import pandas as pd from cStringIO import StringIO import random from decimal import Decimal import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline def xstrtod(s): return pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), header=None)[0][0] def randnum(): s = '1.' # Start with 1, otherwise you can randomly get very small numbers for i in range(20): s += random.choice('0123456789') return s def ulp(s): num = Decimal(s) f = np.float64(s) a = f.view((np.uint8, 8)) # Since this is uint8 make sure the result doesn't accidentally wrap if a[0] == 0: a[0] = 1 elif a[0] == 255: a[0] = 254 elif Decimal(f) < num: a[0] += 1 elif Decimal(f) > num: a[0] -= 1 f2 = a.view(np.float64)[0] return abs(f2 - f) n_vals = 10000 y = np.empty(n_vals) good_vals = 0 ulp_vals = np.empty(n_vals) diffs = np.empty(n_vals) for i in range(n_vals): val = randnum() guess = xstrtod(val) decimal_ulp_val = Decimal(ulp(val)) ulp_vals[i] = float(decimal_ulp_val / Decimal(1e-16)) decimal_diff = abs(Decimal(val) - Decimal(guess)) ulp_diff = decimal_diff / decimal_ulp_val y[i] = float(ulp_diff) diffs[i] = float(decimal_diff) if float(ulp_diff) < 1.0: good_vals += 1 print('{0}% of values within 1.0 ULP'.format(good_vals * 100.0 / 10000)) plt.hist(y, bins=30, log=True) # OK, the ULP is always very near 2**-52 which is one bit in the # 52-bit mantissa ( plt.hist(ulp_vals, bins=50) plt.xlabel('ULP / 1e-16') plt.grid() np.min(ulp_vals) plt.hist(diffs, bins=50, log=True) plt.xlabel('Diff') plt.grid() x = np.float64(1.23123123123123123123) a = x.view((np.uint8, 8)) a y0 = a.view(np.float64)[0] a[0] += 1 y1 = a.view(np.float64)[0] np.abs(y1 - y0) 2**-52