk_tr[:, 0], 'rx--', label='LSF Risk') loglog(ms, performance_v_m.postvar_tr, 'mx:', linewidth = 5, label='Posterior Variance') ylabel('Risk') xlabel('Maximum Sequence Length Considered') legend() # We use the same legend as above, so no additional legend here. savefig('risk-tr-comparison-vs-m-max') n_sigs = 3 sigs = 1/logspace(2,n_sigs+1,n_sigs) ms_ref = xrange(1, 101,10) #np.logspace(0, 10, num=20, base=2).astype(int) ms_C = xrange(1, 202,10) #np.logspace(0, 10, num=20, base=2).astype(int) K = 10000 phys_model = BinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(interleaved=True)) mean=np.array([0.99, 0.99, 0.32, 0.5]) err = np.zeros(n_sigs) for idx_sig in xrange(n_sigs): cov=np.diag(sigs[idx_sig]*ones((4,)))**2 phys_prior = PostselectedDistribution(MultivariateNormalDistribution( mean=mean, cov=cov ), phys_model) updater = SMCUpdater( phys_model, 10000, phys_prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(0.9) ) eps = np.array(( [(m, True, K) for m in ms_ref] + [(m, False, K) for m in ms_C] ), dtype=phys_model.expparams_dtype) data = phys_model.simulate_experiment(mean[np.newaxis], eps) for epvec, datum in zip(eps, data): updater.update(datum, epvec.reshape((1,))) mu = updater.est_mean() err[idx_sig] = np.real(mu[1] - mean[1])**2 print err rho_psi = np.diag(np.array([0.9, 0.1], dtype=complex)).flatten(order='F') E_psi = rho_psi.conj().transpose() gateset_dir = os.path.abspath('../gates/Sim_03_12_1742/') gateset_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(gateset_dir, '*.mat')) # QuaEC uses slightly different names from QuantumUtils`, so we define a mapping here. gateset_namemap = { 'Had': 'H', 'Z90': 'R_pi4', 'Z45': 'T', 'X180': 'X', 'Y180': 'Y', 'Z180': 'Z' } gateset = { # Extract the name of the gate from strings like "pulseHad.mat". gateset_namemap[re.match('pulse(.*)\.mat', os.path.split(gateset_file)[1]).groups()[0]]: # Load the actual file, and grab the supermatrix representation of the actual gate. loadmat(gateset_file)['S'] for gateset_file in gateset_files } gateset['I'] = np.eye(4, dtype=complex) ideal_simulator = bm.RBPhysicalSimulator(paranoid=True) simulator = bm.RBPhysicalSimulator(gateset, E_psi, rho_psi) np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=100) gs_true = simulator.interleaved_model_parameters((0, 1)) print gs_true best_m(*gs_true) log2(0.5) / log2(gs_true[0] * gs_true[1]) ms = np.arange(2, 100, 20) target = (0, 1) # (identity, X) n_seq_per_m = 20 ref_ps = np.array([ np.mean([simulator.p_survival(simulator.random_sequence(m)) for idx in xrange(n_seq_per_m)]) for m in ms ]) interleaved_ps = np.array([ np.mean([simulator.p_survival(simulator.random_interleaved_sequence(m, target)) for idx in xrange(n_seq_per_m)]) for m in ms ]) figure(figsize=(11,7)) p_til, p_ref, A, B = gs_true p_C = p_til * p_ref plot(ms, ref_ps, 'xk', label='Reference Signal', markersize=10) plot(ms, A * p_ref**ms + B, '--k', label='Reference Model') plot(ms, interleaved_ps, '.k', label='Interleaved Signal for $U = X$', markersize=10) plot(ms, A * p_C**(ms/2) + B, '-k', label='Interleaved Model') legend() xlabel('$m$') ylabel(r'$\hat{p}(m)$') savefig('example-phys-signal') @np.vectorize def phys_simulate_experiment(expparam_vec): print '.', m, ref, n_meas = expparam_vec if ref: return np.sum([ simulator.sample_interleaved_sequence(int(m), (0, 1)) for idx in xrange(n_meas) ]) else: return np.sum([ # Note that the sequence length is defined differently # for the interleaved and reference cases by a factor of 2. simulator.sample_random_sequence(2 * int(m)) for idx in xrange(n_meas) ]) ms_ref = xrange(1, 201,10) #np.logspace(0, 10, num=20, base=2).astype(int) ms_C = xrange(2, 202,10) #np.logspace(0, 10, num=20, base=2).astype(int) K = 1000 mean=np.array([0.95, 0.95, 0.3, 0.5]) cov=np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01])**2 phys_model = BinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(interleaved=True)) phys_prior = PostselectedDistribution(MultivariateNormalDistribution( mean=mean, cov=cov ), phys_model) print "The true state is ", np.sqrt( - gs_true,,mean - gs_true))),"sigma from the prior mean." print "The true state is outside of a", 100*(1 - chisqprob( - gs_true,,mean - gs_true)),4)),"% credible region." updater = SMCUpdater( phys_model, 20000, phys_prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(0.9) ) eps = np.array(( [(m, True, K) for m in ms_ref] + [(m, False, K) for m in ms_C] ), dtype=phys_model.expparams_dtype) print 'Simulating data...\r', data = phys_simulate_experiment(eps) print 'Performing SMC updates...\r', for epvec, datum in zip(eps, data): updater.update(datum, epvec.reshape((1,))) print 'Performing LSF...\t', ref_data = data[:len(ms_ref)] / K C_data = data[len(ms_ref):] / K p0 = np.real(phys_prior.sample()[0, 1:]) # Another hack... res = curve_fit(exp_trial_fn, xdata=ms_ref, ydata=ref_data, p0=p0, maxfev=10000) p_ref, A_ref, B_ref = res[0] res = curve_fit(exp_trial_fn, xdata=ms_C, ydata=C_data, p0=p0, maxfev=10000) p_C, A_C, B_C = res[0] lsf_estimate = np.array([p_C / p_ref, p_ref, (A_ref + A_C) / 2.0, (B_ref + B_C) / 2.0]) phys_table = r""" \begin{{array}}{{l|cccc}} & \tilde{{p}} & p_{{\text{{ref}}}} & A_0 & B_0 \\ \hline \text{{True}} & {true[0]:.4f} & {true[1]:.4f} & {true[2]:.4f} & {true[3]:.4f} \\ \text{{SMC Estimate}} & {smc_mean[0]:.4f} & {smc_mean[1]:.4f} & {smc_mean[2]:.4f} & {smc_mean[3]:.4f} \\ \text{{LSF Estimate}} & {lsf_est[0]:.4f} & {lsf_est[1]:.4f} & {lsf_est[2]:.4f} & {lsf_est[3]:.4f} \\ \hline \text{{SMC Error}} & {smc_error[0]:.4f} & {smc_error[1]:.4f} & {smc_error[2]:.4f} & {smc_error[3]:.4f} \\ \text{{LSF Error}} & {lsf_error[0]:.4f} & {lsf_error[1]:.4f} & {lsf_error[2]:.4f} & {lsf_error[3]:.4f} \end{{array}} """.format( true=gs_true, smc_mean=updater.est_mean(), smc_stddev=np.real(np.diag(sqrtm(updater.est_covariance_mtx()))), smc_error=np.abs(updater.est_mean() - gs_true), lsf_est=lsf_estimate, lsf_error=np.abs(lsf_estimate - gs_true) ) print "The true state is inside of a", 100*(1- chisqprob( - gs_true,,updater.est_mean() - gs_true)),4)),"% credible region." display(Latex(phys_table)) figure(figsize=(9, 6)) plot(ms_ref, K * data[:len(ms_ref)] / K, 'k--', label='Reference') plot(ms_C, K * data[len(ms_ref):] / K, label='Interleaved') legend(loc='lower left') xlabel('$m$') ylabel('Number of survivals') savefig('phys-gate-final-data-bad') print phys_table # Make another updater and use it for plotting below. prior_updater = SMCUpdater( phys_model, 10000, phys_prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(0.9) ) figure(figsize=(12,6)) updater.plot_posterior_marginal(0, res=200) prior_updater.plot_posterior_marginal(0, res=200) ymin, ymax = ylim() vlines(lsf_estimate[0], ymin, ymax * 2, linestyles=':') vlines(gs_true[0], ymin, ymax * 2) ylim(ymin, ymax) xlabel(r'$\tilde{p}$') ylabel(r'$\Pr(\tilde{p})$') legend(['SMC Posterior', 'Bad Prior', 'LSF Estimate', 'True'], loc='upper left') savefig('bad-prior-distns') ms_ref = xrange(1, 101,10) #np.logspace(0, 10, num=20, base=2).astype(int) ms_C = xrange(2, 202,10) #np.logspace(0, 10, num=20, base=2).astype(int) K = 100 mean=np.array([0.99, 0.99, 0.3, 0.5]) cov=np.diag([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01])**2 phys_model = BinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(interleaved=True)) phys_prior = PostselectedDistribution(MultivariateNormalDistribution( mean=mean, cov=cov ), phys_model) print "The true state is ", np.sqrt( - gs_true,,mean - gs_true))),"sigma from the prior mean." print "The true state is outside of a", 100*(1 - chisqprob( - gs_true,,mean - gs_true)),4)),"% credible region." updater = SMCUpdater( phys_model, 10000, phys_prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(0.9) ) eps = np.array(( [(m, True, K) for m in ms_ref] + [(m, False, K) for m in ms_C] ), dtype=phys_model.expparams_dtype) print 'Simulating data...\r', data = phys_simulate_experiment(eps) print 'Performing SMC updates...\r', for epvec, datum in zip(eps, data): updater.update(datum, epvec.reshape((1,))) print 'Performing LSF...\t', ref_data = data[:len(ms_ref)] / K C_data = data[len(ms_ref):] / K p0 = np.real(phys_prior.sample()[0, 1:]) # Another hack... res = curve_fit(exp_trial_fn, xdata=ms_ref, ydata=ref_data, p0=p0, maxfev=10000) p_ref, A_ref, B_ref = res[0] res = curve_fit(exp_trial_fn, xdata=ms_C, ydata=C_data, p0=p0, maxfev=10000) p_C, A_C, B_C = res[0] lsf_estimate = np.array([p_C / p_ref, p_ref, (A_ref + A_C) / 2.0, (B_ref + B_C) / 2.0]) phys_table = r""" \begin{{array}}{{l|cccc}} & \tilde{{p}} & p_{{\text{{ref}}}} & A_0 & B_0 \\ \hline \text{{True}} & {true[0]:.4f} & {true[1]:.4f} & {true[2]:.4f} & {true[3]:.4f} \\ \text{{SMC Estimate}} & {smc_mean[0]:.4f} & {smc_mean[1]:.4f} & {smc_mean[2]:.4f} & {smc_mean[3]:.4f} \\ \text{{LSF Estimate}} & {lsf_est[0]:.4f} & {lsf_est[1]:.4f} & {lsf_est[2]:.4f} & {lsf_est[3]:.4f} \\ \hline \text{{SMC Error}} & {smc_error[0]:.4f} & {smc_error[1]:.4f} & {smc_error[2]:.4f} & {smc_error[3]:.4f} \\ \text{{LSF Error}} & {lsf_error[0]:.4f} & {lsf_error[1]:.4f} & {lsf_error[2]:.4f} & {lsf_error[3]:.4f} \end{{array}} """.format( true=gs_true, smc_mean=updater.est_mean(), smc_stddev=np.real(np.diag(sqrtm(updater.est_covariance_mtx()))), smc_error=np.abs(updater.est_mean() - gs_true), lsf_est=lsf_estimate, lsf_error=np.abs(lsf_estimate - gs_true) ) print "The true state is inside of a", 100*(1- chisqprob( - gs_true,,updater.est_mean() - gs_true)),4)),"% credible region." display(Latex(phys_table)) figure(figsize=(9, 6)) plot(ms_ref, data[:len(ms_ref)] / K, 'k--', label='Reference') plot(ms_C, data[len(ms_ref):] / K, label='Interleaved') legend(loc='lower left') xlabel('$m$') ylabel('Number of survivals') savefig('phys-gate-final-data-good') print phys_table # Make another updater and use it for plotting below. prior_updater = SMCUpdater( phys_model, 40000, phys_prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler(0.9) ) figure(figsize=(12,6)) updater.plot_posterior_marginal(0, res=200) prior_updater.plot_posterior_marginal(0, res=200) ymin, ymax = ylim() vlines(lsf_estimate[0], ymin, ymax * 2, linestyles=':') vlines(gs_true[0], ymin, ymax * 2) ylim(ymin, ymax) xlabel(r'$\tilde{p}$') ylabel(r'$\Pr(\tilde{p})$') legend(['SMC Posterior', 'Prior', 'LSF Estimate', 'True'], loc='upper left') savefig('good-prior-distns')