#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import pandas as pd from bokeh.plotting import show, output_notebook output_notebook() # #### Here we build the visualization up to the point where we need the server # ### Get the data # In[2]: # You can see how this was made in the map_data.py under washmap/washmap data = pd.read_hdf('static_map_data.hdf', 'df') # note we have to use hdf, not csv for the xs & ys lists data.head() # ### Make a plot # In[3]: from bokeh.models import Plot, Range1d from chart_constants import PLOT_FORMATS x_range = Range1d(0, 250) y_range = Range1d(0, 120) text_box = Plot( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title="", plot_width=250, plot_height=120, min_border=0, **PLOT_FORMATS ) # ### Add some simple glyphs # In[4]: from bokeh.models import Text, Rect, Triangle from chart_constants import FONT_PROPS_SM, BLUE, ORANGE, ORANGE_SHADOW text_box.add_glyph( Text(x=95, y=20, text=['of people had'], **FONT_PROPS_SM) ) text_box.add_glyph( Text(x=95, y=5, text=['access in'], **FONT_PROPS_SM) ) text_box.add_glyph( Rect(x=75, y=55, width=200, height=5, fill_color=BLUE, line_color=None) ) text_box.add_glyph( Triangle(x=150, y=65, size=25, fill_color=ORANGE_SHADOW, line_color=None) ) text_box.add_glyph( Rect(x=200, y=60, width=100, height=40, fill_color=ORANGE, line_color=None) ) show(text_box) # ## Making a map # In[5]: def setup_map_plot(): x_start, x_end = (-20, 60) y_start, y_end = (-40, 40) aspect_ratio = (x_end - x_start) / (y_end - y_start) x_range = Range1d(x_start, x_end) y_range = Range1d(y_start, y_end) plot_height = 400 return Plot(x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title="", plot_width=int(plot_height * aspect_ratio), plot_height=plot_height, **PLOT_FORMATS) # ### Make a source # In[6]: from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource source = ColumnDataSource(data) data[['xs', 'ys', 'wat_color']].head(3) # ### Add glyph linked to data # In[7]: from bokeh.models import Patches countries = Patches( xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color='wat_color', line_color="#FFFFFF", ) map_box = setup_map_plot() map_box.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(data), countries) show(map_box) # ### Add the tap tool # In[8]: from bokeh.models import TapTool map_box = setup_map_plot() map_box.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(data), countries) map_box.add_tools(TapTool()) show(map_box) # ### Make selection style correctly # In[9]: selected_countries = Patches( xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color='wat_color', line_color=ORANGE, line_width=5, ) map_box = setup_map_plot() map_box.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(data), countries, selection_glyph=selected_countries, nonselection_glyph=countries) map_box.add_tools(TapTool()) show(map_box) # ### Try playing with setting up new sources # # You may want to try specifying the same source for each of the above three plots. # ### Add hover tool # # Note that in the washmap app we add extra html and then style it # In[10]: from bokeh.models import HoverTool map_box = setup_map_plot() map_box.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(data), countries, selection_glyph=selected_countries, nonselection_glyph=countries) map_box.add_tools(TapTool()) map_box.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips="@year
@wat_value %")) show(map_box) # In[28]: def make_map(source, fill_color_string='wat_color', value_string='wat_value'): countries = Patches( xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color=fill_color_string, line_color="#FFFFFF", ) selected_countries = Patches( xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color=fill_color_string, line_color=ORANGE, line_width=5, ) map_box = setup_map_plot() map_box.add_glyph(source, countries, selection_glyph=selected_countries, nonselection_glyph=countries) map_box.add_tools(TapTool()) tooltips = "@year
@" + value_string + " %" map_box.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips)) return map_box # ### Make the text box and have it accept a source # In[29]: from bokeh.models import Text from chart_constants import FONT_PROPS_SM, FONT_PROPS_MD, FONT_PROPS_LG def construct_text_box(source, value_string, color_string, bar_color): # Plot and axes xdr = Range1d(0, 220) ydr = Range1d(0, 120) plot = Plot( x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, title="", plot_width=250, plot_height=120, min_border=0, **PLOT_FORMATS ) # Add the writing country = Text(x=5, y=50, text='name', **FONT_PROPS_MD) percent = Text(x=15, y=10, text=value_string, text_color=color_string, **FONT_PROPS_LG) # nopep8 percent_sign = Text(x=69, y=10, text=['%'], text_color=color_string, **FONT_PROPS_LG) # nopep8 line_one = Text(x=90, y=28, text=['of people had'], **FONT_PROPS_SM) line_two_p1 = Text(x=90, y=14, text=['access in'], **FONT_PROPS_SM) line_two_p2 = Text(x=136, y=14, text='year', **FONT_PROPS_SM) plot.add_glyph(source, Text(), selection_glyph=country) plot.add_glyph(source, Text(), selection_glyph=percent) plot.add_glyph(source, Text(), selection_glyph=percent_sign) plot.add_glyph(line_one) plot.add_glyph(line_two_p1) plot.add_glyph(source, Text(), selection_glyph=line_two_p2) # Add the orange box with year shadow = Triangle(x=150, y=109, size=25, fill_color=ORANGE_SHADOW, line_color=None) # nopep8 plot.add_glyph(shadow) # Add the blue bar rect = Rect(x=75, y=99, width=150, height=5, fill_color=bar_color, line_color=None) # nopep8 plot.add_glyph(rect) box = Rect(x=200, y=100, width=100, height=40, fill_color=ORANGE, line_color=None) # nopep8 plot.add_glyph(box) year = Text(x=160, y=85, text='year', text_font_size='18pt', text_color="#FFFFF", text_font_style="bold") # nopep8 plot.add_glyph(source, Text(), selection_glyph=year) return plot show(construct_text_box(source, 'wat_value', 'wat_color', BLUE)) # ### Construct map and text box with same source # # If you click on a country it will update the text # In[30]: from bokeh.plotting import hplot, vplot source = ColumnDataSource(data) map_plot = make_map(source) text_box = construct_text_box(source, 'wat_value', 'wat_color', BLUE) show(hplot(vplot(map_plot), vplot(text_box))) # ### Use widgets to make water & sanitation # In[34]: from bokeh.models.widgets import Tabs, Panel from chart_constants import GREEN # Select a country by default source = ColumnDataSource(data) source.selected = [30] water_plot = make_map(source, 'wat_color', 'wat_value') water_text = construct_text_box(source, 'wat_value', 'wat_color', BLUE) sanitation_plot = make_map(source, 'san_color', 'san_value') sanitation_text = construct_text_box(source, 'san_value', 'san_color', GREEN) tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ Panel(title="Water", child=hplot(vplot(water_plot), vplot(water_text))), Panel(title="Sanitation", child=hplot(vplot(sanitation_plot), vplot(sanitation_text))) ]) show(vplot(tabs))