import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt bridges = ['TTGGG', 'TGGGG', 'GGGGG'] bridge_pvals = [0.2, 0.2, 0.6] def capture_creature(creatures): """Captures and returns a random creature and removes it from the list.""" index = np.random.randint(len(creatures)) return creatures.pop(index) results = [] num_safe = 0 num_trolls_picked = 0 while num_trolls_picked < 100000: bridge = np.random.choice(bridges, 1, bridge_pvals)[0] creatures = list(bridge) captured_creature = capture_creature(creatures) if captured_creature == 'T': num_trolls_picked += 1 if 'T' not in creatures: num_safe += 1 results.append(num_safe / float(num_trolls_picked)) plt.plot(results) plt.ylim(.3, .36) print results[-1] # priors[i] is the probability of there being i boxes with 90% valuable items priors = np.array([.0, .05, .20, .25, .20, .20, .10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) print priors.sum() # P(Data | H_i) p_data_given_hyp = [] for hyp in xrange(14): p_data_given_hyp.append((9 / 10.0) * (hyp / 13.0) + (2 / 10.0) * (13 - hyp) / 13.0) print p_data_given_hyp # P(Data) p_data =, p_data_given_hyp) posteriors = (p_data_given_hyp * priors) / p_data plt.plot(priors, label='prior') plt.plot(posteriors, label='posterior') plt.xlim(0, 13) plt.legend() p_valuable = 0.0 for hyp in xrange(14): p_valuable += posteriors[hyp] * ((8 / 9.0) * (hyp / 13.0) + (1 / 9.0) * (13 - hyp) / 13.0) print p_valuable