#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # matplotlib-applied # # * Applying Matplotlib Visualizations to Kaggle: Titanic # * Bar Plots, Histograms, subplot2grid # * Normalized Plots # * Scatter Plots, subplots # * Kernel Density Estimation Plots # ## Applying Matplotlib Visualizations to Kaggle: Titanic # Prepare the titanic data to plot: # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pylab as plt import seaborn # Set the global default size of matplotlib figures plt.rc('figure', figsize=(10, 5)) # Set seaborn aesthetic parameters to defaults seaborn.set() # In[ ]: df_train = pd.read_csv('../data/titanic/train.csv') def clean_data(df): # Get the unique values of Sex sexes = np.sort(df['Sex'].unique()) # Generate a mapping of Sex from a string to a number representation genders_mapping = dict(zip(sexes, range(0, len(sexes) + 1))) # Transform Sex from a string to a number representation df['Sex_Val'] = df['Sex'].map(genders_mapping).astype(int) # Get the unique values of Embarked embarked_locs = np.sort(df['Embarked'].unique()) # Generate a mapping of Embarked from a string to a number representation embarked_locs_mapping = dict(zip(embarked_locs, range(0, len(embarked_locs) + 1))) # Transform Embarked from a string to dummy variables df = pd.concat([df, pd.get_dummies(df['Embarked'], prefix='Embarked_Val')], axis=1) # Fill in missing values of Embarked # Since the vast majority of passengers embarked in 'S': 3, # we assign the missing values in Embarked to 'S': if len(df[df['Embarked'].isnull()] > 0): df.replace({'Embarked_Val' : { embarked_locs_mapping[np.nan] : embarked_locs_mapping['S'] } }, inplace=True) # Fill in missing values of Fare with the average Fare if len(df[df['Fare'].isnull()] > 0): avg_fare = df['Fare'].mean() df.replace({ None: avg_fare }, inplace=True) # To keep Age in tact, make a copy of it called AgeFill # that we will use to fill in the missing ages: df['AgeFill'] = df['Age'] # Determine the Age typical for each passenger class by Sex_Val. # We'll use the median instead of the mean because the Age # histogram seems to be right skewed. df['AgeFill'] = df['AgeFill'] \ .groupby([df['Sex_Val'], df['Pclass']]) \ .apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.median())) # Define a new feature FamilySize that is the sum of # Parch (number of parents or children on board) and # SibSp (number of siblings or spouses): df['FamilySize'] = df['SibSp'] + df['Parch'] return df df_train = clean_data(df_train) # ## Bar Plots, Histograms, subplot2grid # In[3]: # Size of matplotlib figures that contain subplots figsize_with_subplots = (10, 10) # Set up a grid of plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_with_subplots) fig_dims = (3, 2) # Plot death and survival counts plt.subplot2grid(fig_dims, (0, 0)) df_train['Survived'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', title='Death and Survival Counts', color='r', align='center') # Plot Pclass counts plt.subplot2grid(fig_dims, (0, 1)) df_train['Pclass'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', title='Passenger Class Counts') # Plot Sex counts plt.subplot2grid(fig_dims, (1, 0)) df_train['Sex'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', title='Gender Counts') plt.xticks(rotation=0) # Plot Embarked counts plt.subplot2grid(fig_dims, (1, 1)) df_train['Embarked'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', title='Ports of Embarkation Counts') # Plot the Age histogram plt.subplot2grid(fig_dims, (2, 0)) df_train['Age'].hist() plt.title('Age Histogram') # In[ ]: # Get the unique values of Embarked and its maximum family_sizes = np.sort(df_train['FamilySize'].unique()) family_size_max = max(family_sizes) df1 = df_train[df_train['Survived'] == 0]['FamilySize'] df2 = df_train[df_train['Survived'] == 1]['FamilySize'] plt.hist([df1, df2], bins=family_size_max + 1, range=(0, family_size_max), stacked=True) plt.legend(('Died', 'Survived'), loc='best') plt.title('Survivors by Family Size') # ## Normalized Plots # In[5]: pclass_xt = pd.crosstab(df_train['Pclass'], df_train['Survived']) # Normalize the cross tab to sum to 1: pclass_xt_pct = pclass_xt.div(pclass_xt.sum(1).astype(float), axis=0) pclass_xt_pct.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Survival Rate by Passenger Classes') plt.xlabel('Passenger Class') plt.ylabel('Survival Rate') # Plot survival rate by Sex females_df = df_train[df_train['Sex'] == 'female'] females_xt = pd.crosstab(females_df['Pclass'], df_train['Survived']) females_xt_pct = females_xt.div(females_xt.sum(1).astype(float), axis=0) females_xt_pct.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Female Survival Rate by Passenger Class') plt.xlabel('Passenger Class') plt.ylabel('Survival Rate') # Plot survival rate by Pclass males_df = df_train[df_train['Sex'] == 'male'] males_xt = pd.crosstab(males_df['Pclass'], df_train['Survived']) males_xt_pct = males_xt.div(males_xt.sum(1).astype(float), axis=0) males_xt_pct.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Male Survival Rate by Passenger Class') plt.xlabel('Passenger Class') plt.ylabel('Survival Rate') # ## Scatter Plots, subplots # In[ ]: # Set up a grid of plots fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figsize_with_subplots) # Histogram of AgeFill segmented by Survived df1 = df_train[df_train['Survived'] == 0]['Age'] df2 = df_train[df_train['Survived'] == 1]['Age'] max_age = max(df_train['AgeFill']) axes[1].hist([df1, df2], bins=max_age / 10, range=(1, max_age), stacked=True) axes[1].legend(('Died', 'Survived'), loc='best') axes[1].set_title('Survivors by Age Groups Histogram') axes[1].set_xlabel('Age') axes[1].set_ylabel('Count') # Scatter plot Survived and AgeFill axes[0].scatter(df_train['Survived'], df_train['AgeFill']) axes[0].set_title('Survivors by Age Plot') axes[0].set_xlabel('Survived') axes[0].set_ylabel('Age') # ## Kernel Density Estimation Plots # In[ ]: # Get the unique values of Pclass: passenger_classes = np.sort(df_train['Pclass'].unique()) for pclass in passenger_classes: df_train.AgeFill[df_train.Pclass == pclass].plot(kind='kde') plt.title('Age Density Plot by Passenger Class') plt.xlabel('Age') plt.legend(('1st Class', '2nd Class', '3rd Class'), loc='best')