import timeit from import ascii import pandas import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table, Column from cStringIO import StringIO import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline def make_table(size=10000, n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format=None, str_val=None): if str_val is None: str_val = "abcde12345" cols = [] for i in xrange(n_floats): dat = np.random.uniform(low=1, high=10, size=size) cols.append(Column(dat, name='f{}'.format(i))) for i in xrange(n_ints): dat = np.random.randint(low=-9999999, high=9999999, size=size) cols.append(Column(dat, name='i{}'.format(i))) for i in xrange(n_strs): dat = np.repeat(str_val, size) cols.append(Column(dat, name='s{}'.format(i))) t = Table(cols) if float_format is not None: for col in t.columns.values(): if'f'): col.format = float_format return t t = make_table(5, float_format='%.4f') print(t) out = StringIO() ascii.write(t, out, use_fast_writer=True) print out.getvalue() out = StringIO() pandas_table = pandas.DataFrame(np.array(t)) pandas_table.to_csv(out, float_format='%.4f') print out.getvalue() def plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format=None, str_val=None, strip=True): global table, np_table, pandas_table, flt_format, strip_whitespace strip_whitespace=strip flt_format = float_format n_rows = (100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000) # include 50000 for publish run numbers = (10, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1) repeats = (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2) times_slow = [] times_fast = [] times_pandas = [] for n_row, number, repeat in zip(n_rows, numbers, repeats): table = make_table(n_row, n_floats, n_ints, n_strs, float_format) np_table = np.array(table) pandas_table = pandas.DataFrame(np_table) t = timeit.repeat("out = StringIO(); ascii.write(table, out, use_fast_writer=False, strip_whitespace=strip_whitespace)", setup='from __main__ import ascii, table, StringIO, strip_whitespace', number=number, repeat=repeat) times_slow.append(min(t) / number) t = timeit.repeat("out = StringIO(); ascii.write(table, out, use_fast_writer=True, strip_whitespace=strip_whitespace)", setup='from __main__ import ascii, table, StringIO, strip_whitespace', number=number, repeat=repeat) times_fast.append(min(t) / number) t = timeit.repeat("out = StringIO(); pandas_table.to_csv(out, float_format=flt_format)", setup='from __main__ import pandas_table, pandas, StringIO, flt_format', number=number, repeat=repeat) times_pandas.append(min(t) / number) plt.loglog(n_rows, times_slow, '-ob', label='io.ascii Python') plt.loglog(n_rows, times_fast, '-or', label='io.ascii Fast-c') plt.loglog(n_rows, times_pandas, '-oc', label='Pandas') plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='best') plt.title('n_floats={} n_ints={} n_strs={} float_format={}'.format(n_floats, n_ints, n_strs, float_format)) plt.xlabel('Number of rows') plt.ylabel('Time (sec)') print('Fast-C to Python speed ratio: {:.2f} : 1'.format(times_slow[-1] / times_fast[-1])) print('Pandas to Fast-C speed ratio: {:.2f} : 1'.format(times_fast[-1] / times_pandas[-1])) plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format=None) plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=10, n_strs=10, float_format=None) plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=10, n_strs=10, float_format='%.4f') plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format='%.4f') plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=0, n_strs=10) plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=0, n_strs=10, str_val="'asdf asdfa'") plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=0, n_strs=10, strip=False) plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=10, n_strs=0)