import scipy as sp from scipy import stats import nipy.modalities.fmri.design_matrix as dm from nipy.modalities.fmri.experimental_paradigm import EventRelatedParadigm # import rpy from rpy2.robjects import r from rpy2.robjects import FloatVector, IntVector, ListVector # Import neuRosim r['library']('neuRosim') def simulate_data(onsets, # Onsets per condition, per region nscans=100, # Number of scans TR=2.0, # Tr region_centers = [[20, 20], [60, 60]], # Centers of regions region_radiuses = [15, 10], # Size of regions effect_sizes = [[2.0], [.75]], # Effect sizes of conditions per region per # condition [[r1c1, r1c2], [r2c1, r2c2]] durations = [[2.0], [2.0]], # Durations per region, per condition SNR = 15, # SNR FWHM = 5, # Amount of smoothing n_regions = 2, # Number of regions fading = 0.1, # Amount of fading from regions to outside size = [80, 80], # Total size of images ): # Get total duration of scan total_time = nscans * TR # Convert input to R objects onsets = [[FloatVector(ol_cond) for ol_cond in ol_region] for ol_region in onsets] region_centers = [FloatVector(rc) for rc in region_centers] size = IntVector(size) # Set up design (neuRosim) design = r['simprepTemporal'](regions=n_regions, onsets=onsets, durations=durations, TR=TR, totaltime=total_time, effectsize=effect_sizes) # Set up the spatial map (neuRosim) spatial = r['simprepSpatial'](regions=n_regions, coord=region_centers, radius=region_radiuses, form="sphere", fading=fading) # Get the simulated tata (neuRosim) sim_data = r['simVOLfmri'](design=design, image=spatial, SNR=SNR, noise="mixture", dim=size, w=FloatVector([0.05,0.1,0.01,0.09,0.05,0.7]), FWHM=FWHM, spat='gammaRF') return np.array(sim_data) def simulate_subject(spatial_jitter, radius_jitter, effect_size_jitter, effect_sizes=[2.5, 0.75], radiuses=[15, 10], snr_jitter=1, region_centers=[[25, 25], [55, 55]], standard_snr=2.0): # Get region centers region_centers =sp.stats.norm(loc=region_centers, scale=spatial_jitter).rvs((2,2)) # Get radiuses radiuses = list(sp.stats.norm(loc=radiuses, scale=radius_jitter).rvs(2)) # Get effect sizes effect_sizes = sp.stats.truncnorm(0, np.inf, loc=effect_sizes, scale=effect_size_jitter).rvs(2) effect_sizes = [[e] for e in list(effect_sizes)] # Get SNR snr = sp.stats.norm(loc=standard_snr, scale=snr_jitter).rvs(1) return region_centers, radiuses, effect_sizes, snr n_subjects = 20 n_scans = 500 TR = 2.0 onsets = np.arange(10, n_scans*TR, 15) region_centers, radiuses, effect_sizes, snr = zip(*[simulate_subject(5, 5, .5) for i in np.arange(n_subjects)]) ms_data = [] #Multiple subjects-data... for (region_center, radius, effect_size, snr) in zip(region_centers, radiuses, effect_sizes, snr): ms_data.append(simulate_data([[onsets]] *2, # For both regions, for one condition... nscans=n_scans, FWHM=5, fading=0.01, region_centers=region_center, region_radiuses=radius, effect_sizes=effect_size,))'/home/gdholla1/notebooks/', ms_data) ms_data = np.load('/home/gdholla1/notebooks/') def fit_sandwich_glm(data, onsets, q=25, c=None): if c == None: c = np.array([[1, 0, 0]]) # Set up paradigm and design matrix paradigm = EventRelatedParadigm(['task']*len(onsets), onsets) TR = 2.0 frametimes = np.arange(0, data.shape[-1] * TR, TR) X, names = dm.dmtx_light(frametimes, paradigm, drift_model='polynomial', hfcut=128, hrf_model='canonical') # cut up data cuts = np.linspace(0, data.shape[-1], q+1) data_cut = np.array([data[:, :, cuts[i]:cuts[i+1]] for i in np.arange(q)]) X_cut = np.array([X[cuts[i]:cuts[i+1], :] for i in np.arange(q)]) beta = np.zeros((X.shape[1],)+ data.shape[:-1]) # (num_regressors, size_x, size_y) # Fit GLM predicted = np.zeros_like(data_cut) residuals = np.zeros_like(data_cut) for i, x in enumerate(X_cut): # tensortdot is necessary to indicate which axes need to be 'summed' and get beta beta += np.einsum('ij,klj', np.linalg.pinv(, data_cut[i]) beta /= q for i, x in enumerate(X_cut): # Now we can get predicted timecourses predicted[i] = np.tensordot(beta, x, (0, 1)) # ... and residuals residuals[i] = data_cut[i] - predicted[i] # Estimate covariance residuals W = np.zeros((residuals.shape[-1],) * 2 + data.shape[:-1]) # (length_block, length_block, width, height) for residual in residuals: W += np.einsum('...i, ...j->ij...', residual, residual) # do outer product over last two dimensions, broadcast the rest W /= (q - 1) # Give variance matrix V = np.zeros((X.shape[1],) * 2 + data.shape[:-1]) # (num_regresor, num_regressor, width, height) for i, x in enumerate(X_cut): sandwich1 = np.linalg.pinv( sandwich2 = # Apply first part sandwich v = np.tensordot(sandwich1, W, axes=((1), (0))) # Apply second part v = np.tensordot(v, sandwich2, (1, 0)) # Roll axis to get correct shape v = np.rollaxis(v, -1, 1) V += v # Correct for number of replications V /= q # Get t- and z-maps dof = q - 1 t = np.tensordot(c, beta, (1, 0)).squeeze() t /= np.tensordot(np.tensordot(c, V, (1,0)), c.T, (1, 0)).squeeze() z = sp.stats.norm.ppf(sp.stats.t(dof).cdf(t)) # Correct for numerical rounding errors z[z == np.inf] = z[z != np.inf].max() return beta, V, residuals, t, z, X_cut betas, Vs, residualss, ts, zs, design_matrices = zip(*[fit_sandwich_glm(d, onsets) for d in ms_data]) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) for i, z in enumerate(zs): plt.subplot(5,4, i +1) plt.imshow(z, plt.title('Subject %d' % (i + 1)) plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() import nibabel as nb # Degrees of freedom dof = len(ms_data) - 1 np.savetxt('dof.txt', [dof], fmt='%d') # Just take a contrast with only first (task-)parameter for now for i in np.arange(len(ms_data)):[i][0][..., np.newaxis], np.identity(4)), 'cope_%d.nii.gz' % i)[i][0, 0][..., np.newaxis], np.identity(4)), 'varcope_%d.nii.gz' % i) # Make a simple mask[0][0]), np.identity(4)), 'mask.nii.gz') import as nio import nipype.interfaces.fsl as fsl import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe from nipype.workflows.fmri.fsl.estimate import create_fixed_effects_flow import os # Standard fixed effets model level2 = create_fixed_effects_flow() level2.inputs.flameo.run_mode = 'flame1' level2.base_dir = '/home/gdholla1/workflow_folders/' # Use the contrasts and variances from the GLM level2.inputs.inputspec.copes = [os.path.abspath('cope_%d.nii.gz') % i for i in np.arange(len(ms_data))] level2.inputs.inputspec.varcopes = [os.path.abspath('varcope_%d.nii.gz') % i for i in np.arange(len(ms_data))] level2.inputs.inputspec.dof_files = [os.path.abspath('dof.txt')] * len(ms_data) level2.inputs.l2model.num_copes = len(ms_data) level2.inputs.flameo.mask_file = os.path.abspath('mask.nii.gz') # Estimate smoothness for GRF smooth_est = pe.Node(fsl.SmoothEstimate(), name='smooth_estimate') smooth_est.inputs.mask_file = os.path.abspath('mask.nii.gz') pickfirst = lambda x: x[0] level2.connect(level2.get_node('flameo'), ('zstats', pickfirst), smooth_est, 'zstat_file') cluster = pe.Node(fsl.Cluster(), name='cluster') cluster.inputs.threshold = 2.3 cluster.inputs.out_threshold_file = 'z_simulation_threshold.nii.gz' level2.connect(level2.get_node('flameo'), ('zstats', pickfirst), cluster, 'in_file') level2.connect(smooth_est, 'dlh', cluster, 'dlh') # Write data to datasink ds = pe.Node(nio.DataSink(), name='datasink') ds.inputs.base_directory = '/home/gdholla1/data/in_limbo' level2.connect(level2.get_node('flameo'), ('zstats', pickfirst), ds, 'zstats_simulation') level2.connect(cluster, 'threshold_file', ds, 'zstats_simulation.@out_threshold_file') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6)) plt.subplot(121) z = nb.load('/home/gdholla1/data/in_limbo/zstats_simulation/_flameo0/zstat1.nii.gz').get_data() plt.imshow(z,, vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max()) plt.grid(False) plt.title('raw Level 2 z-map') plt.subplot(122) z_threshold = nb.load('/home/gdholla1/data/in_limbo/zstats_simulation/z_simulation_threshold.nii.gz').get_data() im = plt.imshow(z_threshold,, vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max()) plt.grid(False) # Get comparison voxel comparison_index = np.unravel_index(, z_threshold == 0)), z.shape) plt.scatter(*comparison_index[::-1], marker='o', s=500, c='r', lw=5, facecolors='none', label='comparison voxel') plt.xlim(0, 80) plt.ylim(80, 0) plt.title('Thresholded level 2 z-map (z>2.3, cluster-based correction)') # plt.colorbar() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) def get_covariance_with_comparison_voxel(residuals, comparison_index, design_matrices): # Get number of replications q = residuals.shape[0] # Get the residuals in the comparison voxel residuals_comparison_voxel = residuals[(Ellipsis,) + comparison_index + (Ellipsis,)] # Allocate memory for W_ij matrix W_ij = np.zeros((residuals.shape[-1],) * 2 + residuals.shape[1:-1]) # (length_block, length_block, width, height) # Create covariance matrices for every residual for comp_residual, residual in zip(residuals_comparison_voxel, residuals): W_ij += np.einsum('...i, ...j->ij...', comp_residual, residual) # do outer product over last two dimensions, broadcast the rest # Normalize W_ij /= (q - 1) # Allocate memory for the covariance matrix of every voxel with the comparison voxel V_ij = np.zeros((design_matrices.shape[-1],) * 2 + residuals.shape[1:-1]) # (num_regresor, num_regressor, width, height) for i, x in enumerate(design_matrices): sandwich1 = np.linalg.pinv( sandwich2 = # Apply first part sandwich v = np.tensordot(sandwich1, W_ij, axes=((1), (0))) # Apply second part v = np.tensordot(v, sandwich2, (1, 0)) # Roll axis to get correct shape v = np.rollaxis(v, -1, 1) V_ij += v V_ij /= q return V_ij V_ijs = [get_covariance_with_comparison_voxel(residuals, comparison_index, design_matrix) for residuals, design_matrix in zip(residualss, design_matrices)] V_ijs = np.array(V_ijs) Vs = np.array(Vs) c = np.array([[1, 0, 0]]) V1 = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(c, Vs, (1,1)).squeeze(), c.T, (1, 0)) V2 = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(c, Vs[(Ellipsis, ) + comparison_index], (1,1)), c.T, (-1, 0)) V3 = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(c, V_ijs, (1,1)).squeeze(), c.T, (1, 0)) W_ill = np.zeros((Vs.shape[0], Vs.shape[0]) + ms_data.shape[1:-1]) # Allocate diagonal matrix for every voxel W_ill[np.arange(Vs.shape[0]), np.arange(Vs.shape[0]), ...] = 1 / np.sqrt((V1.squeeze().T + V2.squeeze() - 2*V3.squeeze().T).T) # Squeeze and transform to facilitate broadcasting Z = (np.array(betas)[(Ellipsis, 0) + comparison_index] - np.array(betas)[:, 0, ...].T).T # Transform to facilitate broadcasting W = W_ill[:, :, 20, 20] Y = Z[:, 20, 20] G = np.ones((W_ill.shape[0], 1)) import statsmodels.api as sm beta = pinv( Y_ = s2 = (Y - Y_) - Y_))/(Y.shape[0] - 1) wls_V = s2 *pinv(( print beta, wls_V wls_fit = sm.WLS(Y, G, np.diag(W)).fit() print wls_fit.params, wls_fit.cov_params() beta = np.einsum('i...,ij...->...i', G, W_ill) beta = 1. / np.einsum('...i,i...->...', beta, G) beta = np.einsum('...,i...->...i', beta, G) beta = np.einsum('...i,ij...->j...', beta, W_ill) beta = np.einsum('i...,i...->...', beta, Z) residuals = (Z - beta) s2 = np.einsum('i...,ij...->...i', residuals, W_ill) s2 = np.einsum('...i,i...->...', s2, residuals) s2 /= (residuals.shape[0] - 1) wls_V = 1. / W_ill.sum(0).sum(0) # inv( wls_V *= s2 t_in_limbo = beta / np.sqrt(wls_V) plt.imshow(t_in_limbo, plt.colorbar() plt.title('t-values for in limbo effect') threshold = sp.stats.t(len(ms_data) - 1).ppf(0.95) plt.figure(figsize=(16,6)) cmap = cmap.set_bad('black') plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(z, cmap=cmap, vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max()) plt.grid(False) plt.title('Unthresholded z-map', fontsize=20) plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(, z_threshold == 0), cmap=cmap, vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max()) plt.grid(False) plt.title('Thresholded z-map', fontsize=20) plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow( != 0) | ((z_threshold == 0) & (t_in_limbo > threshold)), z), cmap=cmap, vmin=z.min(), vmax=z.max() ) plt.title('In limbo regions', fontsize=20) plt.grid(False)