from IPython.display import Image i = Image(filename='images/8320552323_13cfe4b081_b.jpg') f = Image(url='') happy = Image(filename='images/5365366130_4ecf6c025f_b.jpg') tools = Image(filename='images/ScienceToolbox_-_Open_science_software.png') i f happy # lets test embedding a html page into the presentation from IPython.display import HTML HTML('') # HTML('') # HTML('') # tools HTML('') # get recent DOIs deposited by PLOS using the CrosRef API import requests url = ",until-update-date:2014-07-24&rows=1000" r = requests.get(url) def get_dois_from_response(r): dois = [] crossref_json = r.json() pub_items = crossref_json["message"]["items"] for item in pub_items: dois.append(item["DOI"]) return dois # extract the dois from the API response dois = get_dois_from_response(r) print (dois[0:3]) def return_parent_doi(doi): # if the doi is a child doi, strip the tail, and return the parent doi_parts = doi.split(".") main_doi = ".".join(doi_parts[0:4]) return main_doi # chop off the child parts of our of our dois def get_parent_dois(dois): parent_dois = [] for doi in dois: parent_dois.append(return_parent_doi(doi)) return parent_dois # just get the top level DOIS parent_dois = get_parent_dois(dois) print (parent_dois[0:3]) # get a set of unique set of dois def get_unique_dois(dois): unique_dois = [] for doi in dois: if doi in unique_dois: continue else: unique_dois.append(doi) return unique_dois unique_dois = get_unique_dois(parent_dois) print (unique_dois[0:3]) # now we import an interface to the PLOS ALM app import pyalm.pyalm as alm test_article = alm.get_alm(str(unique_dois[12]), info="event", source="mendeley") print test_article[0].sources["mendeley"] article_data = {} for doi in unique_dois: try: article = alm.get_alm(str(doi), info="summary") article_mendeley = alm.get_alm(str(doi), info="event", source="mendeley") mendeley_metrics = article_mendeley[0].sources["mendeley"] article_data[doi] = {"views":article[0].views, "citations":article[0].citations, "mendeley": mendeley_metrics} except: print "no data for ", doi %matplotlib inline values = article_data.values() def get_views(x): return x["views"] def get_cites(x): return x["citations"] def get_mendeley(x): return x["mendeley"] all_views = map(get_views, values) all_cites = map(get_cites, values) all_mendeley = map(get_mendeley, values) print values[0:3] print all_views[0:3] print all_cites[0:3] print all_mendeley[0:3] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np n = array([23,34,56,78]) pos = array([1,2,3,4]) pos = array(range(len(all_views))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) sorted_views = all_views.sort(),all_views) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.scatter(all_cites,all_views) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.scatter(all_mendeley,all_views) # The code behind this presentation can be viewed on nb viewer HTML('') HTML('') #