import pandas as pd #I am importing pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame # Series and Data Frame are two data structures available in python mjp= Series([5,4,3,2,1])# a simple series print mjp # A series is represented by index on the left and values on the right print mjp.values # similar to dictionary. ".values" command returns values in a series print mjp.index # returns the index values of the series jeeva = Series([5,4,3,2,1,-7,-29], index =['a','b','c','d','e','f','h']) # The index is specified print jeeva # try jeeva.index and jeeva.values print jeeva['a'] # selecting a particular value from a Series, by using index jeeva['d'] = 9 # change the value of a particular element in series print jeeva jeeva[['a','b','c']] # select a group of values print jeeva[jeeva>0] # returns only the positive values print jeeva *2 # multiplies 2 to each element of a series import numpy as np np.mean(jeeva) # you can apply numpy functions to a Series print 'b' in jeeva # checks whether the index is present in Series or not print 'z' in jeeva player_salary ={'Rooney': 50000, 'Messi': 75000, 'Ronaldo': 85000, 'Fabregas':40000, 'Van persie': 67000} new_player = Series(player_salary)# converting a dictionary to a series print new_player # the series has keys of a dictionary players =['Klose', 'Messi', 'Ronaldo', 'Van persie', 'Ballack'] player_1 =Series(player_salary, index= players) print player_1 # I have changed the index of the Series. Since, no value was not found for Klose and Ballack, it appears as NAN pd.isnull(player_1)#checks for Null values in player_1, pd denotes a pandas dataframe pd.notnull(player_1)# Checks for null values that are not Null ='Bundesliga players' # name for the Series'Player names' #name of the index player_1 player_1.index =['Neymar', 'Hulk', 'Pirlo', 'Buffon', 'Anderson'] # is used to alter the index of Series player_1 states ={'State' :['Gujarat', 'Tamil Nadu', ' Andhra', 'Karnataka', 'Kerala'], 'Population': [36, 44, 67,89,34], 'Language' :['Gujarati', 'Tamil', 'Telugu', 'Kannada', 'Malayalam']} india = DataFrame(states) # creating a data frame india DataFrame(states, columns=['State', 'Language', 'Population']) # change the sequence of column index new_farme = DataFrame(states, columns=['State', 'Language', 'Population', 'Per Capita Income'], index =['a','b','c','d','e']) #if you pass a column that isnt in states, it will appear with Na values print new_farme.columns print new_farme['State'] # retrieveing data like dictionary new_farme.Population # like Series new_farme.ix[3] # rows can be retrieved using .ic function # here I have retrieved 3rd row new_farme new_farme['Per Capita Income'] = 99 # the empty per capita income column can be assigned a value new_farme new_farme['Per Capita Income'] = np.arange(5) # assigning a value to the last column new_farme series = Series([44,33,22], index =['b','c','d']) new_farme['Per Capita Income'] = series #when assigning list or arrays to a column, the values lenght should match the length of the DataFrame new_farme # again the missing values are displayed as NAN new_farme['Development'] = new_farme.State == 'Gujarat'# assigning a new column print new_farme del new_farme['Development'] # will delete the column 'Development' new_farme new_data ={'Modi': {2010: 72, 2012: 78, 2014 : 98},'Rahul': {2010: 55, 2012: 34, 2014: 22}} elections = DataFrame(new_data) print elections# the outer dict keys are columns and inner dict keys are rows elections.T # transpose of a data frame DataFrame(new_data, index =[2012, 2014, 2016]) # you can assign index for the data frame ex= {'Gujarat':elections['Modi'][:-1], 'India': elections['Rahul'][:2]} px =DataFrame(ex) px from IPython.display import Image i = Image(filename='Constructors.png') i # list of things you can pass to a dataframe = 'year' = 'politicians' px px.values jeeva = Series([5,4,3,2,1,-7,-29], index =['a','b','c','d','e','f','h']) index = jeeva.index print index #u denotes unicode print index[1:]# returns all the index elements except a. index[1] = 'f' # you cannot modify an index element. It will generate an error. In other words, they are immutable print px 2013 in px.index # checks if 2003 is an index in data frame px var = Series(['Python', 'Java', 'c', 'c++', 'Php'], index =[5,4,3,2,1]) print var var1 = var.reindex([1,2,3,4,5])# reindex creates a new object print var1 var.reindex([1,2,3,4,5,6,7])# introduces new indexes with values Nan var.reindex([1,2,3,4,5,6,7], fill_value =1) # you can use fill value to fill the Nan values. Here I have used fill value as 1. You can use any value. gh =Series(['Dhoni', 'Sachin', 'Kohli'], index =[0,2,4]) print gh gh.reindex(range(6), method ='ffill') #ffill is forward fill. It forward fills the values gh.reindex(range(6), method ='bfill')# bfill, backward fills the values import numpy as np fp = DataFrame(np.arange(9).reshape((3,3)),index =['a','b','c'], columns =['Gujarat','Tamil Nadu', 'Kerala']) fp fp1 =fp.reindex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], columns = states) # reindexing columns and indices fp1 er = Series(np.arange(5), index =['a','b','c','d','e']) print er er.drop(['a','b']) #drop method will return a new object with values deleted from an axis states ={'State' :['Gujarat', 'Tamil Nadu', ' Andhra', 'Karnataka', 'Kerala'], 'Population': [36, 44, 67,89,34], 'Language' :['Gujarati', 'Tamil', 'Telugu', 'Kannada', 'Malayalam']} india = DataFrame(states, columns =['State', 'Population', 'Language']) print india india.drop([0,1])# will drop index 0 and 1 india.drop(['State', 'Population'], axis =1 )# the function dropped population and state columns. Apply the same concept with axis =0 var = Series(['Python', 'Java', 'c', 'c++', 'Php'], index =[5,4,3,2,1]) var print var[5] print var[2:4] var[[3,2,1]] var[var == 'Php'] states ={'State' :['Gujarat', 'Tamil Nadu', ' Andhra', 'Karnataka', 'Kerala'], 'Population': [36, 44, 67,89,34], 'Language' :['Gujarati', 'Tamil', 'Telugu', 'Kannada', 'Malayalam']} india = DataFrame(states, columns =['State', 'Population', 'Language']) india india[['Population', 'Language']] # retrieve data from data frame india[india['Population'] > 50] # returns data for population greater than 50 india[:3] # first three rows # for selecting specific rows and columns, you can use ix function import pandas as pd states ={'State' :['Gujarat', 'Tamil Nadu', ' Andhra', 'Karnataka', 'Kerala'], 'Population': [36, 44, 67,89,34], 'Language' :['Gujarati', 'Tamil', 'Telugu', 'Kannada', 'Malayalam']} india = DataFrame(states, columns =['State', 'Population', 'Language'], index =['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) india india.ix[['a','b'], ['State','Language']] # this is how you select subset of rows