require 'daru' # Create a multi-indexed DataFrame tuples = [ [:a,:one,:bar], [:a,:one,:baz], [:a,:two,:bar], [:a,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:foo], [:c,:one,:bar], [:c,:one,:baz], [:c,:two,:foo], [:c,:two,:bar] ] multi_index = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples) vector_arry1 = [11,12,13,14,11,12,13,14,11,12,13,14] vector_arry2 = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4] order_mi = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a,:one,:bar], [:a,:two,:baz], [:b,:two,:foo], [:b,:one,:foo]]) df_mi =[ vector_arry1, vector_arry2, vector_arry1, vector_arry2], order: order_mi, index: multi_index) # Specify complete tuple to choose a single row df_mi.row[:a, :one,:bar] # Specify partial tuple to select index hierarchially df_mi.row[:a] # See grouped rows with the 'groups' method df ={ a: %w{foo bar foo bar foo bar foo foo}, b: %w{one one two three two two one three}, c: [1 ,2 ,3 ,1 ,3 ,6 ,3 ,8], d: [11 ,22 ,33 ,44 ,55 ,66 ,77 ,88] }) # Pass the vectors that are to be grouped in an Array to the group_by method. This # will return a Daru::Core::GroupBy object. grouped = df.group_by([:a, :b]) # See the groups created using the 'groups' method. grouped.groups # First group by the columns :a and :b and then calculate mean of the grouped rows. grouped.mean grouped.get_group(["foo", "one"]) sales = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv 'data/sales-funnel.csv' sales.pivot_table index: ['Manager', 'Rep'] sales.pivot_table(index: ['Manager','Rep'], values: 'Price', vectors: ['Product'], agg: :sum)