import numpy as np np.random.seed(42) import scipy.stats import itertools import random random.seed(1) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import sys # import anhima # dev imports sys.path.insert(0, '..') %reload_ext autoreload %autoreload 1 %aimport anhima.sim %aimport %aimport anhima.pca %aimport anhima.dist # simulate non-uniform variant positions n_variants = 1000 p = 0 pos = [] for i in range(n_variants): gap = int(np.abs(np.cos(i/100))*100) p += gap pos.append(p) pos = np.array(pos) # simulate genotypes with no relatedness n_samples = 100 labels = [''.join(s) for s in itertools.product('ABCDEFGHIJ', repeat=2)] ploidy = 2 af_dist = scipy.stats.beta(a=.4, b=.6) p_missing = 0 genotypes = anhima.sim.simulate_biallelic_genotypes(n_variants, n_samples, af_dist, p_missing, ploidy) gn = # simulate three sub-populations with relatedness genotypes_subpop1 = anhima.sim.simulate_relatedness(genotypes[:, :n_samples//2], relatedness=.5, n_iter=1000) genotypes_subpop2 = anhima.sim.simulate_relatedness(genotypes[:, n_samples//2:], relatedness=.5, n_iter=1000) genotypes_subpop2a = anhima.sim.simulate_relatedness(genotypes_subpop2[:, n_samples//4:], relatedness=.5, n_iter=500) genotypes_subpop2b = anhima.sim.simulate_relatedness(genotypes_subpop2[:, :n_samples//4], relatedness=.5, n_iter=500) genotypes_related = np.concatenate([genotypes_subpop1, genotypes_subpop2a, genotypes_subpop2b], axis=1) gnr = sample_colors = (['red']*50) + (['blue']*25) + (['green']*25) # run PCA p, t = anhima.pca.pca(gn) pr, tr = anhima.pca.pca(gnr) anhima.pca.plot_coords(p, t, labels=labels, colors=sample_colors, sizes=40); anhima.pca.plot_coords(pr, tr, colors=sample_colors, sizes=40); anhima.pca.plot_variance_explained(pr); anhima.pca.plot_loadings(pr, pc=1, pos=pos);