import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np f = 0.25 hs = range(1001) final_amounts = [(1 + 2 * f)**h * (1 - f)**(1000 - h) for h in hs] big_enough = [h for h, final_amount in zip(hs, final_amounts) if final_amount >= 10**9] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) ax.semilogy(hs, final_amounts) ax.axhline(1e9, color='red', linestyle='--') ax.axvspan(min(big_enough), max(big_enough), color='green', alpha=0.2) ax.set_xlim(0, 1000) ax.set_ylabel('Final fortune') ax.set_xlabel('Number of heads') ax.set_title('{0} heads needed for f = {1}'.format(min(big_enough), f)); def min_h_greater_given_f(f, mult=2): ''' Returns the minimimum number of heads needed to end up with at least 10^9 pounds after 1000 flips if your capital is multiplied by (1 + mult * f) for each head and by (1 - f) for each tail. If even 1000 heads are not enough, returns 1001. ''' if f == 0: # Impossible to end up above 1 if wagering 0. h = 1001 elif f == 1: # Need to never get a tail if wagering everything. h = 1000 else: exact = (9 - 1000 * np.log10(1 - f)) / (np.log10(1 + mult * f) - np.log10(1 - f)) h = min(1001, np.ceil(exact)) return h fs = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) hs = [min_h_greater_given_f(f) for f in fs] min_h = min(hs) optimal_fs = [f for f, h in zip(fs, hs) if h == min_h] fig, (full_ax, zoom_ax) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) full_ax.plot(fs, hs) full_ax.set_ylim(0, 1001) full_ax.set_xlabel('f') full_ax.set_ylabel('Heads needed') zoom_ax.plot(fs, hs) zoom_ax.set_ylim(min_h - 10, min_h + 10) zoom_ax.set_xlim(min(optimal_fs) - 0.1, max(optimal_fs) + 0.1); zoom_ax.set_xlabel('f') zoom_ax.set_ylabel('Heads needed'); from scipy.misc import comb hs = range(1002) binomial_coefficients = [comb(1000, h) for h in hs] pdf = np.array(binomial_coefficients) / 2.**1000 p_geq = np.cumsum(pdf[::-1])[::-1] fig, (pdf_ax, p_geq_ax) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) pdf_ax.plot(hs, pdf) pdf_ax.axis('tight') pdf_ax.set_ylabel('Probability that H = h') pdf_ax.set_xlabel('h') p_geq_ax.plot(hs, p_geq) p_geq_ax.set_ylabel('Probability that H >= h') p_geq_ax.set_xlabel('h') p_geq_ax.axis('tight'); from scipy.stats import binom p_geq_alternate = [binom(1000, 0.5).sf(h - 1) for h in range(1002)] print np.allclose(p_geq, p_geq_alternate) print p_geq[min_h] def best_p_given_mult_crude(mult, return_f=False): ''' For a given value mult of the factor, returns the probability of ending up a billionaire given optimal f. ''' fs = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) min_h = min(min_h_greater_given_f(f, mult) for f in fs) best_p = p_geq[min_h] return best_p fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 8)) lims_list = [(1, 2), (1.48, 1.52)] for ax, (x_min, x_max) in zip(axs, lims_list): mults = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 1000) ps = [best_p_given_mult_crude(mult) for mult in mults] ax.plot(mults, ps) ax.axis('tight') ax.set_ylabel('P(billionaire) given optimal f') ax.set_xlabel('Factor on heads') def perform_bisection(best_p_finder): low, high = 1., 2. num_digits = 15 while (high - low) > 10**-num_digits: mid = (low + high) / 2 mid_p = best_p_finder(mid) if mid_p < 0.5: low = mid else: high = mid print 'A factor of {0:0.{precision}f} is high enough, but {1:0.{precision}f} is not.'.format(high, low, precision=num_digits + 1) return high min_factor = perform_bisection(best_p_given_mult_crude) smaller_mult = 1.504673877089423 fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) num_points_list = [1000, 100000] for ax, num_points in zip(axs, num_points_list): fs = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points) hs = [min_h_greater_given_f(f, mult=smaller_mult) for f in fs] min_h = min(hs) optimal_fs = [f for f, h in zip(fs, hs) if h == min_h] ax.plot(fs, hs) ax.axvspan(min(optimal_fs), max(optimal_fs), color='green', alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylim(min_h - 10, min_h + 10) ax.set_xlim(0.05, 0.3); ax.set_xlabel('f') ax.set_title('{0:,} points'.format(num_points)) ax.set_ylabel('Heads needed'); from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar def best_p_given_mult(mult, return_f=False): ''' For a given value mult of the factor, returns the probability of ending up a billionaire given optimal f. ''' get_fractional_h = lambda f: (9 - 1000 * np.log10(1 - f)) / (np.log10(1 + mult * f) - np.log10(1 - f)) minimization_result = minimize_scalar(get_fractional_h, bounds=(0.001, 0.999), method='Bounded', tol=1e-16, ) fractional_h = min_h = min(1001, np.ceil(fractional_h)) best_p = p_geq[min_h] if return_f: return best_p, minimization_result.x else: return best_p even_smaller_mult = perform_bisection(best_p_given_mult) smaller_mult - even_smaller_mult p, optimal_f = best_p_given_mult(even_smaller_mult, return_f=True) min_h_greater_given_f(optimal_f, even_smaller_mult)