import json import gensim import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pattern.en import parse from pattern.en import tag as ptag import string import tsne # local copy in the repo %matplotlib inline sample_parsed = parse("He is a text sample showing you what happens when you use this function for her.", tokenize = True, # Split punctuation marks from words? tags = True, # Parse part-of-speech tags? (NN, JJ, ...) chunks = False, # Parse chunks? (NP, VP, PNP, ...) relations = False, # Parse chunk relations? (-SBJ, -OBJ, ...) lemmata = False, # Parse lemmata? (ate => eat) encoding = 'utf-8', # Input string encoding. tagset = None) # just showing you what it looks like sample_parsed """ A bunch of functions that do text cleanup and create the strings of nouns for the model training.""" def tag_by_line(line, tags): """ Look for only the words with those tags """ words = [] #print ptag(line) for word, foundtag in ptag(line): if foundtag in tags: words.append(word) return words def cleanup(text): """ This function cleans up the text a bit, and removes newlines. """ data = text.decode('utf8') data = data.replace('\r', '') # windows newline in some files data = data.replace('\n', ' ') # turn newline into space data = data.replace('_', '') data = data.replace('--', ' -- ') data = data.replace(',', ' ') data = data.replace('.', ' ') data = data.strip() # strip remaining white space chars from edges return data def cleanup_and_pos(text, pos=['NN']): """ Run the cleanup function, convert to a list of tag types, clean out misc stuff left. Also converts back to a space sep string of the text we want in the model/output only """ # put your own list of strings here, based on reading outputs: other_things_to_strip = ['s', '\'s', 'n\'t', '\'ll', 'chapter', 'CHAPTER'] data = cleanup(text) words = tag_by_line(data, pos) # returns a list of words of that POS (part of speech) cleantext = [word.lower() for word in words if word not in string.punctuation] cleantext = [word for word in cleantext if word not in other_things_to_strip] newdata = ' '.join(cleantext) # make it a single string, the model likes that return newdata """ Model text generator - based on Radim's sample code for gensim. This produces a line at a time of cleaned, tag-only text for the model to train from. """ import os import re class MySentences(object): def __init__(self, dirname, tags=['NN']): self.dirname = dirname self.tags = tags def __iter__(self): for fname in os.listdir(self.dirname): for line in open(os.path.join(self.dirname, fname)): yield (cleanup_and_pos(line, pos=self.tags)).split() """ An alternate from gensim tutorials - just use all words in the model. """ class DirOfPlainTextCorpus(object): """Iterate over sentences of all plaintext files in a directory """ SPLIT_SENTENCES = re.compile(u"[.!?:]\s+") # split sentences on these characters def __init__(self, dirname): self.dirname = dirname def __iter__(self): for fn in os.listdir(self.dirname): text = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, fn)).read() for sentence in self.SPLIT_SENTENCES.split(text): yield gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(sentence, deacc=True) ### updates datadict, uses model, tags, writes labeled txt file out def clean_dict_keys(datadict): """ Removes words that make bad keys/nouns for the word swaps. """ for key in datadict.keys(): if key == 'xi': datadict.pop(key, None) if ',' in key: datadict.pop(key, None) continue if '--' in key: datadict.pop(key, None) continue if 'xx' in key: datadict.pop(key, None) continue if 'xv' in key: datadict.pop(key, None) continue if '\n' in key: datadict.pop(key, None) continue if '.' in key: datadict.pop(key, None) continue return datadict def cap_me(word, capflag): """ Capitalizes the word if it was in the original text """ if capflag: return word.capitalize() else: return word def build_dict_write_file(model, outputtextfile, outputdatafile, tags=['NN']): """ Writes out the labeled text with word swaps, returns datadict """ screen_outs = ['CHAPTER', 'chapter', 'Chapter', '', ',', 'xi'] # too common and not useful datadict = {} print tags with open('books/austen_pride.txt', 'r') as handle: lines = lines = lines.split('\n\r') full_text = '' for sample in lines: new = sample.replace('\n\r',' ') new = new.replace('_', '') new = new.replace(',', ', ') new = new.replace('--', ' -- ') line = parse(new, tokenize = True, # Split punctuation marks from words? tags = True, # Parse part-of-speech tags? (NN, JJ, ...) chunks = False, # Parse chunks? (NP, VP, PNP, ...) relations = False, # Parse chunk relations? (-SBJ, -OBJ, ...) lemmata = False, # Parse lemmata? (ate => eat) encoding = 'utf-8', # Input string encoding. tagset = None) line = line.replace('\n', ' ') sample_spaced = line.split(' ') line_text = '

' for word in sample_spaced: capFlag = False newWord = word word = word.replace('\n', ' ') if word.strip() == '': continue bits = word.split('/') if len(bits) == 2: if bits[1] in tags and bits[0] not in screen_outs: if bits[0][0] in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": # check for first cap capFlag = True try: # best match for original word best = model.most_similar(positive=[bits[0].lower()], negative=[], topn=1) # (word, score) if best[0][0].strip() in screen_outs: raise 'WordError' # add original word to datadict, with best match as word for it datadict[bits[0].lower().encode('utf8')] = {"word": best[0][0].lower(), "score": "%.3f" % best[0][1]} # add the reverse word to the same dict, for graphing in front end best_reverse = model.most_similar(positive=[best[0][0]], negative=[], topn=1) if best_reverse[0][0] in screen_outs: raise 'WordError' datadict[best[0][0].lower().encode('utf8')] = {"word": best_reverse[0][0].lower(), "score": "%.3f" % best_reverse[0][1]} newWord = '' + cap_me(best[0][0],capFlag) + '' line_text += newWord except Exception, e: # on model errors etc, just continue past it print e line_text += word.replace('/NN', '') pass else: if bits[0] in [',',':','.','"',';','?', '!', '\'s', '\'ll', 'n\'t']: line_text = line_text.strip() # remove spaces before these line_text += bits[0] if line_text[-1] != '"': # no space after quotes; hacky. line_text += ' ' else: if word.strip() != '': line_text += word.strip() full_text += line_text + '\n' print "vocab before clean", datadict.keys() datadict = clean_dict_keys(datadict) print "vocab after clean", datadict.keys() with open(outputtextfile, 'w') as handle: handle.write(full_text.encode('utf8')) jsonfile = json.dumps(datadict) with open(outputdatafile, 'w') as handle: handle.write(jsonfile) print "Wrote out to data directory:", outputtextfile, outputdatafile return datadict # The wrapper function that runs everything, writes files, and returns useful things. def run_all(tags=['NN'], filepref='data/pride_NN'): # notice here i require at least 2 uses of each word in the corpus - reduces noise # uncomment the version of the model you want to try: tag limited, or all words. #model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(MySentences('books', tags=tags), min_count=2, size=200, workers=2) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(DirOfPlainTextCorpus('books'), min_count=3, workers=2) + '_model_austen_allwordsmin3') # if you want to save time and use a saved file, comment out the above and uncomment this with right path #model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load('data/pride_NNPRP_model_austen_all') # does the text tagging and word replacement print tags datadict = build_dict_write_file(model, filepref + '_labeled.txt', filepref + '_data.json', tags=tags) # tsne input files part make_score_files(model, datadict, filepref) # the actual tsne graph bit X = np.loadtxt(filepref + "_scores.csv") labels = np.genfromtxt(filepref + "_words.csv", dtype=str) Y = tsne.tsne(X, 2, 50, 20.0) # see in repo do_tsne_files(filepref + '_coords.tsv', Y, labels, datadict, axis_off=True) return Y, labels, datadict, model # run it all together and get the useful outputs - this takes a while and prints a lot of stuff. Y, labels, datadict, model = run_all(tags=['NN'], filepref='data/pride_NNAll3') !split -l 200 data/pride_NNAll3_labeled.txt part %%bash mv partaa data/parts/part1.txt mv partab data/parts/part2.txt mv partac data/parts/part3.txt mv partad data/parts/part4.txt mv partae data/parts/part5.txt mv partaf data/parts/part6.txt mv partag data/parts/part7.txt mv partah data/parts/part8.txt mv partai data/parts/part9.txt mv partaj data/parts/part10.txt mv partak data/parts/part11.txt mv partal data/parts/part12.txt ls data/parts model.most_similar(['husband']) model.most_similar(['wife']) # for tsne - write out the scores and labels as 2 row syncd files - can be used in R now. def make_score_files(model, datadict, filelabel): with open(filelabel + '_scores.csv', 'w') as scorefile: with open(filelabel + '_words.csv', 'w') as wordfile: for word in datadict.keys(): try: score = model[word.lower()] scores = [str(x) for x in score] scorefile.write('\t'.join(scores) + '\n') wordfile.write(word.lower() + '\n') except: print "Not found:", word, datadict[word] continue scorefile.write('\n') wordfile.write('\n') print 'Wrote ', scorefile, wordfile !paste data/pride_NN_words.csv data/pride_NN_scores.csv > data_for_r.tsv # this is a function you can call independently with output from your run-all run, to jigger with details if you want. def do_tsne_files(coordsfilename, Y, labels, datadict, axis_off=True): """ Makes the tsne grah file and writes out the coords for the UI. """ plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) if axis_off: plt.axis('off') # only turn off after checking the axis min/max plt.scatter(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], s=10, color='gray', alpha=0.2) print "X and Y dims ", plt.axis() with open(coordsfilename, 'w') as handle1: handle1.write('word\tx\ty\tnearest\n') for label, x, y in zip(labels, Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1]): score = datadict[label]['score'] handle1.write('\t'.join([label, str(x), str(y), str(score)]) + '\n') #plt.text(x, y, label, size=8, alpha=0.5) print "wrote out", coordsfilename do_tsne_files('misc.tsv', Y, labels, datadict, axis_off=False) # run this again with axis on, to check axes limits for the graph...