import requests as r import json import time import xlsxwriter detail = 1 # the lower, the more precise the location is geoencoded fromdate = '20140201' # date in yyyyMMdd todate = '20140228' # date in yyyyMMdd # Source: def getadress(latitude,longitude): # grab some lat/long coords from wherever. For this example, # I just opened a javascript console in the browser and ran: # # navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(p) { # console.log(p); # }) # #latitude = 35.1330343 #longitude = -90.0625056 # Did the geocoding request comes from a device with a # location sensor? Must be either true or false. sensor = 'true' # Hit Google's reverse geocoder directly # NOTE: I *think* their terms state that you're supposed to # use google maps if you use their api for anything. base = "" params = "latlng={lat},{lon}&sensor={sen}".format( lat=latitude, lon=longitude, sen=sensor ) url = "{base}{params}".format(base=base, params=params) response = r.get(url) if response.status_code==200: pass else: print('Error: \'%s\'' % response.json()['error']) return response.json()['results'][detail]['formatted_address'] url = '' # Moves API params= {'access_token': '********************', # your Access Token here 'trackPoints': 'false', 'from': fromdate, 'to': todate} #'pastDays': '10', timeline = r.get(url+'/user/storyline/daily', params=params) if timeline.status_code==200: print('Received Data from Moves API.') else: print('Error: \'%s\'' % timeline.json()['error']) begin = time.strptime(timeline.json()[0]['date'], '%Y%m%d') ende = time.strptime(timeline.json()[-1]['date'], '%Y%m%d') print('Zeitraum: %s - %s' % (time.strftime("%A, %d %b %Y", begin), time.strftime("%A, %d %b %Y", ende))) # Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('Fahrtenbuch-%s.xlsx' % time.strftime("%Y", begin)) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(time.strftime("%b-%Y", begin)) # Add a bold format to use to highlight cells. bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) # Text with formatting. worksheet.write(0,0, 'Fahrtenbuch', bold) worksheet.write(2,0, 'Von:') worksheet.write(2,1, '%s' % time.strftime("%A, %d %b %Y", begin)) worksheet.write(3,0, 'Bis:') worksheet.write(3,1, '%s' % time.strftime("%A, %d %b %Y", ende)) fahrtenbuchdata=[] for day in range(len(timeline.json())): # Tage durchgehen # Datum date = time.strptime(timeline.json()[day]['date'], '%Y%m%d') print('%s' % (time.strftime("%A, %d %b %Y", date))) print(20*'=') fahrtenbuchdata.append('%s' % (time.strftime("%A, %d %b %Y", date))) transport=False for i in range(len(timeline.json()[day]['segments'])): # Segmente durchgehen try: # Ort place = timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['place'] lat = timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['place']['location']['lat'] lon = timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['place']['location']['lon'] location= getadress(lat, lon) if timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['place'].has_key('name'): name = timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['place']['name'] if transport: #print('%s (%s)\n' % (location, name)) print('%s\n' % (location)) fahrtenbuchdata.append('%s' % (location)) fahrtenbuchdata.append('') transport=False else: if transport: print('%s\n' % (location)) fahrtenbuchdata.append('%s' % (location)) fahrtenbuchdata.append('') transport=False pass except: # an sonsten ist es eine Verbindung try: #print '.' for act in range(len(timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['activities'])): # nur Transport nutzen if timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['activities'][act]['activity']=='transport': starttime = time.strptime(timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['activities'][act]['startTime'], "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S+%f") distance= float(timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['activities'][act]['distance']) endtime = time.strptime(timeline.json()[day]['segments'][i]['activities'][act]['endTime'], "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S+%f") #print('%s (%s)' % (location, name)) print('%s' % (location)) fahrtenbuchdata.append('%s' % (location)) route = '%.1fkm (%s - %s)' % (distance/1000.0, time.strftime("%H:%MUhr", starttime), time.strftime("%H:%MUhr", endtime)) print(route) fahrtenbuchdata.append(route) transport=True else: pass #print '.' except: # oder was anderes pass print('\n') fahrtenbuchdata.append('') for i in range(len(fahrtenbuchdata)): worksheet.write(i+5, 0, fahrtenbuchdata[i]) print('Erledigt. Nun beten und hoffen, dass das Finanzamt es akzeptiert.')