# Python library imports: numpy, random, sklearn, pandas, etc import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import sys import random import numpy as np import scipy as sp from sklearn import linear_model, cross_validation, metrics, svm from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, precision_recall_fscore_support, accuracy_score from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline # function to read HDFS file into dataframe using PyDoop import pydoop.hdfs as hdfs def read_csv_from_hdfs(path, cols, col_types=None): files = hdfs.ls(path); pieces = [] for f in files: fhandle = hdfs.open(f) pieces.append(pd.read_csv(fhandle, names=cols, dtype=col_types, error_bad_lines=False)) fhandle.close() return pd.concat(pieces, ignore_index=True) # read 2007 year file cols = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'DepTime', 'CRSDepTime', 'ArrTime', 'CRSArrTime', 'Carrier', 'FlightNum', 'TailNum', 'ActualElapsedTime', 'CRSElapsedTime', 'AirTime', 'ArrDelay', 'DepDelay', 'Origin', 'Dest', 'Distance', 'TaxiIn', 'TaxiOut', 'Cancelled', 'CancellationCode', 'Diverted', 'CarrierDelay', 'WeatherDelay', 'NASDelay', 'SecurityDelay', 'LateAircraftDelay']; flt_2007 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/delay/2007.csv', cols) flt_2007.shape df = flt_2007[flt_2007['Origin']=='ORD'].dropna(subset=['DepDelay']) df['DepDelayed'] = df['DepDelay'].apply(lambda x: x>=15) print "total flights: " + str(df.shape[0]) print "total delays: " + str(df['DepDelayed'].sum()) # Select a Pandas dataframe with flight originating from ORD # Compute average number of delayed flights per month grouped = df[['DepDelayed', 'month']].groupby('month').mean() # plot average delays by month grouped.plot(kind='bar') # Compute average number of delayed flights by hour df['hour'] = df['CRSDepTime'].map(lambda x: int(str(int(x)).zfill(4)[:2])) grouped = df[['DepDelayed', 'hour']].groupby('hour').mean() # plot average delays by hour of day grouped.plot(kind='bar') # Compute average number of delayed flights per carrier grouped1 = df[['DepDelayed', 'Carrier']].groupby('Carrier').filter(lambda x: len(x)>10) grouped2 = grouped1.groupby('Carrier').mean() carrier = grouped2.sort(['DepDelayed'], ascending=False) # display top 15 destination carriers by delay (from ORD) carrier[:15].plot(kind='bar') %%writefile preprocess1.pig Register 'util.py' USING jython as util; DEFINE preprocess(year_str, airport_code) returns data { -- load airline data from specified year (need to specify fields since it's not in HCat) airline = load 'airline/delay/$year_str.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (Year: int, Month: int, DayOfMonth: int, DayOfWeek: int, DepTime: chararray, CRSDepTime: chararray, ArrTime, CRSArrTime, Carrier: chararray, FlightNum, TailNum, ActualElapsedTime, CRSElapsedTime, AirTime, ArrDelay, DepDelay: int, Origin: chararray, Dest: chararray, Distance: int, TaxiIn, TaxiOut, Cancelled: int, CancellationCode, Diverted, CarrierDelay, WeatherDelay, NASDelay, SecurityDelay, LateAircraftDelay); -- keep only instances where flight was not cancelled and originate at ORD airline_flt = filter airline by Cancelled == 0 and Origin == '$airport_code'; -- Keep only fields I need $data = foreach airline_flt generate DepDelay as delay, Month, DayOfMonth, DayOfWeek, util.get_hour(CRSDepTime) as hour, Distance, Carrier, Dest, util.days_from_nearest_holiday(Year, Month, DayOfMonth) as hdays; }; ORD_2007 = preprocess('2007', 'ORD'); rmf airline/fm/ord_2007_1 store ORD_2007 into 'airline/fm/ord_2007_1' using PigStorage(','); ORD_2008 = preprocess('2008', 'ORD'); rmf airline/fm/ord_2008_1 store ORD_2008 into 'airline/fm/ord_2008_1' using PigStorage(','); %%bash --err pig_out --bg pig -f preprocess1.pig while True: line = pig_out.readline() if not line: break sys.stdout.write("%s" % line) sys.stdout.flush() # read files cols = ['delay', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'hour', 'distance', 'carrier', 'dest', 'days_from_holiday'] col_types = {'delay': int, 'month': int, 'day': int, 'dow': int, 'hour': int, 'distance': int, 'carrier': str, 'dest': str, 'days_from_holiday': int} data_2007 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/fm/ord_2007_1', cols, col_types) data_2008 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/fm/ord_2008_1', cols, col_types) # Create training set and test set cols = ['month', 'day', 'dow', 'hour', 'distance', 'days_from_holiday'] train_y = data_2007['delay'] >= 15 train_x = data_2007[cols] test_y = data_2008['delay'] >= 15 test_x = data_2008[cols] print train_x.shape # Create logistic regression model with L2 regularization clf_lr = linear_model.LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', class_weight='auto') clf_lr.fit(train_x, train_y) # Predict output labels on test set pr = clf_lr.predict(test_x) # display evaluation metrics cm = confusion_matrix(test_y, pr) print("Confusion matrix") print(pd.DataFrame(cm)) report_lr = precision_recall_fscore_support(list(test_y), list(pr), average='micro') print "\nprecision = %0.2f, recall = %0.2f, F1 = %0.2f, accuracy = %0.2f\n" % \ (report_lr[0], report_lr[1], report_lr[2], accuracy_score(list(test_y), list(pr))) # Create Random Forest classifier with 50 trees clf_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50, n_jobs=-1) clf_rf.fit(train_x, train_y) # Evaluate on test set pr = clf_rf.predict(test_x) # print results cm = confusion_matrix(test_y, pr) print("Confusion matrix") print(pd.DataFrame(cm)) report_svm = precision_recall_fscore_support(list(test_y), list(pr), average='micro') print "\nprecision = %0.2f, recall = %0.2f, F1 = %0.2f, accuracy = %0.2f\n" % \ (report_svm[0], report_svm[1], report_svm[2], accuracy_score(list(test_y), list(pr))) from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder # read files cols = ['delay', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'hour', 'distance', 'carrier', 'dest', 'days_from_holiday'] col_types = {'delay': int, 'month': int, 'day': int, 'dow': int, 'hour': int, 'distance': int, 'carrier': str, 'dest': str, 'days_from_holiday': int} data_2007 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/fm/ord_2007_1', cols, col_types) data_2008 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/fm/ord_2008_1', cols, col_types) # Create training set and test set train_y = data_2007['delay'] >= 15 categ = [cols.index(x) for x in 'hour', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'carrier', 'dest'] enc = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features = categ) df = data_2007.drop('delay', axis=1) df['carrier'] = pd.factorize(df['carrier'])[0] df['dest'] = pd.factorize(df['dest'])[0] train_x = enc.fit_transform(df) test_y = data_2008['delay'] >= 15 df = data_2008.drop('delay', axis=1) df['carrier'] = pd.factorize(df['carrier'])[0] df['dest'] = pd.factorize(df['dest'])[0] test_x = enc.transform(df) print train_x.shape # Create Random Forest classifier with 50 trees clf_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50, n_jobs=-1) clf_rf.fit(train_x.toarray(), train_y) # Evaluate on test set pr = clf_rf.predict(test_x.toarray()) # print results cm = confusion_matrix(test_y, pr) print("Confusion matrix") print(pd.DataFrame(cm)) report_svm = precision_recall_fscore_support(list(test_y), list(pr), average='micro') print "\nprecision = %0.2f, recall = %0.2f, F1 = %0.2f, accuracy = %0.2f\n" % \ (report_svm[0], report_svm[1], report_svm[2], accuracy_score(list(test_y), list(pr))) %%writefile preprocess2.pig register 'util.py' USING jython as util; -- Helper macro to load data and join into a feature vector per instance DEFINE preprocess(year_str, airport_code) returns data { -- load airline data from specified year (need to specify fields since it's not in HCat) airline = load 'airline/delay/$year_str.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (Year: int, Month: int, DayOfMonth: int, DayOfWeek: int, DepTime: chararray, CRSDepTime:chararray, ArrTime, CRSArrTime, Carrier: chararray, FlightNum, TailNum, ActualElapsedTime, CRSElapsedTime, AirTime, ArrDelay, DepDelay: int, Origin: chararray, Dest: chararray, Distance: int, TaxiIn, TaxiOut, Cancelled: int, CancellationCode, Diverted, CarrierDelay, WeatherDelay, NASDelay, SecurityDelay, LateAircraftDelay); -- keep only instances where flight was not cancelled and originate at ORD airline_flt = filter airline by Cancelled == 0 and Origin == '$airport_code'; -- Keep only fields I need airline2 = foreach airline_flt generate Year as year, Month as month, DayOfMonth as day, DayOfWeek as dow, Carrier as carrier, Origin as origin, Dest as dest, Distance as distance, CRSDepTime as time, DepDelay as delay, util.to_date(Year, Month, DayOfMonth) as date; -- load weather data weather = load 'airline/weather/$year_str.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (station: chararray, date: chararray, metric, value, t1, t2, t3, time); -- keep only TMIN and TMAX weather observations from ORD weather_tmin = filter weather by station == 'USW00094846' and metric == 'TMIN'; weather_tmax = filter weather by station == 'USW00094846' and metric == 'TMAX'; weather_prcp = filter weather by station == 'USW00094846' and metric == 'PRCP'; weather_snow = filter weather by station == 'USW00094846' and metric == 'SNOW'; weather_awnd = filter weather by station == 'USW00094846' and metric == 'AWND'; joined = join airline2 by date, weather_tmin by date, weather_tmax by date, weather_prcp by date, weather_snow by date, weather_awnd by date; $data = foreach joined generate delay, month, day, dow, util.get_hour(airline2::time) as tod, distance, carrier, dest, util.days_from_nearest_holiday(year, month, day) as hdays, weather_tmin::value as temp_min, weather_tmax::value as temp_max, weather_prcp::value as prcp, weather_snow::value as snow, weather_awnd::value as wind; }; ORD_2007 = preprocess('2007', 'ORD'); rmf airline/fm/ord_2007_2; store ORD_2007 into 'airline/fm/ord_2007_2' using PigStorage(','); ORD_2008 = preprocess('2008', 'ORD'); rmf airline/fm/ord_2008_2; store ORD_2008 into 'airline/fm/ord_2008_2' using PigStorage(','); %%bash --bg --err pig_out2 pig -f preprocess2.pig while True: line = pig_out2.readline() if not line: break sys.stdout.write("%s" % line) sys.stdout.flush() from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit def fahrenheit(x): return(x*1.8 + 32.0) # read files cols = ['delay', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'hour', 'distance', 'carrier', 'dest', 'days_from_holiday', 'origin_tmin', 'origin_tmax', 'origin_prcp', 'origin_snow', 'origin_wind'] col_types = {'delay': int, 'month': int, 'day': int, 'dow': int, 'hour': int, 'distance': int, 'carrier': str, 'dest': str, 'days_from_holiday': int, 'origin_tmin': float, 'origin_tmax': float, 'origin_prcp': float, 'origin_snow': float, 'origin_wind': float} data_2007 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/fm/ord_2007_2', cols, col_types) data_2008 = read_csv_from_hdfs('airline/fm/ord_2008_2', cols, col_types) data_2007['origin_tmin'] = data_2007['origin_tmin'].apply(lambda x: fahrenheit(x/10.0)) data_2007['origin_tmax'] = data_2007['origin_tmax'].apply(lambda x: fahrenheit(x/10.0)) data_2008['origin_tmin'] = data_2008['origin_tmin'].apply(lambda x: fahrenheit(x/10.0)) data_2008['origin_tmax'] = data_2008['origin_tmax'].apply(lambda x: fahrenheit(x/10.0)) # Create training set and test set train_y = data_2007['delay'] >= 15 categ = [cols.index(x) for x in 'hour', 'month', 'day', 'dow', 'carrier', 'dest'] enc = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features = categ) df = data_2007.drop('delay', axis=1) df['carrier'] = pd.factorize(df['carrier'])[0] df['dest'] = pd.factorize(df['dest'])[0] train_x = enc.fit_transform(df) test_y = data_2008['delay'] >= 15 df = data_2008.drop('delay', axis=1) df['carrier'] = pd.factorize(df['carrier'])[0] df['dest'] = pd.factorize(df['dest'])[0] test_x = enc.transform(df) print train_x.shape # Create Random Forest classifier with 100 trees clf_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1) clf_rf.fit(train_x.toarray(), train_y) # Evaluate on test set pr = clf_rf.predict(test_x.toarray()) # print results cm = confusion_matrix(test_y, pr) print("Confusion matrix") print(pd.DataFrame(cm)) report_rf = precision_recall_fscore_support(list(test_y), list(pr), average='micro') print "precision = %0.2f, recall = %0.2f, F1 = %0.2f, accuracy = %0.2f\n" % \ (report_rf[0], report_rf[1], report_rf[2], accuracy_score(list(test_y), list(pr)))