#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Jupyter Enviroment # # Basics # * Ipython vs Python # * How to start a notebook: _ipython notebook_ # * Main page: # * Files # * Running # * Clusters # * Functions of the index page: create, run, shutdown and delete a notebook # * Automatic saves and checkpoints (Version Control) # * Ipython is organized in cells # * Types: Code, Markdown, Raw, Heading (deprecated) # * Keyboard shortcuts ~ vi: **EDIT mode** and **COMMAND mode** # # # Notebook files # Notebook files: # # * Are just that - files (`.ipynb`) on your file system # * Contain JSON data # In[1]: import IPython.nbformat as ipnbf with open('enviroment.ipynb') as f: nb = ipnbf.read(f, as_version=4) # In[2]: nb.cells[0:3]