#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # SYDE 556/750: Simulating Neurobiological Systems # # Accompanying Readings: Chapter 6 # ## Transformation # # - The story so far: # - The activity of groups of neurons can represent variables $x$ # - $x$ can be an aribitrary-dimension vector # - Each neuron has a preferred vector $e$ # - Current going into each neuron is $J = \alpha e \cdot x + J^{bias}$ # - We can interpret neural activity via $\hat{x}=\sum a_i d_i$ # - For spiking neurons, we filter the spikes first: $\hat{x}=\sum a_i(t)*h(t) d_i$ # - To compute $d$, generate some $x$ values and find the optimal $d$ (assuming some amount of noise) # # - So far we've just talked about neural activity in a single population # - What about connections between neurons? # # # ### Connecting neurons # # - Up till now, we've always had the current going into a neuron be something we computed from $x$ # - $J = \alpha e \cdot x + J^{bias}$ # - This will continue to be how we handle inputs # - Sensory neurons, for example # - Or whatever's coming from the rest of the brain that we're not modelling (yet) # # - But what about other groups of neurons? # - How do they end up getting the amount of input current that we're injecting with $J = \alpha e \cdot x + J^{bias}$ ? # - Where does that current come from? # - Inputs from neurons connected to this one # - Through weighted synaptic connections # - Let's think about neurons in a simple case # ### A communication channel # # - Let's say we have two groups of neurons # - One group represents $x$ # - One group represents $y$ # - Can we pass the value from one group of neurons to the other? # # - Without worrying about biological plausibility to start, we can formulate this in two steps # - Drive the first population $a$ with the input, $x$, then decoded it to give $\hat{x}$ # - Now use $y=\hat{x}$ to drive the 2nd population $b$, and then decode that # - Let's start by first constructing the two populations # - Stimulate them both directly and decode to compare # # # In[44]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pylab', 'inline') # In[23]: import numpy as np import nengo from nengo.dists import Uniform from nengo.processes import WhiteSignal from nengo.solvers import LstsqL2 T = 1.0 max_freq = 10 model = nengo.Network('Communication Channel', seed=3) with model: stim = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.5)) ensA = nengo.Ensemble(20, dimensions=1, neuron_type=nengo.LIFRate()) ensB = nengo.Ensemble(19, dimensions=1, neuron_type=nengo.LIFRate()) temp = nengo.Ensemble(1, dimensions=1, neuron_type=nengo.LIFRate()) nengo.Connection(stim, ensA) stim_B = nengo.Connection(stim, ensB) connectionA = nengo.Connection(ensA, temp) #This is just to generate the decoders connectionB = nengo.Connection(ensB, temp) #This is just to generate the decoders stim_p = nengo.Probe(stim) a_rates = nengo.Probe(ensA.neurons, 'rates') b_rates = nengo.Probe(ensB.neurons, 'rates') sim = nengo.Simulator(model, seed=3) sim.run(T) x = sim.data[stim_p] d_i = sim.data[connectionA].weights.T A_i = sim.data[a_rates] d_j = sim.data[connectionB].weights.T B_j = sim.data[b_rates] #Add noise A_i = A_i + np.random.normal(scale=0.2*np.max(A_i), size=A_i.shape) B_j = B_j + np.random.normal(scale=0.2*np.max(B_j), size=B_j.shape) xhat_i = np.dot(A_i, d_i) yhat_j = np.dot(B_j, d_j) t = sim.trange() figure(figsize=(8,4)) subplot(1,2,1) plot(t, xhat_i, 'g', label='$\hat{x}$') plot(t, x, 'b', label='$x$') legend() xlabel('time (seconds)') ylabel('value') title('first population') ylim(-1,1) subplot(1,2,2) plot(t, yhat_j, 'g', label='$\hat{y}$') plot(t, x, 'b', label='$y$') legend() xlabel('time (seconds)') ylabel('value') title('second population') ylim(-1,1); # - So everything works fine if we drive each population with the same $x$, let's switch to $\hat{x}$ in the middle # In[24]: #Have to run previous cells first model.connections.remove(stim_B) del stim_B def xhat_fcn(t): idx = int(t/sim.dt) if idx>=1000: idx=999 return xhat_i[idx] with model: xhat = nengo.Node(xhat_fcn) nengo.Connection(xhat, ensB) xhat_p = nengo.Probe(xhat) sim = nengo.Simulator(model, seed=3) sim.run(T) d_j = sim.data[connectionB].weights.T B_j = sim.data[b_rates] B_j = B_j + numpy.random.normal(scale=0.2*numpy.max(B_j), size=B_j.shape) yhat_j = numpy.dot(B_j, d_j) t = sim.trange() figure(figsize=(8,4)) subplot(1,2,1) plot(t, xhat_i, 'g', label='$\hat{x}$') plot(t, x, 'b', label='$x$') legend() xlabel('time (seconds)') ylabel('value') title('$\hat{x}$') ylim(-1,1) subplot(1,2,2) plot(t, yhat_j, 'g', label='$\hat{y}$') plot(t, x, 'b', label='$x$') legend() xlabel('time (seconds)') ylabel('value') title('$\hat{y}$ (second population)') ylim(-1,1); # - Looks pretty much the same! (just delayed, maybe) # - So now we've passed one value to the other, but it's implausible # - The brain doesn't decode and then re-encode # - Can we skip those steps? Or combine them? # ### A shortcut # # - Let's write down what we've done: # - Encode into $a$: $a_i = G_i[\alpha_i e_i x + J^{bias}_i]$ # - Decode from $a$: $\hat{x} = \sum_i a_i d_i$ # - Set $y = \hat{x}$ # - Encode into $b$: $b_j = G_j[\alpha_j e_j y + J^{bias}_j]$ # - Decode from $b$: $\hat{y} = \sum_j b_j d_j$ # # # - Now let's just do the substitutions: # - I.e. substitute $y = \hat{x} = \sum_i a_i d_i$ into $b$ # - $b_j = G_j[\alpha_j e_j \sum_i a_i d_i + J^{bias}_j]$ # - $b_j = G_j[\sum_i \alpha_j e_j d_i a_i + J^{bias}_j]$ # - $b_j = G_j[\sum_i \omega_{ij}a_i + J^{bias}_j]$ # - where $\omega_{ij} = \alpha_j e_j \cdot d_i$ (an outer product) # # - In other words, we can get the entire weight matrix just by multiplying the decoders from the first population with the encoders from the second population # In[25]: #Have to run previous cells first n = nengo.neurons.LIFRate() alpha_j = sim.data[ensB].gain bias_j = sim.data[ensB].bias encoders_j = sim.data[ensB].encoders.T connection_weights = np.outer(alpha_j*encoders_j, d_i) J_j = np.dot(connection_weights, sim.data[a_rates].T).T + bias_j B_j = n.rates(J_j, gain=1, bias=0) #Gain and bias already in the previous line B_j = B_j + numpy.random.normal(scale=0.2*numpy.max(B_j), size=B_j.shape) xhat_j = numpy.dot(B_j, d_j) figure(figsize=(8,4)) subplot(1,2,1) plot(t, xhat_i, 'g', label='$\hat{x}$') plot(t, x, 'b', label='$x$') legend() xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Value') title('Decode from A') ylim(-1,1) subplot(1,2,2) plot(t, xhat_j, 'g', label='$\hat{y}$') plot(t, x, 'b', label='$y$') legend() xlabel('Time (s)') title('Decode from B'); ylim(-1,1); # - In fact, instead of computing $\omega_{ij}$ at all, it is (usually) more efficient to just do the encoding/decoding # - Saves a lot of memory space, since you don't have to store a giant weight matrix # - Also, you have NxM multiplies for weights, but only do ~N+M multiplies for encode/decode # # In[5]: J_j = numpy.outer(numpy.dot(A_i, d_i), alpha_j*encoders_j)+bias_j # - This means we get the exact same effect as having a weight matrix $\omega_{ij}$ if we just take the decoded value from one population and feed that into the next population using the normal encoding method # - These are numerically identical processes, since $\omega_{ij} = \alpha_j e_j \cdot d_i$ # ### Spiking neurons # # - The same approach works for spiking neurons # - Do exactly the same as before # - The $a_i(t)$ values are spikes, and we convolve with $h(t)$ # # ## Other transformations # # - So this lets us take an $x$ value and feed it into another population # - Passing information from one group of neurons to the next # - We call this a 'Communication Channel' as you're just sending the information # - What about transforming that information in some way? # - Instead of $y=x$, can we do $y=f(x)$? # - Let's try $y=2x$ to start # - We already have a decoder for $\hat{x}$, so how do we get a decoder for $\hat{2x}$? # - Two ways # - Either use $2x$ when computing $\Upsilon$ # - Or just multiply your 'representational' decoder by $2$ # In[26]: import nengo from nengo.processes import WhiteNoise from nengo.utils.matplotlib import rasterplot T = 1.0 max_freq = 5 model = nengo.Network() with model: stim = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.3)) ensA = nengo.Ensemble(25, dimensions=1) ensB = nengo.Ensemble(23, dimensions=1) nengo.Connection(stim, ensA) nengo.Connection(ensA, ensB, transform=2) #function=lambda x: 2*x) stim_p = nengo.Probe(stim) ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.01) ensB_p = nengo.Probe(ensB, synapse=.01) ensA_spikes_p = nengo.Probe(ensA.neurons, 'spikes') ensB_spikes_p = nengo.Probe(ensB.neurons, 'spikes') sim = nengo.Simulator(model, seed=4) sim.run(T) t = sim.trange() figure(figsize=(8, 6)) subplot(2,1,1) ax = gca() plot(t, sim.data[stim_p],'b') plot(t, sim.data[ensA_p],'g') ylabel("Output EnsA") rasterplot(t, sim.data[ensA_spikes_p], ax=ax.twinx(), colors=['k']*25, use_eventplot=True) #axis('tight') ylabel("Neuron") subplot(2,1,2) ax = gca() plot(t, sim.data[stim_p],'b') plot(t, sim.data[ensB_p],'g') ylabel("Output EnsB") xlabel("Time"); rasterplot(t, sim.data[ensB_spikes_p], ax=ax.twinx(), colors=['k']*23, use_eventplot=True) #axis('tight') ylabel("Neuron"); # - What about a nonlinear function? # - $y = x^2$ # # # In[35]: import nengo from nengo.processes import WhiteNoise from nengo.utils.matplotlib import rasterplot T = 1.0 max_freq = 5 model = nengo.Network() with model: stim = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.3)) ensA = nengo.Ensemble(25, dimensions=1) ensB = nengo.Ensemble(23, dimensions=1) nengo.Connection(stim, ensA) nengo.Connection(ensA, ensB, function=lambda x: x**2) stim_p = nengo.Probe(stim) ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.01) ensB_p = nengo.Probe(ensB, synapse=.01) ensA_spikes_p = nengo.Probe(ensA.neurons, 'spikes') ensB_spikes_p = nengo.Probe(ensB.neurons, 'spikes') sim = nengo.Simulator(model, seed=4) sim.run(T) t = sim.trange() figure(figsize=(8, 6)) subplot(2,1,1) ax = gca() plot(t, sim.data[stim_p],'b') plot(t, sim.data[ensA_p],'g') ylabel("Output") rasterplot(t, sim.data[ensA_spikes_p], ax=ax.twinx(), colors=['k']*25, use_eventplot=True) ylabel("Neuron") subplot(2,1,2) ax = gca() plot(t, sim.data[stim_p],'b') plot(t, sim.data[ensB_p],'g') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time"); rasterplot(t, sim.data[ensB_spikes_p], ax=ax.twinx(), colors=['k']*23, use_eventplot=True) ylabel("Neuron"); # - When you set the connection 'function' in Nengo, it solves the same decoding equation as before, but for a function. # - In equations: # - $ d^{f(x)} = \Gamma^{-1} \Upsilon^{f(x)} $ # - $ \Upsilon_i^{f(x)} = \sum_x a_i f(x) \;dx$ # - $ \Gamma_{ij} = \sum_x a_i a_j \;dx $ # - $ \hat{f}(x) =\sum_i a_i d_i^{f(x)}$ # # - In code: # `f_x = myfunction(x)` # # `gamma=np.dot(A.T,A)`
# `upsilon_f=np.dot(A.T, f_x)`
# `d_f = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(gamma),upsilon)` # # `f_xhat = np.dot(A, d_f)` # - We call standard $d_i$ "representational decoders" # - We call $d_i^{f(x)}$ "transformational decoders" (or "decoders for $f(x)$") # ### Adding # # - What if we want to combine the inputs from two different populations? # - Linear case: $z=x+y$ # # # # - We want the total current going into a $z$ neuron to be $J=\alpha e \cdot (x+y) + J^{bias}$ # - How can we achieve this? # - Again, substitute into the equation, where $z = x+y \approx \hat{x}+\hat{y}$ # - $J_k=\alpha_k e \cdot (\hat{x}+\hat{y}) + J_k^{bias}$ # - $\hat{x} = \sum_i a_i d_i$ # - $\hat{y} = \sum_j a_j d_j$ # - $J_k=\alpha_k e_k \cdot (\sum_i a_i d_i+\sum_j a_j d_j) + J_k^{bias}$ # - $J_k=\sum_i(\alpha_k e_k \cdot d_i a_i) + \sum_j(\alpha_k e_k \cdot d_j a_j) + J_k^{bias}$ # - $J_k=\sum_i(\omega_{ik} a_i) + \sum_j(\omega_{jk} a_j) + J_k^{bias}$ # - $\omega_{ik}=\alpha_k e_k \cdot d_i$ and $\omega_{jk}=\alpha_k e_k \cdot d_j$ # - Putting multiple inputs into a neuron automatically gives us addition! # In[40]: import nengo from nengo.processes import WhiteNoise from nengo.utils.matplotlib import rasterplot T = 1.0 max_freq = 5 model = nengo.Network() with model: stimA = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.3, seed=3)) stimB = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.3, seed=5)) ensA = nengo.Ensemble(25, dimensions=1) ensB = nengo.Ensemble(23, dimensions=1) ensC = nengo.Ensemble(24, dimensions=1) nengo.Connection(stimA, ensA) nengo.Connection(stimB, ensB) nengo.Connection(ensA, ensC) nengo.Connection(ensB, ensC) stimA_p = nengo.Probe(stimA) stimB_p = nengo.Probe(stimB) ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.01) ensB_p = nengo.Probe(ensB, synapse=.01) ensC_p = nengo.Probe(ensC, synapse=.01) sim = nengo.Simulator(model) sim.run(T) figure(figsize=(8,6)) #plot(t, sim.data[stimA_p],'g', label="$x$") plot(t, sim.data[ensA_p],'b', label="$\hat{x}$") #plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p],'c', label="$y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensB_p],'m--', label="$\hat{y}$") #plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p]+sim.data[stimA_p],'r', label="$x+y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensC_p],'k--', label="$\hat{z}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time"); # ### Vectors # # - Almost nothing changes # In[43]: import nengo from nengo.processes import WhiteNoise from nengo.utils.matplotlib import rasterplot T = 1.0 max_freq = 5 model = nengo.Network() with model: stimA = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.3, seed=3), size_out=2) stimB = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.3, seed=5), size_out=2) stimA = nengo.Node([.3,.5]) stimB = nengo.Node([.3,-.5]) ensA = nengo.Ensemble(55, dimensions=2) ensB = nengo.Ensemble(53, dimensions=2) ensC = nengo.Ensemble(54, dimensions=2) nengo.Connection(stimA, ensA) nengo.Connection(stimB, ensB) nengo.Connection(ensA, ensC) nengo.Connection(ensB, ensC) stimA_p = nengo.Probe(stimA) stimB_p = nengo.Probe(stimB) ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.02) ensB_p = nengo.Probe(ensB, synapse=.02) ensC_p = nengo.Probe(ensC, synapse=.02) sim = nengo.Simulator(model) sim.run(T) figure() plot(sim.data[ensA_p][:,0], sim.data[ensA_p][:,1], 'g', label="$\hat{x}$") plot(sim.data[ensB_p][:,0], sim.data[ensB_p][:,1], 'm', label="$\hat{y}$") plot(sim.data[ensC_p][:,0], sim.data[ensC_p][:,1], 'k', label="$\hat{z}$") legend(loc='best') figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimA_p],'g', label="$x$") plot(t, sim.data[ensA_p],'b', label="$\hat{x}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time") figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p],'c', label="$y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensB_p],'m--', label="$\hat{y}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time") figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p]+sim.data[stimA_p],'r', label="$x+y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensC_p],'k--', label="$\hat{z}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time"); # ### Summary # # - We can use the decoders to find connection weights between groups of neurons # - $\omega_{ij}=\alpha_j e_j \cdot d_i$ # - Using connection weights is numerically identical to decoding and then encoding again # - Which can be much more efficient to implement # - Feeding two inputs into the same population results in addition # - These shortcuts rely on two assumptions: # - The input to a neuron is a weighted sum of its synaptic inputs # - $J_j = \sum_i a_i \omega_{ij}$ # - The mapping from $x$ to $J$ is of the form $J_j=\alpha_j e_j \cdot x + J_j^{bias}$ # - If these assumptions don't hold, you have to do some other form of optimization # # # - If you already have a decoder for $x$, you can quickly find a decoder for any linear function of $x$ # - If the decoder for $x$ is $d$, the decoder for $Mx$ is $Md$ # - For some other function of $x$, substitute in that function $f(x)$ when finding $\Upsilon$ # - Taking all of this into account, the most general form of the weights is: # - $\omega_{ij} = \alpha_j e_j M d_i^{f(x)}$ # ### A recipe # - To find weights for any linear transformation # 1. Define the repn (enc/dec) for all variables involved in the operation. # 2. Write the transformation in terms of these variables. # 3. Write the transformation using the decoding expressions for all variables except the output variable. # 4. Substitute this expression into the encoding expression of the output variable. # # # # - Volunteer for: # - $z = x+y$ # - $z = Rx$ # - R is a 2D rotation matrix: $$\left[ \begin{array}{cc} # \cos \theta & \sin \theta \\ # -\sin \theta & \cos \theta # \end{array} \right]$$ # # - $z = x \times y$ # ### General nonlinear functions # # - What if we want to combine to compute a nonlinear function of two inputs? # - E.g., $z=x \times y$ # - We know how to compute nonlinear functions of a vector space # - E.g., $x^2$ # - If $x$ is a vector, you get a bunch of cross terms # - E.g. if $x$ is 2D this gives $x_1^2 + 2 x_1 x_2 + x_2^2$ # - This means that if you combine two inputs into a 2D space, you can get out their product # In[47]: import nengo from nengo.processes import WhiteNoise from nengo.utils.matplotlib import rasterplot T = 1.0 max_freq = 5 model = nengo.Network() with model: stimA = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.5, seed=3)) stimB = nengo.Node(output=WhiteSignal(T, high=max_freq, rms=0.5, seed=5)) ensA = nengo.Ensemble(55, dimensions=1) ensB = nengo.Ensemble(53, dimensions=1) ensC = nengo.Ensemble(200, dimensions=2) ensD = nengo.Ensemble(54, dimensions=1) nengo.Connection(stimA, ensA) nengo.Connection(stimB, ensB) nengo.Connection(ensA, ensC, transform=[[1],[0]]) nengo.Connection(ensB, ensC, transform=[[0],[1]]) nengo.Connection(ensC, ensD, function=lambda x: x[0]*x[1]) stimA_p = nengo.Probe(stimA) stimB_p = nengo.Probe(stimB) ensA_p = nengo.Probe(ensA, synapse=.01) ensB_p = nengo.Probe(ensB, synapse=.01) ensC_p = nengo.Probe(ensC, synapse=.01) ensD_p = nengo.Probe(ensD, synapse=.01) sim = nengo.Simulator(model) sim.run(T) figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimA_p],'g', label="$x$") plot(t, sim.data[ensA_p],'b', label="$\hat{x}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time") figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p],'c', label="$y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensB_p],'m--', label="$\hat{y}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time") figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p]*sim.data[stimA_p],'r', label="$x * y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensD_p],'k--', label="$\hat{z}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time"); # In[46]: from nengo_gui.ipython import IPythonViz IPythonViz(model)#, "configs/mult.py.cfg") # - Multiplication is quite powerful, and has lots of uses # - Gating of signals # - Attention effects # - Binding # - Statistical inference # # - Here's a simple gating example using the same network # In[49]: with model: stimB.output = lambda t: 0 if (t<.5) else .5 sim = nengo.Simulator(model) sim.run(T) figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimA_p],'g', label="$x$") plot(t, sim.data[ensA_p],'b', label="$\hat{x}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time") figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p],'c', label="$y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensB_p],'m--', label="$\hat{y}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time") figure() plot(t, sim.data[stimB_p]*sim.data[stimA_p],'r', label="$x*y$") plot(t, sim.data[ensD_p],'k--', label="$\hat{z}$") legend(loc='best') ylabel("Output") xlabel("Time"); # In[ ]: