using Pkg; Pkg.activate("../."); Pkg.instantiate(); using IJulia; try IJulia.clear_output(); catch _ end using Distributions, StatsPlots, SpecialFunctions # computes log10 of Gamma function function log10gamma(num) num = convert(BigInt, num) return log10(gamma(num)) end μ = 0.4; # specify model parameter n_tosses = 200 # specify number of coin tosses samples = rand(n_tosses) .<= μ # Flip 200 coins function handle_coin_toss(prior :: Beta, observation :: Bool) posterior = Beta(prior.α + observation, prior.β + (1 - observation)) return posterior end function log_evidence_prior(prior :: Beta, N :: Int64, n :: Int64) log_evidence = log10gamma(prior.α + prior.β) - log10gamma(prior.α) - log10gamma(prior.β) + log10gamma(n+prior.α) + log10gamma((N-n)+prior.β) - log10gamma(N+prior.α+prior.β) return log_evidence end priors = [Beta(100., 500.), Beta(5., 1.), Beta(8, 13)] #specify prior distributions (you can add additional beta distributions here) model 3 is the "best" prior. Can you see why? #save prior distributions to compute log-evidence n_models = length(priors) posterior_distributions = [[d] for d in priors] #save a sequence of posterior distributions for every prior, starting with the prior itself log_evidences = [[] for _ in priors] #maintain a vector of log evidences to plot later for (N, sample) in enumerate(samples) #for every sample we want to update our posterior for (i, prior) in enumerate(priors) #at every sample we want to update all distributions posterior = handle_coin_toss(prior, sample) #do bayesian updating push!(posterior_distributions[i], posterior) #add posterior to vector of posterior distributions log_evidence = log_evidence_prior(posterior_distributions[i][N], N, sum(samples[1:N])) #compute log evidence and add to vector push!(log_evidences[i], log_evidence) priors[i] = posterior #the prior for the next sample is the posterior from the current sample end end #animate posterior distributions over time in a gif anim = @animate for i in 1:n_tosses p = plot(title=string("n = ", i)) for j in 1:n_models plot!(posterior_distributions[j][i+1], xlims = (0, 1), fill=(0, .2,), label=string("Posterior ", j), linewidth=2, ylims=(0,28), xlabel="μ") end end gif(anim, "anim_bay_ct.gif") using LaTeXStrings evidences = map(model -> exp.(model), log_evidences) anim = @animate for i in 1:n_tosses p = plot(title=string(L"\frac{p_i(\mathbf{x}_{1:n})}{\sum_i p_i(\mathbf{x}_{1:n})}"," n = ", i), ylims=(0, 1)) total = sum([evidences[j][i] for j in 1:n_models]) bar!([(evidences[j][i] / total) for j in 1:n_models], group=["Model $i" for i in 1:n_models]) end gif(anim, "anim_bay_ct_log_evidence.gif") using Distributions, StatsPlots, Plots.PlotMeasures, LaTeXStrings function kullback_leibler(q :: Normal, p :: Normal) #Calculates the KL Divergence between two gaussians (see for calculations) return log((p.σ / q.σ)) + ((q.σ)^2 + (p.μ - q.μ)^2) / (2*p.σ^2) - (1. / 2.) end μ_p = 0 #statistics of distributions we'll keep constant (we'll vary the mean of q). Feel free to change these and see what happens σ_p = 1 σ_q = 1 p = Normal(μ_p, σ_p) anim = @animate for i in 1:100 μ_seq = [(j / 10.) - 5. + μ_p for j in 1:i] #compute the sequence of means tested so far (to compute sequence of KL divergences) kl = [kullback_leibler(Normal(μ, σ_q), p) for μ in μ_seq] #compute KL divergence data viz = plot(right_margin=8mm, title=string(L"D_{KL}(Q || P) = ", round(100 * kl[i]) / 100.), legend=:topleft) #build plot and format title and margins μ_q = μ_seq[i] #extract mean of current frame from mean sequence q = Normal(μ_q, σ_q) plot!(p, xlims = (μ_p - 8, μ_p + 8), fill=(0, .2,), label=string("P"), linewidth=2, ylims=(0,0.5)) #plot p plot!(q, fill=(0, .2,), label=string("Q"), linewidth=2, ylims=(0,0.5)) #plot q plot!(twinx(), μ_seq, kl, xticks=:none, ylims=(0, maximum(kl) + 3), linewidth = 3, #plot KL divergence data with different y-axis scale and different legend legend=:topright,xlims = (μ_p - 8, μ_p + 8), color="green", label=L"D_{KL}(Q || P)") end gif(anim, "anim_lat_kl.gif") open("../../styles/aipstyle.html") do f display("text/html", read(f, String)) end