!sudo pip install PyMySQL !sudo pip install rdflib #!/usr/bin/env python import pymysql #conn = pymysql.connect(host='', unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock', user='root', passwd=None, db='mysql') conn = pymysql.connect(host='my01.winhost.com', port=3306, user='openworm', passwd='openworm', db='mysql_31129_celegans') cur = conn.cursor() #let's look at IDs and names coming from the database cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID, Entity FROM tblentity LIMIT 10") # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): print(r) cur.close() conn.close() from rdflib import Graph from rdflib import Namespace from rdflib.namespace import RDF from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal g = Graph() n = Namespace("http://openworm.org/entities/") print(n['worm']) #!/usr/bin/env python import pymysql from rdflib import Graph from rdflib import Namespace from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal import urllib #conn = pymysql.connect(host='', unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock', user='root', passwd=None, db='mysql') conn = pymysql.connect(host='my01.winhost.com', port=3306, user='openworm', passwd='openworm', db='mysql_31129_celegans') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID, Entity FROM tblentity LIMIT 10") n = Namespace("http://openworm.org/entities/") # print cur.description g = Graph() # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): #first item is a number -- needs to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) #second item is text second = str(r[1]) # This is the backbone of any RDF graph. The unique # ID for each entity is encoded as a URI and every other piece of # knowledge about that entity is connected via triples to that URI # In this case, we connect the common name of that entity to the # root URI via the RDFS label property. g.add( (n[first], RDFS.label, Literal(second)) ) cur.close() conn.close() print g.serialize(format='turtle') #!/usr/bin/env python import pymysql from rdflib import Graph from rdflib import Namespace from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal import urllib #conn = pymysql.connect(host='', unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock', user='root', passwd=None, db='mysql') conn = pymysql.connect(host='my01.winhost.com', port=3306, user='openworm', passwd='openworm', db='mysql_31129_celegans') cur = conn.cursor() #first step, grab all entities and add them to the graph cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID, Entity FROM tblentity LIMIT 10") n = Namespace("http://openworm.org/entities/") # print cur.description g = Graph() # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): #first item is a number -- needs to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) #second item is text second = str(r[1]) # This is the backbone of any RDF graph. The unique # ID for each entity is encoded as a URI and every other piece of # knowledge about that entity is connected via triples to that URI # In this case, we connect the common name of that entity to the # root URI via the RDFS label property. g.add( (n[first], RDFS.label, Literal(second)) ) #second stem, get the relationships between them and add them to the graph cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT EnID1, Relation, EnID2 FROM tblrelationship LIMIT 10") # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): print r #all items are numbers -- need to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) second = str(r[1]) third = str(r[2]) g.add( (n[first], n[second], n[third]) ) cur.close() conn.close() print g.serialize(format='turtle') #!/usr/bin/env python import pymysql from rdflib import Graph from rdflib import Namespace from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal import urllib #conn = pymysql.connect(host='', unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock', user='root', passwd=None, db='mysql') conn = pymysql.connect(host='my01.winhost.com', port=3306, user='openworm', passwd='openworm', db='mysql_31129_celegans') cur = conn.cursor() #first step, grab all entities and add them to the graph cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID, Entity FROM tblentity") n = Namespace("http://openworm.org/entities/") # print cur.description g = Graph() # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): #first item is a number -- needs to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) #second item is text second = str(r[1]) # This is the backbone of any RDF graph. The unique # ID for each entity is encoded as a URI and every other piece of # knowledge about that entity is connected via triples to that URI # In this case, we connect the common name of that entity to the # root URI via the RDFS label property. g.add( (n[first], RDFS.label, Literal(second)) ) #second stem, get the relationships between them and add them to the graph cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT EnID1, Relation, EnID2 FROM tblrelationship") # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): #print r #all items are numbers -- need to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) second = str(r[1]) third = str(r[2]) g.add( (n[first], n[second], n[third]) ) cur.close() conn.close() print("going to get results...") qres = g.query( """SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object. } LIMIT 5""") print("printing results") print("The graph has " + str(len(g)) + " items in it") print("Name--not necessarily in strign format: ") print(qres.result[0]) # when done! g.close() #!/usr/bin/env python import pymysql from rdflib import Graph from rdflib import Namespace from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal import urllib #conn = pymysql.connect(host='', unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock', user='root', passwd=None, db='mysql') conn = pymysql.connect(host='my01.winhost.com', port=3306, user='openworm', passwd='openworm', db='mysql_31129_celegans') cur = conn.cursor() #first step, grab all entities and add them to the graph cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID, Entity FROM tblentity") n = Namespace("http://openworm.org/entities/") # print cur.description g = Graph() # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): #first item is a number -- needs to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) #second item is text second = str(r[1]) # This is the backbone of any RDF graph. The unique # ID for each entity is encoded as a URI and every other piece of # knowledge about that entity is connected via triples to that URI # In this case, we connect the common name of that entity to the # root URI via the RDFS label property. g.add( (n[first], RDFS.label, Literal(second)) ) #second stem, get the relationships between them and add them to the graph cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT EnID1, Relation, EnID2 FROM tblrelationship") # r = cur.fetchall() # print r # ...or... for r in cur.fetchall(): #print r #all items are numbers -- need to be converted to a string first = str(r[0]) second = str(r[1]) third = str(r[2]) g.add( (n[first], n[second], n[third]) ) cur.close() conn.close() print("going to get results...") qres = g.query( """SELECT ?predLabel ?objLabel #we want to get out the labels associated with the predicates and the objects WHERE { ?AVALnode ?p "AVAL". #we are looking first for the 'AVALnode' that is the anchor of all information about the AVAL neuron ?AVALnode ?predicate ?object .# having identified that node, here we match any predicate and object associated with the AVALnode ?predicate rdfs:label ?predLabel .#for the predicates, look up their plain text label (because otherwise we only have URIs) ?object rdfs:label ?objLabel #for the object, look up their plain text label. } ORDER BY ?predLabel #sort by the predicate""") print("printing results") print("The graph has " + str(len(g)) + " items in it\n\n") print "AVAL has the following information stored about it: \n" for r in qres.result: print str(r[0]), str(r[1]) # when done! g.close()