import sys print(sys.version) #I'm using Python 2.7 because I can't get plotly to work in 3.4 import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import plotly.plotly as py import as tls from plotly.graph_objs import * py.sign_in(open('Z:/DT/plotly_emanresu.txt', 'r').read(), #keep moving, nothing to see here. open('Z:/DT/plotly_yekipa.txt', 'r').read()) df = pd.read_csv('Compressed Mortality, 1968-1978 per year.txt', sep='\t', encoding="latin-1") df = pd.merge(df, pd.read_csv('Compressed Mortality, 1979-1998 per year.txt', sep='\t', encoding="latin-1"), 'outer') df = pd.merge(df, pd.read_csv('Compressed Mortality, 1999-2012 per year.txt', sep='\t', encoding="latin-1"), 'outer') df = df.dropna(subset=['Year']) df.drop(['Notes', 'Year Code'], axis=1, inplace=True) df.head() # note that causes of death like "Classical, 000.0" are subsets of groups of cause of death; # the group names are not included in this table def plot_graphs(df, search_term, title): dfchart = df[(df['Cause of death'].str.contains(search_term))] years = range(1968, 2013) bars = [] for cause in dfchart['Cause of death'].unique(): deaths = [] for year in years: if len(dfchart[(dfchart['Cause of death'] == cause)&(dfchart.Year == year)]) > 0: deaths.append(dfchart[(dfchart['Cause of death'] == cause)&(dfchart.Year == year)].Deaths.iloc[0]) else: deaths.append(0) bars.append( Bar( x=years, y=deaths, name=cause ) ) data = Data(bars) layout_nolegend = Layout( autosize=False, width=650, height=250, margin=Margin( l=50, r=10, b=20, t=40, pad=0 ), barmode='stack', title=title, yaxis=YAxis( title='Deaths per year', titlefont=Font( size=12 ), tickfont=Font( size=12, )), showlegend=False ) layout_legend = Layout( autosize=True, legend=Legend( x=0, y=0, ), barmode='stack', ) fig1 = Figure(data=data, layout=layout_nolegend) py.image.ishow(fig1) fig2 = Figure(data=data, layout=layout_legend) py.image.ishow(fig2) plot_graphs(df, 'caries', 'Deaths due to Dental Caries in CDC database, 1968-2012') plot_graphs(df, '[Pp]enis', "Causes of death containing the word 'penis' in CDC database, 1968-2012") df[(df['Cause of death'].str.contains('[Tt]ransvest'))] plot_graphs(df, '([Ww]eather|[^ro] storm)', "Causes of death contain 'weather' or 'storm' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Mm]igraine', "Causes of death containing word 'migraine', CDC database 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Cc]left [pl]', "Causes of death containing words 'cleft palate'/'cleft lip', CDC database 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Ff]oreign body', "Causes of death containing the words 'foreign body' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Ee]lbow', "Causes of death containing the word 'elbow' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Ee]nthesopath', "Causes of death containing the word 'enthesopathy' in CDC database, 1968-2012") df2 = df[~df['Cause of death'].str.contains('pedestrian')] plot_graphs(df2, '[Cc]onjunctivitis', "Causes of death containing the word 'conjunctivitis' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Dd]og', "Causes of death containing the word 'dog' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, ' war[^tf]', "Causes of death containing the word 'war' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Pp]soriasis', "Causes of death containing the word 'psoriasis' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Ii]ngrow', "Cause of death by ingrowing nail in CDC database, 1968-2012") df[(df['Cause of death'].str.contains('ngrow'))&(df.Deaths>0)] plot_graphs(df, '[Ss]pacecraft', "Causes of death containing the word 'spacecraft' in CDC database, 1968-2012") plot_graphs(df, '[Aa]nimal', "Causes of death containing the word 'animal' in CDC database, 1968-2012") df2 = df[~df['Cause of death'].str.contains('pedestrian')] plot_graphs(df2, '([Aa]nimal|[Bb]ee|[Dd]og)', "Causes of death by 'animal'/'dog'/'bee' in CDC database, 1968-2012") # No cats df2 = df[~df['Cause of death'].str.contains('[^ ]cat')] df2 = df2[~df2['Cause of death'].str.contains('cath')] df2[df2['Cause of death'].str.contains('cat')]['Cause of death'].unique() plot_graphs(df, '[Ss]yndactyl', "Causes of death containing the word 'syndactyly' in CDC database, 1968-2012")